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KOF XIII at EVO 2011 Side tournament NEW POLL!

Started by THE ANSWER, November 01, 2010, 05:47:41 PM

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If there's a KOF XIII side tournament at EVO 2011, would you?

Be there four sure!!!!
I would try to make an effort to attend.
If I'm there, I'll join.
I don't give a rats ass about a side tournament


Quote from: Terrastorm on November 09, 2010, 07:09:39 PM
Quote from: THE ANSWER on November 09, 2010, 05:20:40 PM
Well after a long weekend I finally recovered. I noticed there's been more interest from some of you guys to have KOF XIII @ EVO as part of the main event lineup, which is great.

However let me fill you guys in the situation unfortunally I can't disclose too much.

1. Starting a Facebook account will not work.
2. Starting Polls to show the number of people interested will not work.
3. Sending a million emails to the EVO staff will not work.

SoCal Regionals was part of the effort of bringing KOF XIII to EVO, what I can tell you guys right now is that all we need is the support from SNKP to make this happen. The SNKP rep was impressed by the event and very thankful towards us that made it happen. As many of you did on the stream, he also noticed the difficulties that it is to deal with the TAITO boards and how much easier it would be to work with consoles.

Right now we are at SNKP mercy to make this happen.

Do you know or asked if any more SNKP reps would attend future tourneys, like Norcal Regionals?

Yes but no one from NorCal Regionals approched them.


Well with the facebook account I can always send it to SNK/Playmore JP/USA to show them how many people want KOF XIII@EVO and maybe they can work something out with the EVO staff.
KOF XIII: Iori/King/Yuri


Quote from: Kusanagi-Style on November 10, 2010, 02:01:46 AM
Well with the facebook account I can always send it to SNK/Playmore JP/USA to show them how many people want KOF XIII@EVO and maybe they can work something out with the EVO staff.
Evo staff wants numbers.  No one who runs a tournament will host a game that doesn't have numbers to back it. Like I said in the GD thread,  it doesn't matter how many people WANT KOF at Evo.  What matters is how many people are going to show up.    KOF players need to be at Evo, not signing their names saying they want it at Evo.
-K'/EX Kyo/EX Iori
-Benimaru(Duo Lon)/Robert/Takuma(Iori)

Might controls everything.

Judge Fudge

Quote from: TYRANNICAL on November 10, 2010, 04:50:23 AM
Evo staff wants numbers.  No one who runs a tournament will host a game that doesn't have numbers to back it. Like I said in the GD thread,  it doesn't matter how many people WANT KOF at Evo.  What matters is how many people are going to show up.    KOF players need to be at Evo, not signing their names saying they want it at Evo.



We can also have americas top KOF players play against japans top players since they would be there playing SSF4 at EVO2k11? Maybe we can get a 5v5 along with a singles tournament if there is a high turnout.



I'll be at Evo 2011 no matter what.  If we have KoF XIII there as a main or side tourney, that will be my top priority.  I'll still be doing SSFIV and MvC3, but KoF would be my focus.
GamerTag/PSN - Kapwan


Quote from: Kapwan on November 10, 2010, 10:58:49 PM
I'll be at Evo 2011 no matter what.  If we have KoF XIII there as a main or side tourney, that will be my top priority.  I'll still be doing SSFIV and MvC3, but KoF would be my focus.

I was going to ask you that at SCR but I didn't get a chance (whether or not KOF XIII was your focus since I knew you played other games).

Dark Geese

Quote from: Cibernetico on November 03, 2010, 04:44:18 AM
Know what I want to see? I want to see a possible Latin America/South America big time tournament involving all of the countries in that part of the world that play KOF. I think it would make for some great times and some great matches. Guess I only say that cause I'm tired of everyone just crowning the Japanese and Chinese as the only ones worth watching when it comes to fighters and also the chances of ever seeing any of the top Latin players at an event like SBO is very low.

as for Evo, don't know if I would make it since you never know what can happen in life. If I were to go, I would try to road trip it from NY. Get out and see the road.  

Anyone that crowns the Japanese and Asians as the only ones of any value that play KOF are simply ignorant, they are ignoring Latin America and Latin America is strong enough to have the type of influence that would make peoples heads shake twice (See JuareZ WarZone, Game of Death).

This tournament you speak is on its way to happening, it has to start small though.

Remember EVO started as B3? The road to the Ultimate KOF Showdown got started with JuareZ WarZone and Game of Death, will continue with Battle 4 Mexico as Kula is interested in being Mexicos KOF representative and travelling with me to take out KOF players around the globe, and Game of Death 2011 with Hummer from Japan. The seeds have been planted it's just about continuing to water them.

John- From what I have been gathering more than likely the top top 13 players won't be at EVO for SSF4..so that may be wshful thinking...while some of the good Japanese 13 players do play SSF4, there are a lot that don't...so EVO may yet again just give us the "leftovers" of the Japanese 13 community...or the SSF4 players basically..


Quote from: Dark Geese on November 11, 2010, 12:08:10 AM
Anyone that crowns the Japanese and Asians as the only ones of any value that play KOF are simply ignorant, they are ignoring Latin America and Latin America is strong enough to have the type of influence that would make peoples heads shake twice (See JuareZ WarZone, Game of Death).

Well in all fairness, "Japanese and Asians" is kinda misleading also :/ Asia is a continent.  That's like saying "Mexicans and South Americans" are good at KOF.  There's Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia that are famous for KOF in the past or present years, so lumping them all together is kinda taking away from their individual talent as well.  Also, outside of Asia Major, there's Pakistan that was famous a couple of years ago for KOFers, Kuwaiti had that White Tower deal etc.

Back to the point, I don't think people are naive per se and think only certain countries have good KOF players, I think it's about exposure, and I think Japan (and to a certain extent HK, China, Taiwan) have the most exposure of good players in the recent KOFs. 

Dark Geese

I agree with this Kane, I just feel that people get mislead into believing that whoever gets the most exposure is the best, which is simply to me ignorance.  They only rely on what they know, it is what they do not know that that makes them ignorant if they comment prematurely on things without doing their proper research or acknowledging that they could be wrong. Plus I know firsthand of some people within this thread, that have been mislead into believing that the Japanese and those that get the most exposure>>> than the rest, but I am not going to say any names, they know who they are (one in particular seriously believed that because a Japanese beat the CaliMexicans in the USA at EVO ala RF in 2005 then a Japanese would beat the Mexicans in Mexico now c'mon how fanboyish/ignorant is that??? As you know skill level in the USA and Mexico is like apples and oranges in KOF so there is NO comparison whatsoever!)

You should've seen the reaction from JuareZ WarZone with people not wanting to give the Juarez and Mexican players ANY credit whatsoever as if there is no way they have the SKILL to truly beat the Japanese, which to me is simply fanboyish, it's like Daigo fanboys not being able to admit when Daigo you know, actually loses or give other people some type of credit at all!

Now with that being said I am aware of the "stick issue", which is why to rectify that we had Danke with Game of Death and the results were the same, and no one talks about that, so to rectify THAT, we have Hummer coming for Game of Death 2011, which should yet again silence critics that believe Mexico simply isn't on Japan's level remotely in KOF.

Mexico didn't have enough exposure in KOF before, it was all Japan, Korea, Taiwan etc this, over and over, SBO this, Duelling the KOF that, The Great Battle, all the glitz, glory, glamour, HD graphics, the works, while you got some judging Mexican skill level over GGPO which is another issue I have seen which is ignorant as well.

I agree with what you say also, I tell people SBO is the Eurasian Championships (and even then not so sure if it is that if not even the Middle East gets to go), it is no way shape or form the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, it includes ONLY people from the continent of Eurasia, and some from the USA, but does not include those from Latin America at all.

Also I tell people the Middle East is also strong in KOF as a whole and from what I hear for the most part they don't get to go to SBO either, so there are a lot of gray areas basically is what I am trying to show people, they can't just crown one particular country/continent as the best when as you say there are many countries with individual talent, and even then some of them do not get to go to SBO such as the Middle East and Latin America.

So I agree with you 110%.


Very interesting point of view about SNK community and 'KOFXIII at EVO' thing. You should read it and think about it.



Giby makes some good points in that article. There are a lot of broad generalizations that don't pan out for me personally, but it is great food for thought. I'll go to EVO if KoFXIII is there in any shape or form.

Here in Oklahoma City, there is a pretty healthy fighting game scene. I've spent many nights going to their ranbats and contributing in order to foster a relationship. I had a King of Fighters party and roughly half of the people who go to the ranbats showed up. I brought my PS3 and TV to a ranbat after an invitation was extended and very few people played. My idea of building the SNK community is two-fold. I'm putting in a lot of time and effort on my local scene. For the larger SNK scene, we have Dream Cancel. I would not say I'm sitting on my ass when it comes to the community.

Rex Dart

Yeah, Giby was definitely engaging in some generalizations in order to make a point. Still, it's a point worth making.

But I also think it's important not to get bogged down in comparing our community against others, or one person's contributions against others. We're ALL invested in this, so we should all be supportive of each other.

Ugh. Sounding like an after school special.


Yeah Giby makes a good point, but then again if when spent all our time comparing our commute to another we'd never get anything done, we'd just be sitting on our ass complaining about nothing *cough*, anyway I hate all this "Look what they're doing, we should be more like them!" bullshit as much as the next guy but I guess sometimes you have to, erm.. anyway I'm not worried about EVO because that's a long long time away, we should divert our attention back to trying to build that substantial "community"


Giby's rant had good points, but was strange to read too. As I've recently tried starting up something for SNK in an area that is barely aware of it except for more hardcore fighters, I'm finding out a great deal about "commuities." I started mine a lot later than I should have, but I'm sure there's more to a community flourishing than just having a voice. How Melty Blood and Arcana Heart secured a place at Evo, I couldn't tell you. Whatever evidence is out there that supports their entry, I'm happy for them. Commuities, who/what game belongs/is popluar where, it all matters to some degree, but not nearly as much as pushing for what you want. To cheesily quote Nike, "Just do it". Giby's last paragraph as a sort of call to arms isn't as big as it could've been. Lots of negativity (factual as it may be) outweighted the last message to me. More emphasis on "going out and being active" is what will help.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995