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The King of Fighters XV/Duo Lon/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
P & K P and K each denote "Any Punch (A or C)" and "Any Kick (B or D)" respectively.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Notes
2B > 2A 38 45 4% Standard low light confirm.
2B > Far A 38 45 4% On hit, Far A /cl. A is the most consistent light move into 236A when it comes to spacing.
2B > 2A > 6A 74 85 8% 6A whiffs on all crouching opponents, but can connect to 236C/AC.
2B > 2A > 6AC 92 45 4% 6AC hits on all crouching opponents and can connect to 236C/AC.
j. B/ j. D > Far A 63 to 93 60 to 100 6.5% to 9.5% Far A /cl. A is the most consistent light move into 236A when it comes to spacing. Keep in mind Far A whiffs on crouching opponents in neutral and guard state.

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Notes
cl.D > 6A 118 110 12% Best standard heavy starter. Cl. D places the opponent in a standing position which allows consistent hits into 6A.
cl.C > 6A 108 110 11% Grounded punish starter. Cl. C is a frame faster than cl. D, but does not place the opponent in a standing position. Can do cl. C, 6AC for consistent combo into 236C/AC.
j.B/ j. D, cl.C/ cl. D 106 100 11% Standard jump-in starter. Cl. C is usually more consistent than cl.D due to cl. D's pushback. Values are calculated using light jump B, cl. C.

Other Starters

Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Notes
CD 75 100 7.5% If you trade and don't get knocked down you can still convert off CD.
6B 40 40 4% Only useful for combing into 21426A/AC Super from mid range.
Counterhit j.CD 100 80 8% Leads to juggles.



- j. X, Far A is the most consistent light normal to cancel into 236A on hit when it comes to spacing/pushback. Far A will whiff against all crouching opponents in neutral and guard state except Antonov, Maxima, and KOD. Far A can cancel into 6AC.

- 6A does not hit any crouching opponents rather they are in neutral, hit, or guard state.

- 6AC will hit all crouching opponents in hit state. It whiffs against all small crouching opponents in neutral and guard state.

- Spacing wise, cl. D, 236C is more consistent after jump normals than jump normal, cl. D, 6A 236C.

Rush Auto Combo

Builds 9% meter and deals 30 stun before combo ender.

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B > B > B 121 0 Rush combo ending in a special move.
cl.A > A > A > C 206 1 Rush combo ending in a super.
cl.A > A > A > D 356 2 Rush combo ending in a Max super.
cl.A > A > A > A 422 3 Rush combo ending in a Climax super.


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location notes
2B > 2A > 236A > 6P > 6P > 236B, cl. D 153 180 21.5% Anywhere Crouching light meterless BNB. At the corner, cl. D reset puts Duo Lon out of normal throw range.
2B > 2A > 6A > 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, Far B 210 225 31.5% Midscreen Crouching light meterless BNB into 236C. 6A whiffs on crouching opponents.
cl. D > 6A > 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, hyper j. D 250 300 33.5% Midscreen Hyper j. D reset the opponent in range for Duo Lon to do 2B, 2A.
cl. D > 6A > 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, Far B 264 300 35.5% Midscreen A reset that gives up Duo Lon's turn. This combo is used only for damage.
2B > 2A > 6A > 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, cl. D 243 315 36.5% Corner
cl. D > 6A > 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, cl. D 299 340 40.5% Corner Most damaging meterless combo from heavy starter.

0.5 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location Notes
2B > 2A > 6AC (2 hits) > 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, hyper j. D 216 235 25.5% Midscreen Light normal combo into 236C.
2B > 2A > 6AC (2 hits) > 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, cl. D 261 225 22.5% Corner Light normal combo into 236C in the corner.
2B > 2A > 6A > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 236B, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, j. B > j. D 254 225 21% Midscreen Places Duo Lon a bit closer to the opponent after j. D reset than 214A, Far B reset.
2B > 2A > 6A > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 236B, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, Far B 258 225 21.5% Midscreen
2B > 2A > 6A > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 236B > 214AC, 236A > 6P > 6P > 236B, cl. D 272 260 42% Midscreen
2B > 2A > 6A > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 214B > 214C, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, cl. D 316 355 43% Corner
cl. D > 6A > 623BD, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, Far B 326 300 25.5% Midscreen
cl. D > 6A > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 214B > 214C, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, cl. D 380 380 47% Corner

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location Notes
2B > 2A > 236A > 6P > 6P > 214214A/C 221 110 13.5% Anywhere
2B > 2A > 236A > 6P > 6P > 2426A/C 213 110 13.5% Anywhere
2B > 2A > 6A > 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 236C > 6P > 214214A/C 294 285 33.5% Anywhere
2B > 2A > 6A > 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 236C > 6P > 2426A/C 285 285 33.5% Anywhere
2B > 2A > 6AC > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214C, 236A > 6P > 6P > 236B, cl. D 263 220 28% Midscreen
2B > 2A > 6AC > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 236B, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, cl. D 272 235 26.5% Midscreen
2B > 2A > 6AC > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 214B > 214C, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, cl. D 334 315 39% Corner
2B > 2A > 6A > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214AC, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, Far B 307 275 31.5% Midscreen
2B > 2A > 6A > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214AC, 214A, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, cl. D 351 355 42.5% Corner
2B > 2A > 6A > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 236B > 214A, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, cl. D 353 355 42.5% Corner
cl. D > 6A > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 214B > 214C, 623BD, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, Far B 401 340 42% Midscreen Cancel 214B immediately into 214C to connect to 623BD.
cl. D > 6A > 236AC > 6P > 6P > 214B > 214A, 623BD, 236C > 6P > 6P > 236B, 214A, cl. D 421 380 46.5% Corner Delay 214A a bit after 214B to connect to 623BD.