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One of the most iconic SNK characters, Terry has been with the King of Fighters series since its debut, and as always, is one of the simplest characters in the game. He has good damage on his bread-and-butters, but lacks somewhat in mixups and has generally average tools; don't let this discourage you, however, as he is a beginner-friendly all-rounder and works well for a starting pick.



Standing (Close)

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
20 Mid 3 5 5 2 0

A jab that can hit most opponents in a high or low state. It can be chained into itself, a light kick button, df+C, or cancelled into any Special Move.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
20 Mid 4 5 7 0 -2

A knee to the chest that can also hit crouching opponents. It is only chainable into itself or st.B, but can be cancelled into a Command Move or Special/Desperation Move (although only df+C combos from it).

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
55 (40 + 15) Mid 3 10 (7 + 3) 15 -2 -4

A gut punch that hits twice and leans slightly on the unsafe side. Either hit of the punch is cancellable into a Command Move or Special and can be used to start or continue a high or middle-level combo.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
55 Mid 4 4 22 -6 -8

A rather fast, but punishable upward kick. Despite its slow recovery, it can also be cancelled into Command Moves or Special Moves, giving it a similar use to cl.C but without the extra hit.

Standing (Far)

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
30 Mid 3 4 5 3 1

A light jab that can hit most standing or airborne opponents, making it one of Terry's better tools for stopping hops. It can chain into st.B and can be cancelled into Command or Special Moves, but cancels best into df+C.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
20 Mid 5 4 9 -1 -3

A weak, but rather far kick from the left leg. This cannot be cancelled into anything, which makes it work better as a poke.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
60 Mid 5 7 16 -3 -5

A far punch from the left arm. It is rather unsafe, but it can be cancelled into any Special Move.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
70 Mid 19 4 15 1 -1

A slow and moving kick that newer players may use on accident. It is rather safe, leaving Terry at the smallest advantage on hit, but will move him back when blocked and can be easily stopped.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
70 Mid 14 3 21 Soft Knockdown -2

A standard Blowback attack that is a hop kick that moves Terry forward. Like others, it knocks down on hit, but it pushes Terry back when blocked; alongside this, it can also be whiff cancelled.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
25 Mid 3 4 6 2 0

A crouching punch that is both chainable and cancellable. It mainly chains into light kicks, but can also be cancelled into any Command Move or Special Move, best cancelling into df+C.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
25 Low 3 3 8 1 -1

A low-hitting kick that chains into other light normals and can be whiff cancelled. Like other crouching normals, it can be cancelled into any Command Move or Special Move, with df+C being an ideal cancel option for combos.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
60 Mid 6 5 19 -4 -6

A slower crouching punch from the right arm. Can be cancelled into any Command Move or Special Move with ease, and furthermore whiff cancelled.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
70 Low 10 18 22 Soft Knockdown -12

A slow sweep kick that knocks the opponent down. It can be cancelled into any Command or Special Move, although the poor practicality of doing it on a successful hit may encourage the player to whiff cancel or cancel it when blocked.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
30 High 3 7... - - -

Terry deals a downward chop to the opponent. This can be used for a multitude of ideas, but mainly as an air-to-ground, jump-in, or instant overhead.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
25 High 2 8... - - -

Terry does a funky horizontal kick with his right leg. This is good as an air-to-air and can also be used stop incoming hops and jumps from a middle or long-ranged distance, but can be low profiled if performed too early.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
55 High 3 9... - - -

Terry punches at a position angled downward. This is another move best used as an air-to-ground or jump-in.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
55 High 8 7... - - -

Terry does a jumping kick angled downward. This is can be used as a cross-up, usable against standing or crouching opponents, and is probably Terry's best air-to-ground option despite its slower start-up.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
55 High 2 10... - - -

Terry does an upward kick mid-air. This can be used as an air-to-air, since its hitbox doesn't directly target opponents above him.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
70 Mid 13 6... - Soft Knockdown -

Terry does a horizontally-aimed jumping kick as an aerial Blowback. This is Terry's best air-to-air due to its knockdown property and taller hitbox, and can be used as a tool to pressure opponents in the corner. Despite this, however, it can be low profiled.


Grasping (b/f + C when close to opponent)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
80 n/a - - - Soft Knockdown -

Terry grabs the opponent and uppercuts them. Due to the opponent landing near the corner of the screen and its ability as a throw, this can be seen as a good "get off me" tool, but will not work in this way if escaped.

Buster Throw (b/f + D when close to opponent)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
80 n/a - - - Hard Knockdown -

Terry slams the opponent in the opposite direction. The opponent lands a character space away from the corner of the screen, but if Terry gets close enough again it can see itself being used for okizeme setups involving jumping attacks.

Command Moves

Rising Upper (df + C)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
50 Mid 3 6 19 -5 -7

Terry does a quick uppercut before going back into a crouching position. This Command Move is good and easy to use in combos before a Special or Desperation Move due to its ease in chaining from most Normals and Special cancel ability, or can be used to end a blockstring if any attempts at confirming are not successful. It can also be used as an anti-air, but the player should be mindful of its slow start-up as it may trade or get beaten out by the opponent's jumping Normals if timed improperly.

Hammer Punch (f + A)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
45 High (Mid if cancelled) 20 (18 if cancelled) 4 21 (23 if cancelled) -5 (-7 if cancelled) -7 (-9 if cancelled)

Terry takes a large step forward to deliver a low aiming hook punch that hits overhead. This Command Move is not cancel-able by itself, but it is as easy to cancel into from many of his crouching and standing Normals, similar to Rising Upper. It only combos from heavy Normals, and gains the ability to Special Cancel at the cost of its overhead property. The player should be careful when using the move, however; at the end of a blockstring, the opponent can roll before the move hits if they are expecting it, but Terry gets pushed back a great distance if it is successfully blocked, which may be good if the player needs some space away from the opponent so they can properly react and read their next actions of movement.

Special Moves

Power Wave (qcf, A)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
50 Mid 14 1... 31 0 -2

Terry hits the ground, creating a grounded wave of fire. This is a projectile which travels along the ground at a good speed, has plus frames varying on the space between Terry and the projectile, and is great for zoning or ending blockstrings.

Round Wave (qcf, C)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
75 Mid 19 10 18 Soft Knockdown -10

Terry hits the ground after striking a pose, creating a large wave of fire around his fist. This move has rather slow start-up and is not safe on block, and cannot be comboed into, but can be cancelled into another Special or Desperation Move as a trade-off. Due to these qualities, its use in battle is rather limited and rarely advised.

Burn Knuckle (qcb, P)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
65 (A)
90 (C)
Mid 13 (A)
20 (C)
10 (A)
18 (C)
19 (A)
20 (C)
Soft Knockdown -10~-1 (A)
-20~-3 (C)

Terry charges at the opponent with a glowing fist. The distance he travels depends on the button pressed; the A version travels one third of the screen, while the C version travels at a full-screen distance. Alongside this, the A version has a fast amount of start-up, which makes it easier to combo into and harder to punish if spaced enough, and the C version has a slower startup, which cannot be comboed into but harder to punish at a full-screen distance. However, it is very unsafe on block at a point-blank distance, further encouraging spacial strategy with the move's use.

Quick Burning (dp, P)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
65 (45 + 20) Mid (first hit)
High (second hit)
4 16 21 -3 -5

Terry strikes a close uppercut that is followed by a long-range overhead blow. It is rather unsafe regardless of if it hits or is blocked, but pushes Terry back a fair distance if it is blocked, and keeps the second hit's overhead property if cancelled into from a Normal. The move is also the same regardless of which strength of button is pressed, unlike many of Terry's other moves, which vary based on that condition.

Power Dunk (dp, K)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
90 (45 + 45, B)
100 (50 + 50, D)
Mid 6 (B)
7 (D)
39 (B)
43 (D)
19 (B)
21 (D)
Hard Knockdown (first hit)
-11 (second hit, B)
-15 (second hit, D)
-13 (B)
-17 (D)

Terry jumps with a rising knee before punching the opponent to the ground. The distance of the move varies with the strength of the button pressed, alongside the connectivity of the second hit if the move is comboed into from a grounded Normal; the B version has a shorter distance, but the second hit will not connect if it is comboed from grounded Normals, while the D version has a longer distance with the second hit connecting reliably from cancellable grounded Normals. The second hit's hard knockdown property, alongside Terry landing very close to the opponent's fall body, can provide good wake-up option setups, but the move is best used at the end of a combo due to multiple flaws. It is not reliable as an anti-air due to the time it takes Terry to reach an aerial position, and is not usable as a reversal due to its lack of reversal conditions such as invulnerable startup. It has horrible recovery when whiffed, and is easy to punish if blocked up close. Another flaw in the move is that the opponent can roll in between the first and second hit if the move is blocked.

Power Charge (hcf, K)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
30 Mid 11 (B)
16 (D)
4 37 (B)
38 (D)
Soft Knockdown -23 (B)
-24 (D)

Terry lunges his shoulders at the opponent, which pops them into the air if it hits. It is easy to combo into from heavy close and grounded Normals (including df+C and f+A) and can be followed up with Power Dunk, which makes it best used in the middle of combos, likely as an ender. The move deals the same amount of damage regardless of the button pressed, which is not much outside of a bit of the opponent's Guard Bar, but the heavy kick version travels a farther distance than the light kick version. However, if the move is used raw, it has very slow start-up, long recovery if whiffed, and is punishable on block.

Rising Tackle ([d]~u, P)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
50 (10*5, A)
95 (50 + 20+ 5*4 + 5, C)
Mid 5 14 (A)
24 (C)
35 (A)
39 (C)
Soft Knockdown -33 (A)
-46 (C)

Terry deals multiple spinning punches aimed at the feet first while rising upward. This is Terry's best reversal and anti-air due to its quick start-up and invulnerability during it, more-so the heavy punch version because of its farther vertical distance. The A version of the move travels at a shorter vertical distance, which allows it to stop regular jumps and super-jumping attacks, but only lower-body invulnerability and only deals 5 hits. The C version, however, has full-body invulnerability alongside the aforementioned farther vertical distance and deals 7 hits. Regardless, both versions are highly unsafe if whiffed and on block.

Crack Shoot (qcb, K)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
65 (45 + 20, B)
55 (D)
Mid 10 (B)
9 (D)
5 (B)
16 (D)
21 (B)
23 (D)
-3 (B)
-5 (D)
-5 (B)
-7 (D)

Terry does a flip kick that can be used as a preemptive anti-air against mid to long range jumps or full jumps. The B version starts up faster, deals 2 hits, travels towards the opponent at a short distance and is hard to punish on block, while the D version travels farther, deals only one hit, is easier to punish on block, and whiffs on crouching opponents. Neither version deals a knockdown on a successful hit, which may leave a player to further struggle with characters who excel at closer distances.

Desperation Moves

Power Geyser (qcb, db, f, P or qcb, f, P)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
- - - - - - -
High Angle Geyser (qcf, qcf, K)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
- - - - - - -

Super Desperation Moves

Power Geyser (qcb, db, f, 2P or qcb, f, 2P)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
- - - - - - -

Hidden Super Desperation Move

Rising Force (qcf, qcf, 2P)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Bar
- - - - - - -


You can always use cl.D instead of cl.C

0 Stock

  • cl.C, f+A/df+C, hcf+K, dp+D/d~u+C

Main BnB combo. dp+D is easier and causes hard knockdown; d~u+C does tiny bit more damage, but causes soft knockdown and is much harder to perform. d~u+C can be done by holding d immediately after hcf (in one motion, like hcf, d), then u+P as Power Charge hits, there's a very short time to charge the move so it's tricky to get it right.

  • cr.B, cr.A/cr.B/cl.B, df+C, hcf+K, dp+K/d~u+C

Similar BnB combo started from low confirm chain.

  • cl.C, f+A/df+C, qcb+A
  • cr.B, cr.A/cr.B/cl.B, df+C, qcb+A

Somewhat easier versions of main BnBs, also safer on block, but less damage and soft knockdown.

  • cl.C, f+A/df+C, qcb+A
  • cr.B, cr.A/cr.B/cl.B, df+C, qcb+A

Not much damage but pretty safe on block, good as blockstrings.

  • cr.B, cr.A/cr.B, d~u+P/dp+D

Slightly easier but non-optimal combo from lows.

1 Stock

  • cl.C, f+A/df+C, qcb,db,f+P/qcfx2+K
  • cr.B, cr.A/cr.B/st.B, df+C, qcb,db,f+P

2 Stock

  • cl.C, f+A/df+C, hcf+K (SC) qcb,db,f+P
  • cr.B, cr.A/cr.B, d~u+P (SC) qcb,db,f+P
  • cl.C, f+A, BC run, cl.C(1), f+A, dp+P, (C)hcf+K (SC) qcb,db,f+P
  • cl.C(1), f+A, BC run, cl.D, (f+A), dp+P, (C)dp+B(1), (C)hcf+B, (C)qcb+B, dp+K(1)/d~u+P(1) (SC) qcb,db,f+P

( if you use the second f+A, cancel dp+P on the 1st hit. )

  • (Corner) cl.C(1), f+A, BC run, cl.D, (f+A), dp+P, (C)dp+B(1), (C)hcf+B, (C)qcb+B, dp+K(1), (C)qcf+C, (dp+K(1)) (SC) qcb,db,f+P

( Same note as above. You have to delay the dp+K(1) before it for qcf+C to connect, which is the corner-only part of the combo. )

3 Stock

  • cl.C, f+A/df+C, qcfx2+AC / qcb,db,f+AC
  • cl.C, f+A, BC run, cl.C(1), f+A, (qcfx2+AC)/(dp+P, (SC) qcb,db,f+AC)


Use Burn Knuckle when they least expect it.


Terry -Max- combos by Franck Frost
阿澤.Aze (Terry Best Rounds)
Terry Master Class

External Links

Dream Cancel discussion forum thread

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