-Happy New Year 2025!

The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Ralf Jones

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  • cl.C is cancel-able
  • cl.A/B/D comes out very fast and can link into each other
  • st.A short reach but very fast
  • st.B has decent reach and perfect for interupting short hops
  • st.C has long reach, deals good damage, and solid poking tool but whiffs on crouching opponents
  • st.D has long reach, good recovery, great poking tool, and good when spacing

Blowback attack

  • Has long range, good damage, safe on block, poking tool, and comes out swiftly


Dynamite Headbutt - f/b + C

  • Ralf grabs the opponent and headbutts them causing a small explosion.
  • Can be broken
  • Regular knockdown

Northern Light Bomb - f/b + D

  • Ralf grabs and lift the opponent in the air then slaming them on the floor and then raises his fist briefly.
  • Can be broken
  • Reverse Knockdown

Special Moves

Gatling Attack - charge b~f + A/C

  • Ralf performs a spinning backhand and then uppercuts the opponent. Gatling attack comes out very fast and it is super cancel-able. But there are some negatives that limits this special move. Gatling attack is unsafe on block and can be beaten by almost any crouching attack.
  • A/C determine the amount of hits Ralf will inflict.
  • Super Cancel-able

Super Argentine Backbreaker - hcf + B/D

  • Ralf grabs the opponent and launches them in the air and falls on his shoulders then he slams them to the ground. Unlike Clark, Ralf cannot follow up with a elbow smash. (SAB) is a standard command grab and there isn't much difference between B and D.

Blitzkrieg Punch - charge d~u + A/C or in air qcf + A/C

  • Ralf jumps in the air and then dive towards the opponent creating a small explosion with his fist. Blitzkrig Punch is a great special attack. When buffering d~u it can be used as an anti-air and not really used for anything else. When already airbourne Blitzkrieg punch has more uses. It has OTG properties and can easily cause guard crush. TIP: when trying to follow up perform a Tiger Knee motion (2369+A/C) and when attempting a OTG.
  • OTG ok

Vulcan Punch - A/C tapped repeatedly

  • Ralf throws a barrage of punches and when a punch connects a explosion is created. While in motion ralf can move towards or away from the opponent. A/C version dictate how long ralf will to punch.

Ralf Kick - hcb + B

  • Ralf jumps toward the opponent and spins performing a mid-air dropkick. Ralf's body has some invincibility when in the air, when spaced correctly Ralf Kick is safe on block and can link into his other special attacks and also his HSDM(Bareback Galatica Phantom/Galatica Vanguard).

Ralf Tackle - hcb + D

  • Ralf leans forward and charges toward the opponent with his shoulder. Ralf's body has full invulnerablility after start up which allows him to freely run through certain projectiles and normal attacks.

Galactica Phantom - qcf x 2 + A/C

  • Ralf lean his entire body on his arm and then lunges toward the opponent throwing a fierce explosive haymaker. Galactica Phantom has invincibility, does great damage, and can inflict a wall bounce on counter hit. Galactica phantom is very very slow but it is effective when using when your opponent least expects it.
  • Wall bounce
  • Guard Point

Desperation Moves

Super Vulcan Punch - qcf hcb + A/C

  • Ralf performs a spinning backhand twice with his right hand then stops to do swift machine gun strikes with his left then finishing with a uppercut. Super Vulcan Punch has some invincibility on start-up, it does good damage, and can be combo into.

Bareback Vulcan Punch - qcb hcf + B/D

  • Ralf tackles and mounts the oppenent and then unleash a barrage of punches to their face. BVP is a standard DM but is also falls into the category of high risk-high reward. The damage output is decent and Ralf can follow up with Blitzkrieg punch making it a very useful but if the open blocks the mount, Ralf is left wide open due to the poor recovery when blocked.

Super Desperation Moves

Super Vulcan Punch - qcf hcb + AC

  • Ralf mimics his DM version but he is faster when performing the backhand strike, inflicts significantly more machinegun strikes, and finishes with three uppercuts. Ralf's SDM version has the same properties of his DM version but better. He has more invincibility, has a significant increase in damage output, and is faster.


Bareback Galactica Phantom - qcb hcf + BD > Galactica Vanguard - during Bareback Galactica Phantom, qcf x 2 + AC (hold)

  • Ralf tackles the opponent to the ground and smashes them with a large explosion causing them to launch very high into the air and then briefly falls down (if you perform galatica vanguard when the opponent is launched into the air Ralf can inflict a heavy blow seconds before them hitting the ground). Bareback Galatica Phantom is the strongest HSDM and also consequently the hardest. Galactica Vanguard can INSTANTLY K.O a opponent when released at the precise time while opponent is airboune but it is very very difficult to guage the time of the release.
  • Can combo into
  • Instant K.O


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