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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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@zyn-cobra22         regarding Tekken on the surface the series may not have changed in a sense that you still get the most damage of of launchers, but the way you do juggles has changed with the addition of the bind mechanic altering the way you continue the juggle. Also you mentioned walls being really dangerous (which is true) however you failed to mention that walls weren't even in Tekken 3 also stages now have unique elements ie breakable walls and floors. Also movement has changed from game to game Ex. in T6 a lot of people complain about backdashing being slower and has reduced movement while others have praised T6 for having improved sidestepping/sidewalking.  Another big change is the low parry system which gives more options on defense. Also characters don't always play the same from game to game and I can guarantee you if you watch an experienced plyer like Ryan Hart in different games that he doesn't just do the same thing in every game.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


Quote from: zyn-cobra22 on September 18, 2011, 07:02:04 AM
    You know what man i can tell you right now that im new to this site, but im not new to fighting games man not by a long shot, i've played every fighting game u care about and some u probably never heard of before, like most players from my generation i've started with SF yes the first one and then moved on to two like most people did, and i've played every SF from 1 all the way up to 4 and everything in between i saw it go from version to version from console to console and if there's something that that franchise can say for itself is that for better or worse is still SF, when CAPCOM was promoting SF4 they had the producer Ono and that other guy Seth something ( i forgot his last name) tell everybody that if you had not play the game in a long time u could still play it now cuz they were playing that whole nostalgia bit (read) is the same game and the same characters u have play before, and if u need more prove go ahead boot up SF4 pick GUILLE and go crasy with his 2 moves that's right a character that's over 20 years old and has not learned a new fucking move in the process.

   You wanna know something funny GUILLE was the reason i got into SF2 back in 1991 and funny enough GUILLE was the reason i dont play SF anymore.

     As for TEKKEN yes i've have played it and play it still, so please tell me how is the fight different from TEKKEN3 if you need more prove of what i speak of i'll give u a good example, go watch EVO2011 TEKKEN6 was there look at the matches and tell me how is it different from what i said on my post, you either get launch in the air for a juggle or you get killed on the ground, shit man im not even gonna talked about getting hit on the wall cuz if you have played TEKKEN you know that's ur ass.

     If you wanna tell me that the graffics in KOF did not change from 96 to XII well u got me there see im a fan of KOF and SNK but im not blind.

      And so can u play RYU the same way in every SF since SF2 YES are u gonna win? maybe not, but can u still play him none the less.

     Now can u play KYO the same way in every KOF since 94 simply put NO.... there's no maybe you just cant.
this is really off topic and probably really rude but do you have to capitalize everything? i mean i under stand a few acronyms like SNK but little stuff like ryu,guile,tekken capcom you can just type those in lower caps or just capitalize the first letter seriously not trying to be rude but you keep making me think that you're pointing out something  that i really should be paying attention to, or that you're just forum yelling


   Actually is not rude at all, like i said im new to this site and this whole posting business so things like that are new to me thanks for letting me know, and no im not trying to forum yell actually i did not even know such term believe or not i've read a lot of post but im a rookie when it comes to posting itself so thanks for the heads up.
   I've no reason to be mad at anyone im just voicing my opinion, i mean no disrespect to anyone at all.

I dont doubt that technically the game has changed from Tekken3 (like that Xxenace) but what i meant was do you use it, i saw EVO and all i saw was a bunch of people using Bob's ground chop to death so all that technical stuff went out the door, now i dont know the player you mentioned but is not like the guys at EVO did not know what they were doing.

    Kof has so much stuff that separates it from other fighters, doesnt make it better just different, but in my honest opinion Kof just gives you more options as a fighter than SF and Tekken.

    This is what im saying Kof has a guard meter, you get hit while blocking long enough your guard breaks and for a second ur wide open to be punish, in Sf has no such thing so if you just want to block everything u can just do that without a care and u wont get penalized for it. now does that make Sf better or worse than Kof well pending on your style of play its up to you to decide, this is just an example of what i think of this franchises, think of it this way what if you could break players guards in Sf that right there would change the game greatly
cuz you wont see so many players just blocking all the time, i think they call it turtleling.

    If you try to use this tactic in Kof your gonna eat floor all the time man, just to name an example, is not like i dont want to like Sf or that im a fanboy for Kof is just that is heart breaking to come into a game that is supposed to be new and fine that your characters havent change at all from before.

    Im pretty sure that if SNK would have left every character from XII the same way in XIII people on this forum would have lost their fucking minds and they wouldnt even think twice to ripped SNK a new one, shit people are still mad that Terry doesnt have his power dunk, and yet most of the roster from SF has kept the same moveset since the alpha days but you get them on 3d and a focus attack and people think is the second coming.
Xboxlive gamertag ZYN-COBRA22     I can survive anything even nukes........


@ zyn-cobra22 a lot of the technical aspects of the series are fairly situational and require correctly reading your opponent. With Bob's chop move it's like a standard safe move that every character in practicaly every character in every game has. Also I find it odd that you've never heard of Ryan Hart even though he made top 8 in Tekken 6 this year at Evo, which you seem to think you know all about
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


I know what you mean but the way you word it is wrong. What didn't change was the character's moveset, but it doesn't mean that you can play a character exactly the same way in a previous game and still win in another game. Okay fine, Ryu has hadouken, shoryuken or whatnot, but to say he plays exactly the same in every iteration he's ever been into is wrong. Obviously, you can't play Ryu in MVC2 the same way as Ryu in Alpha 3.

Let's look at it another way. Guile is top tier in SF2 because of his powerful yet simple moves. So why is Remy near the bottom of the tier in his own game despite having nearly the same moves as Guile? It's because of the parry system. If you try to use Guile's techniques in SF2 and apply it to Remy, you'll quickly realize you can't win if the person knows how to predict and parry each shot you give him.

Then there's balance changes. What would you do if a move that can deal really massive damage against them suddenly no longer works against crouching opponents and deals less damage than before? You're just gonna have to change your strategy now. But here's the thing, it's the same move, just different properties.

You think Tekken is just as stale in their movesets? Even they're affected by change. Look at Jin. He's got a radically different moveset in Tekken 3 compared to his newer iterations. The reason Devil Jin exists is so that they could also replicate his moveset from Tekken 3. Leo's strategies also suddenly changed with a few balance changes in Bloodline Rebellion, and that was just her second appearance in the game.

Dandy J

i have no idea what you guys are arguing about but bobs chop is definitely not something everyone in the game has...a single move thats fast enough to use as a common pressure move, not only hits stuff like rlx but full grounded and is even on block...only a couple d/f+1s are even i think just laws and miguels? and they dont have the godlike hitbox of the chop, not only that but it leaves him in crouch so he has access to ws4. little shit like that is what makes a huge difference in tekken and other 3d fighters where a couple frames can mean everything. btw did you guys misread the name of the site as electric cancel?


  Fellas ur missing my point or maybe me saying that Ryu plays the same way since SF2 came across wrong, but you can't argue the fat that u can do the fallowing with Ryu since SF2.

You do a hadoken and if the opponent jumps you can punish with a dp or and anti air strong punch, wich u can do in every SF since 2.

   In Kyo's case you can't cuz they changed the way he plays.

   Also i find it amesing that u even mention MVC im only reffering to the SF titles, lord knows that is crazy
but i find it even more amesing that u guys will defend the fact that other than a super Ryu and Capcom get and easy pass with him staying fundamentally the same, but you guys have ur opinions and i will respect them.

Again let SNK do the same and everyone will be up in arms about it, I always hope that they would update the graphics wich they did for XII and now for XIII but if we go by the logic and changes that u guys are saying about SF guess we can be looking forward to the same game with a chance here and there and call it Kof XIV. but oh well what's a fighter to do.   i like this chats u guys make it very interesting peace out.
Xboxlive gamertag ZYN-COBRA22     I can survive anything even nukes........

Dandy J

who cares? so they changed moves around? if a character changes in a certain way there is some other character who will have a similar playstyle. it adds some flavor to the game changing characters around but it has nothing to do with actually changing how the game is played. tekken and kof have changed about the same amount in the general way you play them which is not all that much


lol sf and tekken did not change at all compared to kof. funny because you play ryu the same in all sf titles that arent vs supertight latex hom... i mean heroes vs crossover games. max range crouching mk into fb, lol it changed soo much. guile is not shooting sonics anymore and walking behind them for extra attacks and making you jump into crouch HP or airthrow. i mean its not like his gameplay is the same anymore in future games like ssf4 series, o wait it is.

funny thing is i dont main sf4 series, but when i play it i beat everybody except the best of the best (though i still give them a challenge and beating them random rounds) and i do it by playing the characters the same way id do them back in 91. fuck yeah, sf changed soo fucking much, they added fadc's and thats pretty much the ONLY fucking big difference with sf2 series. not even ultras or ex moves make that big of a difference, its still the same damn basic game that the 2 series was, thats a fact and not an opinion. you play sf2  series at high level, you only need to learn fadc's into your gameplayand your fucking done. yoy can just play your sf2 character the same way you did20 years ago, in factits the only and best way to play those said characters, ask guile, rog and blanka, even the shotos and grapplers. its the same fucking game, lol. only game thsat changed it was sf3 series, and even in that game you still use you shotos in the same manner for the most part.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

Running Wild

Quote from: zyn-cobra22 on September 18, 2011, 07:02:04 AMNow can u play KYO the same way in every KOF since 94 simply put NO.... there's no maybe you just cant.

Yes. You can.

Hop B all day.

Hop d+C all day.

cr.B, cr.A, df+D all day.

Shiki Kai into Orochinagi.

That's Kyo in every KOF game.

lololol See? I can use the same excuses you guys are using. But the fact is, Kyo changed quite a bit, you can still do most of the basic stuff with him, but because of the changes to the gameplay subsystems and new special move properties, you can do some new stuff with him.

@MUSOLINI  - What the hell is wrong with you. You can't play your SF4 characters the exact sameway you can in SF2.

I am a Honda player in ST. In SF4, I can not play Honda the same way I do in ST, or even Alpha 3. Headbutt is punishable on block, so is Sumo Slam. Honda has a new overhead command move that is cancelable that is part of his mix-up, plus for the first time ever he has EX moves, which plays a huge role in his gamplay, making meter management with Honda very important. You are very ignorant if you believe you can play any SF4 character as you would in SF2. That's just foolish thinking. All of the SF veterans have new tools and tactics to make use of.

Quote from: MUSOLINI on September 18, 2011, 04:12:14 PMonly game thsat changed it was sf3 series, and even in that game you still use you shotos in the same manner for the most part.

lol wut, are you for real? Try winning in SF3 by just zoning with fireballs from full screen and using cr.MK into fireball, which if you really believe is all a shoto needs to do in any SF game, then you my friend do not know how to play SF at all.

There's a little something in SF3 called parrying that makes those tactics not effective at all. If you want to win with shoto's in SF3, you gotta learn to rush down and mix it up. And they aren't all the same either.

Go watch some high level ST, then go watch some high level Alpha 2/3, some Third Strike, then SF4.

And pay attention.



Atlus needs to let some news out so this thread can start talking about KOF 13 again.

Running Wild

There's really nothing else new with KOF13 to talk about until it's released. We know what the game is gonna have, we know who the extra characters are gonna be.

Just a matter of waiting.


So, one side of this argument considers characters changing with a games sub systems to be change. Another considers characters getting new moves, as well as changing old one significantly, to be change.

Each is valid enough. Is one side really trying to win over the other?

Iplaywinner is streaming KoF XIII Ranbats again today! First start of a new "season".

News Update on IPW

Actual Stream Link
(Active at 1pm PST/ 4 PM EST)

Haunts promises a special SOMETHING for this event, that's so exciting, he had trouble sleeping, lol. What could it be? TUNE IN AND FIND OUT!   ;)

Running Wild