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KOF XIII at EVO 2011 Side tournament NEW POLL!

Started by THE ANSWER, November 01, 2010, 05:47:41 PM

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If there's a KOF XIII side tournament at EVO 2011, would you?

Be there four sure!!!!
I would try to make an effort to attend.
If I'm there, I'll join.
I don't give a rats ass about a side tournament


Maybe it's just me, but I would not want to see KoF13 at next year's Evo. I say this because the overwhelming majority of us USA players don't even have access to the game. Why rush into things and not be prepared? Like someone else said, if it does happen, chances are the majority of the people who show up will be at scrub level at best and it will put something of a dent on how people see the community.

Edit : Read the Giby article and I wonder, when he was talking about all the negative things, was he referring to the people who mainly stick to the snkplaymore irc chat? Cause we all know there are some people in there who all they like to do is complain and never do anything to better the community.


Quote from: Cibernetico on November 11, 2010, 08:20:31 PM
Maybe it's just me, but I would not want to see KoF13 at next year's Evo. I say this because the overwhelming majority of us USA players don't even have access to the game. Why rush into things and not be prepared? Like someone else said, if it does happen, chances are the majority of the people who show up will be at scrub level at best and it will put something of a dent on how people see the community.

Edit : Read the Giby article and I wonder, when he was talking about all the negative things, was he referring to the people who mainly stick to the snkplaymore irc chat? Cause we all know there are some people in there who all they like to do is complain and never do anything to better the community.

Well if the game is coming out on console in Q1 2011, it should be fine to have at EVO


Quote from: Cibernetico on November 11, 2010, 08:20:31 PMEdit : Read the Giby article and I wonder, when he was talking about all the negative things, was he referring to the people who mainly stick to the snkplaymore irc chat? Cause we all know there are some people in there who all they like to do is complain and never do anything to better the community.

Nah, I'm pretty sure he was talking about the community as a whole


My honest opinion is that a lot of ppl like KOF XIII, but they don't take it seriously enough to honestly try to learn it.  Either that, or they spend too much time dabbing in other fighting games to get good at one (if you chase two chickens you'l end up with none).  Now I understand people have lives, and things get in the way, I'm not talking about those people.  I'm talking about people that spend more than half the time playing other Fighting Games yet expect to be good at KOF XIII, it's just not going to happen.  If wanted to get good at SSIV, I'll probably have to drop XIII for awhile at least, play SSIV exclusively, join tournaments etc before I get good (Mr KOF seems to be an exception lol).

It really saddens me when I see a lot of talented players playing other games, and I KNOW they'd be so good at XIII if they had just stuck to XIII ( I won't name names ).

I'll extend this a little further, IF you have access to XIII, and you're playing the older KOFs instead.  Shame on you.  Knowing what XIII means to SNKP in terms of the future of the company--you're essentially slowly killing the company.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't play 2K2UM when you get home, or the odd time here and there, I'm talking about the people that basically PREFER 2k2UM over XIII, it's not helping at all.

/rant off


The thing is, you gotta remember that only you AI guys seems to be the only ones with any access to KOF13 at the moment. Has anyone here heard or seen any sort of feedback from the Arcade UFO cabinet? Hell, does anyone even know if they still have it there along with the 1.1 update?

Here in NY, CTF has yet to get it and quite frankly, I feel as if that place the last few years pretty much disregard anything that is not Capcom related when it comes to fighters. Which is a shame since a lot of players here are dying to play the game.


Quote from: Cibernetico on November 11, 2010, 10:05:54 PM
Here in NY, CTF has yet to get it and quite frankly, I feel as if that place the last few years pretty much disregard anything that is not Capcom related when it comes to fighters. Which is a shame since a lot of players here are dying to play the game.

Do people ask constantly when CTF is going to get it?  Like ask the people who run it?  That would be pretty huge if we can find a way for east coast players to have access to the game.


Quote from: Cibernetico on November 11, 2010, 10:05:54 PM
The thing is, you gotta remember that only you AI guys seems to be the only ones with any access to KOF13 at the moment.

Yeah that's why I said those who DO have access.

Quote from: Cibernetico on November 11, 2010, 10:05:54 PM
Has anyone here heard or seen any sort of feedback from the Arcade UFO cabinet? Hell, does anyone even know if they still have it there along with the 1.1 update?

I'm so curious about them too.  Weird how they aren't promoting hard at all.  There are countries across the world (like France and the Philippines) that we've heard more about it, and they got it way later.


Well I for one was happy KoF XIII appeared in the Philippines though I actually want a new cabinet since a lot of people tend to try and play the game when they can (whenever I go there, at least). Still, it's better than not having at all. As far as I know, we only had one XI and NGBC cabinets here. I only knew one NeoWave cabinet as well and I don't know where it went to. I don't even think we had 2002UM and XII at all.

Quote from: Kane317 on November 11, 2010, 09:10:08 PM
I'll extend this a little further, IF you have access to XIII, and you're playing the older KOFs instead.  Shame on you.
I resent that. I have access to KoF XIII but I can't play it every single time. As I said up there, it's crowded most of the time and I'd have to wait for a long time before it's my turn to challenge (and I have yet to win at all). It's also not like the arcade is still open for long when I finally have my free time since it's usually at night time (or early in the morning when the mall is still closed).

That said, I'd rather do stuff I need to do and play older games in the comfort of my own home than wait for a long time just so I can play XIII...only to find out that it's already way past bedtime and I have yet to finish my homework.


Quote from: Mecha-Shiva on November 11, 2010, 10:16:41 PM
Quote from: Cibernetico on November 11, 2010, 10:05:54 PM
Here in NY, CTF has yet to get it and quite frankly, I feel as if that place the last few years pretty much disregard anything that is not Capcom related when it comes to fighters. Which is a shame since a lot of players here are dying to play the game.

Do people ask constantly when CTF is going to get it?  Like ask the people who run it?  That would be pretty huge if we can find a way for east coast players to have access to the game.

I know for a fact that I've asked about 12 times in the past. They told me stop calling them, they have no idea when they're getting the game.


Quote from: Aenthin on November 12, 2010, 12:48:44 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on November 11, 2010, 09:10:08 PM
I'll extend this a little further, IF you have access to XIII, and you're playing the older KOFs instead.  Shame on you.
I resent that. I have access to KoF XIII but I can't play it every single time. As I said up there, it's crowded most of the time and I'd have to wait for a long time before it's my turn to challenge (and I have yet to win at all). It's also not like the arcade is still open for long when I finally have my free time since it's usually at night time (or early in the morning when the mall is still closed).

That said, I'd rather do stuff I need to do and play older games in the comfort of my own home than wait for a long time just so I can play XIII...only to find out that it's already way past bedtime and I have yet to finish my homework.

Well it's one thing where you have to wait (and I think we've covered that a lot over here at AI.  30+min drives, first 7-10 weeks were an average of 6+ player wait, did I mention 30+min drives WITHOUT traffic?  If try to go when there's nobody, that's an hour an 10 min drive.  So you won't have much sympathy coz I KNOW you don't travel that far...hehe do you? =) ), but it's another thing where ppl are too lazy to learn something new.

I "PAID my tuition", and I'm still not good, but I keep at it trying to get better.  There are nights on end where I play every 25mins and I lose EVERY ONE OF THEM for 3 hours straight, but I keep at it.  It's quite understandable you're playing other games in between the wait time, but don't stop playing XIII (this isn't directly at you in particular, just speaking in general) otherwise how else would you get better?  I don't know how etiquette ranges from country to country, but we just put our coin up, go do something else and return when it's our turn (if they skip it, we'll just go next).  

I was referring more to people that pretty much just write off the experience coz they always feel the line is too long (it's always going to be because it's a popular game!) and indirectly give up or, "I'll just wait for the console."  I feel like it's a slap in the face to the people that REALLY have no access to the game.


I for one feel that only good can come from an appearance at EVO, look at blazblue I think it was 09 the game had barely came out on console and it was put into the lineup with some really mediocre play except for the dude who lives in japan and played in arcade, we can't possibly do worse than that, especially since that game was a totally new series

and even after all of that they were still asked back for the following year until they gave up their spot for mvc2, because nobody was playing that game anymore and moved on to CS.  Bottom line nothing but good can come from this for the community if it happens
" you fight well in the old style"


Quote from: Kane317 on November 12, 2010, 01:39:30 AM
Well it's one thing where you have to wait (and I think we've covered that a lot over here at AI.  30+min drives, first 7-10 weeks were an average of 6+ player wait, did I mention 30+min drives WITHOUT traffic?  If try to go when there's nobody, that's an hour an 10 min drive.  So you won't have much sympathy coz I KNOW you don't travel that far...hehe do you? =) ), but it's another thing where ppl are too lazy to learn something new.
Actually, my place is also quite far, about an hour or more with traffic, and I'll be lucky if I can get by without traffic. If I could though, I can get to the arcade no problem, but that's because it's much nearer my school than at home.

I know you meant something else but the way you wrote it, it really wasn't that good.


If there's a long line we usually put up our token, watch for a bit, maybe watch SFIV, play strikers 1945 plus, come back then take our turn. Most of us know each other so sometimes we share characters so you get to play more often.


Quote from: metaphysics on November 12, 2010, 01:42:11 AM
I for one feel that only good can come from an appearance at EVO, look at blazblue I think it was 09 the game had barely came out on console and it was put into the lineup with some really mediocre play except for the dude who lives in japan and played in arcade, we can't possibly do worse than that, especially since that game was a totally new series

and even after all of that they were still asked back for the following year until they gave up their spot for mvc2, because nobody was playing that game anymore and moved on to CS.  Bottom line nothing but good can come from this for the community if it happens

i think what meta said is being a bit overly optimistic. KOF has fallen into the shadows as far as most fighting gamers in america are concerned. a lot of its core base has moved on to other franchises or simply stopped playing games altogether. added to the stumbling block that was KOF12, and there's a bunch of work KOF fans have to rebuild to once again become respected in the FG community.

blazblue isn't really a good comparison. from the get-go, it generally received positive critical reception. while at SCR, i tried to pay attention to onlookers and their thoughts on the game, and i heard quite a few of them say something along the lines of, "the game looks good, but i have no interest in it." why is that? personally, i feel that aside from dedicated KOF fans, all the hype building over the years since the series' inception has died out. face it, US gamers don't care about KOF anymore. we've all seen it. all the headliners are always SSF4/BB:CS. spectators didn't seem too impressed but SCR grand finals either. i'm not saying i didn't enjoy them, just that people didn't seem hype at all to watch.

as for EVO, i don't think it's enough just to have KOF13 as a main game. you can't want people to just want this game to be seen. what if the game isn't represented well? even if it is, it's not a guarantee of anything. think about where the series evolves from here. in some ways it was pretty similar to Melty at EVO. no one heard of it and no one cared. yet, the community pulled big numbers by holding tournaments and introducing new players to the scene. they brought high level play and talked to big names about their scene. they got involved without pushing anything down anyone's throat. granted KOF13 doesn't yet have a console release so i understand that bringing it to BYOC at tourneys isn't really an option, but start thinking about the long term. even now, the state of Melty is in question. sure it was generally well received, but where do the game and its players go from there? similarly, with SNKP's troubles, we should all be thinking of what effects will EVO have on KOF for the future. EVO alone won't have the game accepted. it's something to think about.

Rex Dart

In America, a lot depends on the console port. There just aren't enough XIII cabinets in the US, and SNK apparently didn't make very many copies of the game. Before people can play the game, they obviously need access to the game.

1) Netcode is obvious. However, I think people should plan to find real life people to play against, regardless of the netcode. We're a small community, so we need to get used to the idea of traveling in order to find competition. Traveling for two hours just to get your ass kicked repeatedly in XIII should sound like an AWESOME IDEA to you!

2) Some may disagree, but I also think it's important that SNK make some balance adjustments to the console version. I suspect that, if XIII somehow did make it to EVO and all the final teams consisted of K', Raiden and Elizabeth/Kula/Iori/Kyo, a lot of people won't take the game seriously, or want to try it out.