Ash grabs his opponent, emitting a green flame, cocks his hand up and punches his opponent. C version throws the opponent forward. While the D version will throw the opponent the opposite direction. The D version is good to use when you get an opening while in the corner. Also good to use for opponents who roll too much. You can also store a Ventose charge by executing the throw with back + C. If done with back + D, hold forward instead.
Command Moves
Forward + A
Ash punches at a downward angle. Standalone, the move is an overhead and has a short delay before it hits. Use sparingly for mix-ups. When comboed into, it loses overhead properties but executes faster. The move however does not give frame advantages. As such, this move should not be used in combos outside of Quick Shift combos and, if possible, Sans-Culottes chains. Therefore, players should always use Quick Shift cancels when this move hits from a combo. If the move is blocked, Ash would be recoiled to a safe distance.
Back + C(QS)
Ash twirls toward his opponent with a straight kick. It has a long range and average recovery which make it a good poke. Floreal is best used in poke strings and pressuring opponents. One trick is to use it after a blocked Ventose, allowing Ash to advance towards the opponent and keep them locked down. Another trick is to pause attacking after it is executed then continue with a Pluviose or Germinal.
Back + B(QS)
Ash twirls backwards with his leg extended. This move can hit your opponent, but has short range. Comes out fast with little recovery. Best used as a defensive move. This move should be used to retreat from your opponent. Possible anti-air as well. In addition, players can store a charge for a Ventose while executing this move. Can be used in combos, but not recomended. This move can serve as Save Shift Counter mainly because Ash recoils though it will not hit the opponent that is jumping out. However, this is still not a consistent Save Shift counter as it may or may not work depending on the character jumping out and the angle and/or range of the Save Shift attack.
Special Moves
Charge Back, Forward + A/C
Ash emits a green flame from his hands and launches it forward. A version comes out fast but travels at a slow pace. C version has a slower start-up, but travels faster, hits twice and has a slightly larger hit-box. Both versions offer good recovery. Ventose (A) is comboable from a strong attack, although not recommended. Ventose is best used for pressure attacks, allowing Ash to move behind or set-up offense freely. The projectile is also useful in corner traps and poke strings.
Charge Down, Up + B/D(QS)(SC)
Ash executes a somersault kick engulfed in emerald flames. Good priority, hits twice and knocks down but has some recovery which makes it punishable if it is blocked or whiffs. D version travels higher than the B version. This technique is Ash's bread-and-butter combo ender. It is also Ash's best anti-air. It is recommended, however, to always use Nivose (B) for combo enders as Nivose (D) has a tendency to whiff sometimes. D version makes a great anti-air, however. The Nivose can also counter save shift attempts, but is too inconsistent to be used effectively. The first hit on either version is super cancelable. To super cancel, players can charge down, motion qcf, uf + B/D, qcf + the button corresponding to the move the player wants to execute.
(Near Opponent)Half Circle Forward + A/C(SC)
Ash's unblockable 3-hit auto-combo. It launches the opponent and is super cancelable on the third hit. It has a miss animation when it whiffs which makes Ash open for punishment. Because it requires for Ash to be close to the opponent, executing the attack also becomes tricky. Best used with Nivose and Thermidor (except when facing the corner) when it hits. The attack also makes a good set-up for quick-shift juggles with Nivose. Works especially well with Gato.
Super Moves
Double Quarter Circle + A/C
Ash creates a large sphere of emerald flames in front of him then pushes it forward. The Thermidor no longer has invincibility frames on start-up and cannot be comboed into unless super canceled from a Vendemiaire. If Ash is hit before he could launch the Thermidor, the move will be canceled and the Thermidor will disappear. Once the projectile is launched, Ash cannot fire Ventoses or another Thermidor but can use other specials and supers. The move makes a great pressure tool as the projectile moves somewhat slow. The super is safe when blocked and allows Ash to poke and combo freely. If it hits an airborne opponent (i.e. Vendemiaire Super Cancel), it puts them into a juggled state. Strangely enough, this move can work as a save shift counter. Though it won't hit the opponent, instead the opponent will land in front of Ash, the save shift attack will pass right through. Thermidor is best used outside of point-blank range.
Double Quarter Circle Forward + B/D(QS)(DC)
Ash performs 3 somersault kicks. D version moves Ash further upon the first hit. Either version has invincibility frames on start-up and is Quick Shift and Dream Cancelable on the first 5 hits. The super can be used in most of the same situations as Nivose such as combos or wake-up. It can also be used as an anti-air should be used against a late jump-in. If the opponent is too far high in the air, the remaining moves will whiff, leaving Ash open for punishment. Use Quick Shift to avoid punishment if blocked.
Leader Moves
A, B, C, D
A green aura flashes around Ash. The activation can hit opponents and knockdown. Upon activation, Ash has 0 charge times on the Ventose and Nivose. In addition, he can cancel his unique moves and cancel the 1st of his Nivose into a Ventose or any of his unique moves. You can use this 0 charge time to advantage by throwing back to back fireballs from max range. With this said, you can have multiple fireballs on the screen. Plus, he can use the hit stun from the Ventose to combo into Nivose. Unfortunatley this move has no invincibility on start-up. Just like the Thermidor you can only verify a Sans-Culottes from his command throw. Upon hitting with Sans-Culottes his opponent will stay in a juggle state. With this said, Ash can land a possible 50% - 100% damage combo. This move should not be used in dream cancels since it does very little damage. Your opponent cannot quick recover from this move when it is not comboed.
(During Sans-Culottes)Double Quarter Circle Forward + E(requires 1 stock)
Ash can only execute the Germinal while he is still in his leader state. Upon executing the Germinal, Ash will dash across the screen behind the opponent burning the opponent in a trail of green flames. Upon connecting, the victim cannot perform unique moves, special moves, super desperation moves or leader desperation moves. The Germinal comes out extremely fast, making it useful for footsie games. If the opponent whiffs 1 normal, this move will definetly catch them off guard. Unfortunatley this move does little damage and can't hit airborne opponents unless they are close to landing or beginning to jump. The Germinal also combos from both light & strong attacks. If this hits a cornered opponent, than both fighters will be repositioned and placed outside of the corner. If Ash executes the Germinal, he will automatically leave the Sans-Culottes state. Your opponent cannot quick recover from this technique.
Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Nivose (B)
Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Nivose (B)
Anti-air crouching C (counter hit), Nivose (D)
Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Pluvoise
Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Pluvoise
Vendemiaire, juggle with Nivose (D) or jump up E
Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Germinal
Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Germinal
Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Pluvoise
Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Pluvoise
Vendemiaire, SC, Thermidor, run in after it until you reach the corner, juggle with Nivose (D) or jump up E
Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Germinal
Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Germinal
Mid-screen, Vendemiaire, SC, Sans-Culotte, juggle Nivose (B) (1 hit), Ventose (A) and juggle with Germinal
When the opponent is in the corner, Vendemiaire, SC, Sans-culotte, juggle with a Nivose (B), juggle with another Nivose (B), juggle with Prairial, Nivose (B), juggle with another Nivose (B), juggle with another Nivose (B), juggle with another Nivose (B), juggle with another Nivose (B), Prairial, Ventose (A), juggle with another Ventose (A), finally juggle with a late Germinal
When the opponent is in the corner, activate Sans-culotte, walk-up, Nivose (B) (1 hit), Messidor x N, Floreal, Ventose (A), Pluviose (Combo Video)
NOTE: the crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Pluviose can be character specific sometimes. Meaning that some characters will have to be cornered in order for the Pluviose to connect.
NOTE: Jumping C can be substituted for jumping D. While both jumping C & jumping D can cross-up.
Leader MAX
During Sans-Cullotte, Jumping deep D, crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Pluvoise (5 hits), DC, Germinal
During Sans-Cullotte, Crouching B, link crouching Ax2, Nivose (B), SC, Pluvoise (D) (5 hits), DC, Germinal
Mix-Up's, Poke Strings and Throw Set-Up's
When the opponent is in the corner, Hyper-Hop E (blocked), crouching A (blocked) X N
Jumping deep A (blocked)
Crouching B, link crouching A, Nivose (B) or Pluviose
Crouching B (blocked), crouching A (blocked) and then continue with any of the Jumping D (blocked) mix-up's
Jumping C (whiffed)
Pause, Pluviose
Crouching B, link crouching A, Nivose (B) or Pluviose
Crouching B (blocked), crouching A (blocked) and then continue with any of the Jumping D (blocked) mix-up's
Jumping deep D (blocked)
crouching A (blocked), Ventose (A) (blocked), run-in crouching D
crouching A (blocked), Ventose (A) (blocked), run-in standing C (corner only)
crouching A (blocked), Ventose (A) (blocked), run-in Floreal, pause and counter with Pluviose
crouching A (blocked), Ventose (A) (blocked), run-in crouching B (hit), link crouching A, Nivose (B) or Pluviose
crouching A (blocked), Ventose (A) (blocked), run-in crouching B (blocked), link crouching A (blocked), run-in crouching D
crouching A (blocked), pause and counter with Nivose (B) or Pluviose
hyper-hop D (blocked) crouching A (blocked) and then continue with any of Jumping D (blocked) mix-up's of your choice
hyper-hop, Vendemiaire
hyper-hop, Brumaire
hyper-hop, pause and counter with Nivose (B) or Pluviose
NOTE: If Jumping D (blocked) connects early, than you can follow-up with crouching Ax2 (blocked).
Max Range Ventose (A) Pressure
The above mix-up's patterns can be used here except you must substitue the jumping attacks with super jump attacks.
Super jump forward B to catch an opponent trying to jump over the Ventose
Run-in early Nivose (D) to catch an opponent trying to jump over the Ventose
Super jump forward E (counter hit), Nivose (B) to catch an opponent trying to jump over the Ventose
Run-in crouching C (counter hit), Nivose (B) to catch an opponent trying to jump over the Ventose
NOTE: If you fear that your opponent will ever counter your poke strings, then cancel the crouching A (blocked) into Prairial
Differences from King of Fighters 2003
New animation on his standing close B, which hits low now.
His normals are easier to verify into combos. Doesn't have such a tight window to cancel.
Standing close A, crouching A, crouching B are all faster and chain into each other easier.
Can no longer cancel crouching B.
Messidor can no longer cancel into super desperation moves but comes out faster.
Floreal comes out slower and has a longer recovery window. Also, you can no longer link Pluviose after it hits. Can not combo off of light attacks anymore.
Prairial has more range. In addition, if it hits a airborne opponent it will put them in a limited juggle-state.
Ventose travels slower (either strength). In addition, it whiffs and goes through an cornered opponent at point-blank range (either strength). The Ventose (C) will not out prioritize other projectiles. Instead, both projectiles will negate each other.
Nivose's (either strength) range has been reduced slighlty. It travels about half a step less.
Vendemiaire has less range and a new whiff animation similiar to that of the Messidor. Due to the new whiff animation, the move may or may not hit. Unlike before when a hit or 2 might whiff. Plus, you can no longer combo into the Vendemiaire. The recovery on the Vendemiaire has also been reduced. It is now easier to juggle afterwards.
Thermidor no longer has invincibility frames on start-up. Has a smaller hit-box and won't hit opponents behind you. On a good note, the Thermidor travels faster and if it hits an airborne opponent it will keep juggling them until the Thermidor finishes. On the plus side, you can throw a Ventose out when the Thermidor is on screen. Before you can only do this during Sans-Culottes. Now during Sans-Culottes, excecuting a Thermidor will automatically leave his leader state. When the opponent is directly in the corner, and if you connect a Vendemiaire, SC, Thermidor then the Thermidor will whiff.
If Ash is hit before he starts to glow from Sans-Culottes, then he will not go into the Sans-Culottes state. With that said, the Sans-Culottes does not have invincibility on start-up. The state doesn't last as long anymore. Also when Sans-Culottes hits an opponent, then they will enter a juggle state. However, Sans-Culottes has slightly more range and can be 2-in-1'ed now.