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Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:27:15 AM

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Any idea what EX Kyo is saying when he does his super and neomax?


which super?

misete yaru kusanagi no kobushi wo

kurae yagare


My youtube


Quote from: milesw on April 13, 2012, 01:50:27 AM
which super?

misete yaru kusanagi no kobushi yo



Thanks, I appreciate it.


Quote from: Demerson on April 15, 2012, 09:56:03 AM
Quote from: milesw on April 13, 2012, 01:50:27 AM
which super?

misete yaru kusanagi no kobushi yo



Thanks, I appreciate it.

Fixed something

My youtube


i have a pretty cool setup in the corner that works off of cr.B

if you do cr.B, cr.B, st.B, qcf+B~B
you can do st.C immediately, then go for a really nasty high/low mixup.

you can do a safe jump short hop up j.2C,
meaty j.2C
whiff j.2C into a low

the meaty and whiff j.2C is almost impossible to tell apart, gotta have really good blocks to follow the jump.
this setup will probably lose to throw mashers and 1f command grabs

let me know what you guys think of this.


Useless because of throw option select.
It will guard your jump d.C every time and throw you as soon you attempt a low if it's not a meaty one.
Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :

Matt Alder

People hate XII so much, but at least SNK finally mapped throw to a button combination to prevent option selects and allow for whiff-punishable grab attempts. I really wish that they would have left that in XIII.


XII was all about throw and counter hit mixup, thus they introduce it for gameplay purpose.
It's no longer needed in xiii.
Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :



Shiki's are safer than Aragamis?  The hell?

Shikis are a lot safer than I thought they were. 
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Yeah, but someone can roll or reversal between those kicks which makes them risky using them as blockstring finishers.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on May 04, 2012, 01:22:07 AM
Yeah, but someone can roll or reversal between those kicks which makes them risky using them as blockstring finishers.

Yeah, but Aragami at -7 looks less nice as one too.  Gonna have to test to see what can actually punish it.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on May 04, 2012, 01:32:32 AM
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on May 04, 2012, 01:22:07 AM
Yeah, but someone can roll or reversal between those kicks which makes them risky using them as blockstring finishers.

Yeah, but Aragami at -7 looks less nice as one too.  Gonna have to test to see what can actually punish it.

I don't think you would need to worry about Aragami since it as a shitload of pushback on block. Whatever move can punish it needs to have very fast startup and can travel a far distance to reach him in time while hes recovering. But testing what can punish it would be a good idea too, especially to prepare against those that may spam it since its safe.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I'm gonna run down a list.

Normal Kyo- DP+A, DP+AC (both only if Aragami is done close), HCB+BD (have to be extremely close, or you could try to run up and do it, but it's not really a punish then), EX Orochinagi

EX Kyo- All DPs (bit more leeway than Normal Kyo, though DP+AC at max range only hits once), EX HCB+K, Final Showdown

Benimaru- DP+B, DP+BD (DP+B can do it from a good range), All Iageris (EX Iageri from almost max distance can do it), EX Raikouken (also almost max distance)

Daimon- HCB,F+AC (have to be decently close), All HCBHCB+P (range is less for the normal variants, EX version works from about intermediate to a bit long).

Terry- All Rising Tackles (have to be close, and A/C Rising Tackles only do one hit unless EXTREMELY close), st.B (I'm not joking...this is pretty much all he has, thankfully it can go into other moves).

Andy- All DP's from close/middle range, Neomax, cr.B (uh...yeah, need to be fairly close obviously).

Joe- All Bakuretsukens (Normal ones have to be close, EX from a fairly good distance works), Ranbu DM (from a fair distance as well), Neomax

Ryo- HCB+B (needs to be close so the initial strike lands), all DPs (need to be close)

Robert- EX DP (close), Neomax, cr.B

Takuma- A Ranbu from close...I'm serious...that's it.

Mr. Karate- All DPs (close, EX a bit more range), QCFQCF+K (close to intermediate), A/EX Ranbu (close), Neomax

Claw Iori- A/EX DP (close to intermediate), All Yaotomes (normal from close to intermediate, EX up to near max range), Neomax (close)

Flame Iori- C/EX DP (close), Yamisogi DM (up do the max range of the DM), EX Yaotome (near max range)

Mature- All Nocturnal Rites (close), st.B

Vice- EX Gorefest (farther than you'd think), EX Negative Gain (close to intermediate), st.B

Elisabeth- Grand Rafale (intermediate)...that's it

Duo Lon- EX Rekka (max range of rekka), f.AC (intermediate), EX Ranbu (intermediate)

Shen- ...yeah...pray you're in range for cr.B so you can HD...other than that...

Kim- B/EX Flash Kick (B is intermediate, EX can go up until the max range of the kick), EX Ranbu (near max range), Neomax (near max range), far D (actually from a good distance, pretty relevant for Kim).

Hwa- EX TNT Punch (close), All Dragon Dances (normal from close, EX from near max range), Drunk A Dragon Backbreaker (decently close)

Raiden- EX Head Crusher (decently close), All Super Raiden Drops (Normal is close, EX from intermediate)

Mai- EX Ryuenbu (intermediate), EX Flame Elbow DM (near max range), Neomax

King- EX Trap Shot (close), Neomax, st.B

Yuri- EX Ranbu (close), st.B (yeah, will rarely land unless hella close)

K'- A/EX Crow Bites (A is close, EX is intermediate)

Kula- All Crow Bites (A is close, C is intermediate, EX is near max range), EX Diamond Edge (intermediate), Neomax, st.B (long enough poke that goes into EX Lay Spin, thus relevant)

Maxima- EX Double Vapor Cannon (all ranges, thank god considering that's the only thing he has to punish)

Athena- A/EX Psycho Sword (around intermediate for both), EX Shining Crystal Bit (close), cr.C (again, good enough range to be relevant)

Kensou- B DP (close), cr.D

Chin- QCB+AC (far), EX Head Spin (close) (more people should probably test with Chin, I'm not the best judge of knowing what the hell to look for with him).

Ralf- A/EX Gatling Attack (far), All Vulcan Punches (close)

Clark- EX SAB (intermediate), All UAB (around intermediate for normal, a bit further for EX)

Leona- C/EX Moon Slasher (intermediate for C, far for EX)

Billy- uh...yeah, same problem as Shen, possibly even worse.

Ash- All Flash Kicks (intermediate), All Pluviose (around close to intermediate), Sans-Culotte (close)

Saiki- B/EX Flash Kick (close), Flash Kick DM (close)

Okay, I think that's everyone.  Most of the people who I put normals for as punishes were pretty much because their punishes were pathetic and they needed something. 

The take away from all of this is...fuck Beni.

On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I tested Aragami block string finishers with

1.) d.bx2, st.b, qcf+A


2.) cl.C, f+B, qcf+A

With the second blockstring, a player with meter can just guard roll that f+B and punish appropriately.

Listed is every character with every move (normal, special and/or neomax) they can punish EX Kyo's Aragami (qcf+A) at the end of the blockstring. I chose the following blockstrings because they give EX Kyo the most space after the Aragami is blocked.

Normal Kyo:
1.) neomax, dp+AC, qcb~hcf+AC (?)
2.) GCR the F.B

1.) st.B, qcf+D, dp+B, qcfx2+AC, qcf+BD
2.) -

1.) st.B xx hcb~f+AC, st.B xx hcb+B xx f+A
2.) -

1.) st.B xx HD, d~u+AC
2.) -

1.) neomax
2.) neomax

1.) qcf~hcb+P, neomax
2.) neomax

1.) cr.A, qcb+AC
2.) -

1.) d~u+BD
2.) -

1.) qcfx2+K, cr.D
2.) -

1.) qcb+B
2.) -

1.) neomax
2.) neomax (close to the corner)

1.) -
2.) -

Mr. Karate:
1.) qcfx2+D (?), neomax
2.) neomax

Ex Iori:   
1.) qcf~hcb+AC, cr.D
2.) qcf~hcb+AC

Claw Iori:
1.) cr.D, qcf~hcb+AC, runup hcf+P, or hcf+AC
2.) -

1.) qcfx2+P, qcfx2+AC
2.) -

1.) -
2.) - (could try dp+AC but you may get anti aired

1.) qcf~hcb+P
2.) -

Dou Lon:
1.) qcf+AC, qcb~hcf+AC
2.) -

Shen Woo: 
1.) st.B
2.) -

1.) d~u+B, st.B, d~u+BD, neomax
2.) -

Hwa Jai:
1.) qcfx2+BD, st.D
2.) -

1.) far D
2.) -

1.) st.B, qcb+AC, neomax, qcb~hcf+BD
2.) neomax, qcb~hcf+BD

1.) neomax
2.) neomax

1.) -
2.) -

1.) -
2.) -

1.) dp+AC, st.B, qcfx2+AC, neomax
2.) neomax

1.) qcfx2+AC
2.) qcfx2+AC

1.) dp+A
2.) -

1.) cr.D
2.) -

1.) qcb+AC
2.) -

1.) cr.D, b~f+A, b~f+AC
2.) -

1.) d~u+AC
2.) -
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."