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Duo Lon (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, October 27, 2010, 06:28:12 AM

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Quote from: marchefelix on September 21, 2011, 04:03:29 AM
Quote from: Mr.KOF on September 19, 2011, 01:51:15 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on September 19, 2011, 08:49:04 AM
Can his projectile really be considered a projectile? I've never seen it travel whole screen.

A semi-projectile, maybe?
In arcade it's used for a dangerous mix up that puts him in a 50/50 situation. From the console version through EVO shows that his projectile speed buffed up which means  his projectile is safer by faster start up and great force block situations that can lead to *cheeseburgers* (guard crush). His fireball isn't a great tool to use as a fireball game because his jump in attack speed makes up for it.

Just what exactly do you mean by "50/50 situation"? I don't get what that means...

A 50/50 situation in general refers to a situation in which the attacker will have two options to attack and the defender has to guess which one the attacker will do in order to avoid damage.  In Duo's case from what I can glean from very limited knowledge, it means right after his QCB+A he can either go into a low (I think c.B, excuse my ignorance if wrong) and confirm into f.AxxRekkas or he can go I believe hop Bxxf.B and confirm off of that into a BnB Rekka combo.  Because of the Frame Advantage Duo would have off of the projectile, the opponent's only option is to block either high or low and if the opponent guesses wrong, Duo does damage and can put him right back in that same situation.

All his mixup potential makes me want to play him a lot, the only problem is...for some reason I can never finish a Rekka chain consistently no matter the character.  02UM Kyo, Fei-Long, Karin, Yang and so on, when it comes to Rekkas I'm terrible X_X. 

And again, if most of my above information (other than the general explanation of the 50/50) is incorrect, I apologize.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I think I get what both of you mean.


I forgot to post up his setups when I posted Shen's.


First page has been updated with console changes:

*Hit stun on EX f.A is adjusted. It is possible to combo with a strong attack or qcb.A after EX f.A.
*EX rekka can be cancelled with a special or greater
*fb frames have been adjusted. It is now easier to include the weak version in attacks strings and combos as it is faster.
*f.B can be cancelled by super or greater
-Damage adjusted on NM from 400 to 480

f.B, aside from one shot cancels, the following is also possible: f.A>qcb.B>f.B>super ,so a f.A intitiated hit confirm combo. His fb is now easier to leave on the screen so coordinate attacks with it on the screen.


Duo looks really interesting but I have a dumb question: How do you play him? Is he primarily runaway/zoning character or can he get in and wreck shit like everyone else? What are some good mixups to use?
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on November 24, 2011, 02:10:56 AM
Duo looks really interesting but I have a dumb question: How do you play him? Is he primarily runaway/zoning character or can he get in and wreck shit like everyone else? What are some good mixups to use?

Duo Lon is both, he's a mix of zoning keep away (with Mai-like jump properties) yet he can all over you rushdown mixup style.  He does take some time to get used to and his combos aren't necessarily damaging in particular so beware.

Check the strategy section I wrote in the wiki, the mixups are 90% the same in the console, the only one you can't do is the: rekkas x3, f.BD, j.C -->crossup D doesn't work anymore as the characters are now "taller".

Also check the first page for a handful of videos.


In the wiki and combo videos I've seen of Duo Lon his HD combos usually end with him doing Rekka x3, HD Cancel, QCB+A Super Cancel. I recall there's a corner loop with a continuous juggle of Rekka x3 HD Cancel QCB+A with one of the rekka's whiffing. In any case when I try to at least do Rekka x3, HD Cancel QCB+A the fireball whiffs like it just passes by the opponent before they can land in it.

I read that one of the buffs to Duo Lon for the console version was that his QCB+A startup time was decreased so it comes out faster now and I'm wondering if this buff made this combo not applicable anymore. To further support this theory I noticed in his trials that his HD variation of QCF+A x2, HD Cancel f+A ended with f+A Super cancel. The other HD combo that juggled off of a fireball required him to use the EX version before continuing the juggle.


Welcome to DC! (Don't forget to introduce yourself here)

Duo Lon can no longer do that corner combo (rekkas  x3, [DC] qcb A, DM).  Instead just [SC] into DM or you can do the harder variation of [DC] into Ex Rekkas x2, qcb A, d.C, f.A, rekkas, qcf B, s.C


Quote from: Kane317 on November 28, 2011, 11:10:50 PM
Welcome to DC! (Don't forget to introduce yourself here)

Duo Lon can no longer do that corner combo (rekkas  x3, [DC] qcb A, DM).  Instead just [SC] into DM or you can do the harder variation of [DC] into Ex Rekkas x2, qcb A, d.C, f.A, rekkas, qcf B, s.C

Thanks I'll remember to introduce myself when I get home from work.

Hmmm...do you think it's because of the faster start up that prevents it from working or just some other change to the character/game that causes this? In any case, I know that HD combos isn't something you really aim for with Duo Lon and I have him on point for a battery but just trying to learn all the options the character has bit-by-bit. Thank you for the verification and thanks for posting an alternative ender to the combo.

I've read through the forums, dream cancels wiki, and srk's hyper guide and I have some additional questions to Duo Lon for anyone who is willing to help me out.

1) I've been using this as my standard hit confirm BnB off of a c.B:
c.Bx2, c.A, f+A, Rekka x 3 (first rekka whiffs), cancel last rekka into QCF+B

I've noticied some inconsitencies with myself in whether I land behind or in front of my opponent with the QCF+B. I figure this is a timing issue on my part but I can't exactly figure out at what point in the combo I'm too slow with that causes me to land in front of the opponent after QCF+B.

2) I've seen in a mix up video of Duo Lon that after a s.A reset after Rekkas, QCF+B he can go for what I've read to be a fuzzy guard setup of hop j.B, jf+B, land, hop j.B, jf+B. What's the timing for this setup? I can't really understand how this is a fuzzy guard setup as well since you would normally hit deep with a jumping normal first to keep their standing hitbox or is this a KoF specific fuzzy guard setup? Also, is that combo still possible as I've noticed it looks like you need to do jf.BD in order to get the second set of hop j.B, jf+B to work.

3) Is there any other setups after his rekkas xx QCF+B, s.A or f+BD that'll allow him to get a cross up j.D either through hops, hyper hops, jumps, or super jumps? I've experimented around with the timing of his QCF+B and couldn't find anything consistent. I know he had one cross up setup from f+BD but that doesn't work anymore because characters are "taller" now.

Apologies on all the mix up questions I would ask more about the fundamentals of KoF pacing and flow but I figure those questions are suited else where. Thanks in advance.


Quote from: Killey on November 29, 2011, 01:29:28 AM
Hmmm...do you think it's because of the faster start up that prevents it from working or just some other change to the character/game that causes this?

The projectile is too fast and by the time they fall it won't juggle.  I got it to work once when I wasn't quite in the corner (sweep distance), only then did I get it to work.

Quote from: Killey on November 29, 2011, 01:29:28 AM
1) I've been using this as my standard hit confirm BnB off of a c.B:
c.Bx2, c.A, f+A, Rekka x 3 (first rekka whiffs), cancel last rekka into QCF+B

I've noticied some inconsitencies with myself in whether I land behind or in front of my opponent with the QCF+B. I figure this is a timing issue on my part but I can't exactly figure out at what point in the combo I'm too slow with that causes me to land in front of the opponent after QCF+B.

I had the same problem before, the trick is to cancel the qcf B as fast as possible on the third rekkas.

Quote from: Killey on November 29, 2011, 01:29:28 AM2) I've seen in a mix up video of Duo Lon that after a s.A reset after Rekkas, QCF+B he can go for what I've read to be a fuzzy guard setup of hop j.B, jf+B, land, hop j.B, jf+B. What's the timing for this setup? I can't really understand how this is a fuzzy guard setup as well since you would normally hit deep with a jumping normal first to keep their standing hitbox or is this a KoF specific fuzzy guard setup? Also, is that combo still possible as I've noticed it looks like you need to do jf.BD in order to get the second set of hop j.B, jf+B to work.

I could never get two sets off, just the hop B, air f.B.

Quote from: Killey on November 29, 2011, 01:29:28 AM
3) Is there any other setups after his rekkas xx QCF+B, s.A or f+BD that'll allow him to get a cross up j.D either through hops, hyper hops, jumps, or super jumps? I've experimented around with the timing of his QCF+B and couldn't find anything consistent. I know he had one cross up setup from f+BD but that doesn't work anymore because characters are "taller" now.

Apologies on all the mix up questions I would ask more about the fundamentals of KoF pacing and flow but I figure those questions are suited else where. Thanks in advance.

Sadly, I can't find any.  You can probably do a hyperhop C, dash under mixup.  If you do find one, lemme know and I'll update the wiki (btw, I wrote the strategy section for him).


I figured out my issue with question 1. It looks like I cancelled the first rekka into the second too quickly which will always put me in front of my opponent. If I wait a bit for the first rekka to travel more then do the rest the teleport will always put me behind my opponent.

In terms of cross up j.D's I can only find ones after qcf+B, s.A then small hop j.D but this usually isn't ideal because it only crosses up when the opponent is crouching and if they anticipate on you doing something after they can just anti-air you when they recover.


ummm i dont use the lon and i never will (y would i say such a thing) but i just played a magnificent dou lon and he pulled some type of trickery play by play this is what he did i was knocked down on the ground and as i was gettin up he either hit close standing C or the first rekka and he magically ended up on the other side of me can some 1 explain this

ok i found out how 2 do (didnt take long to figure it out) what he is able to do when the oppenent gets up is CD (whiff) into rekkas and he is some how on the other side thats smart talk about a mix up game.....

and sorry if this is old news


Quote from: bigvador on December 05, 2011, 09:42:15 AM
ummm i dont use the lon and i never will (y would i say such a thing) but i just played a magnificent dou lon and he pulled some type of trickery play by play this is what he did i was knocked down on the ground and as i was gettin up he either hit close standing C or the first rekka and he magically ended up on the other side of me can some 1 explain this

It's his st.CD. If you time it correctly on an opponent's wakeup after a hard knockdown, it with switch sides with the opponent. Also, it can be timed so that the st.CD still whiffs, but Duo Lon will stay in front.