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KOF XIII at EVO 2011 Side tournament NEW POLL!

Started by THE ANSWER, November 01, 2010, 05:47:41 PM

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If there's a KOF XIII side tournament at EVO 2011, would you?

Be there four sure!!!!
I would try to make an effort to attend.
If I'm there, I'll join.
I don't give a rats ass about a side tournament

Dark Geese

Quote from: THE ANSWER on November 02, 2010, 08:18:35 PM
What about that French tournament? I think Canes or something like that???? they always have KOF there and the payouts are pretty good.

Hmm this might be the excuse I needed to finally go to Europe =D

Cannes has it as does Stunfest, they do have good payouts and I mean hey last I checed the Euro is worth more than the US Dollar so yes that would be worth it.


i think it should be possible, tough finding people of the skill to actually participate in a tournament and stand a chance is very scarce right now. i dont know many people from the netherlands that are actually good in the game, besides the turkish dutch sf champ who i only know of sf play (but i dont doubt his words about him being op in kof, we both from the same times when kof used to be big back in the 90's). i think there might be some decent players in germany but not a whole lot. spain and italy should have some good players as well. uk probably as well, france seems the most qualified by the amount of players they got. turkey got some good players from what i remember but people actually willing to travel to western europe for a tournament? i think france might be the best place to hold a tournament, A because they got the most quality players (probably), B its the most central for western europeans. especially with a nice turn out and good prize money, this should be very possible.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: Dark Geese on November 02, 2010, 06:16:08 PM
With all due respect- Also Kane I would love to play John again in all KOFs, you do remember I put John in Losers Bracket in KOFXII in El Paso in 2009 right, so it may not be as free as you think.

I also want my rematch against Reynald in 98UM/XII!

I'd like to MM John in KOFXI, 98UM, 2002 UM, KOFXII, 13, 2000, NeoWave, 2001, KOF 1999, I'm sure it'd be fun.

It's all good, hehe, I still hold my same opinion but I could be wrong (I don't know if John's touched NeoWave, I don't consider that a real kof.  To me it's like MI, CvS and SvC.)

Quote from: Dark Geese on November 02, 2010, 06:16:08 PM
I mean after all I don't travel to Mexico every 3 months just so I can stay at the same skill level or be what you guys remembered me last time you played against me, if people aren't playing the game that much anymore or have stopped they need to know I have not stopped playing the games.

Just kinda curious DG, how come you spend all that money to goto Mexico every three months when you could prolly go visit Europe once, or Asia once per year instead.  I'm not saying the level in Mexico is low, I'm just saying for variety's sake (unless going to Mexico is actually really inexpensive, then that'll make sense).

Oh and the few times we do agree, we agree about emil (I think he really is just a programmed script) =)

Dark Geese

Mexico is very close to me easy to fly, costs less than $300 or at max $300 to fly roundtrip, I have a lot of trust with the community, I know exactly what I am getting in regards to level of skill and I have the chance to play famous Mexican players on a consistent basis and builds my trust with them and enables me to setup international stuff like what I am doing now all the time. I am going to get to play vs. Luis Cha in 2000/2001, NeoWave whatever, Ivan in 2002 UM this time, Kula in 98UM, 2002 UM, KOFXI, whatever I want, so you guys will see footage of me vs. Kula in two weeks..all of this from going to Mexico on a consistent basis..

Flying to Europe and Asia costs $1,000 per trip roundtrip, and though I have contacts like Dune etc if I am going to spend that amount to train I want it to be well worth it.

Thus for the time being I am levelling up in Juarez, which will soon to be Mexico City and other places in addition to much cheaper places such as Peru, Argentina and all over South America, I mean it costs less to fly to Lima, Peru than it does to fly to Japan..I mean we are talking like 6-700 dollars less.

In regards to variety I'm taking it one step at a time, it will be time for me to go to Mexico City a lot to get variety, then I will start going further and further down South, also going to Asia etc for the tournaments I have planned in the future.

Hope that answers your questions...


The next tournament in France would be the World Games Cup 2011 Cannes: http://www.worldgamecup.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=dd2970175100803642eeb0f65874be69
I think Gunsmith and some other Orochinagi guys are planning to go to that one.

As for EVO i would be interested in going if it had 13, not too sure i would be able to go though as i'm saving to go Japan next year.
Would definitely like to come over and play some guys in the US when i can afford to.


going to europe has no meaning at all, wtf you wanna do here? visit the 1 or 2 arcades that only some countries still have left? if i where you, id save the money and visit japan or china. i wanna visit japan when i can.

also one of my best friends is chinese from guang zhou (dont know how to write the shit), and he basically asks me every year or 2 to go with him to visit his hometown, hk, sh and some other places with him. def worth it since hes got contacts in every layer of society, something i need to do within the next 2 years. hopefully next year. also from texas to mexico should be cheap, your neighbours. its like going from holland to france in terms of distance/cost.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: Dark Geese on November 02, 2010, 11:58:43 PM
Mexico is very close to me easy to fly, costs less than $300 or at max $300 to fly roundtrip, I have a lot of trust with the community, I know exactly what I am getting in regards to level of skill and I have the chance to play famous Mexican players on a consistent basis and builds my trust with them and enables me to setup international stuff like what I am doing now all the time. I am going to get to play vs. Luis Cha in 2000/2001, NeoWave whatever, Ivan in 2002 UM this time, Kula in 98UM, 2002 UM, KOFXI, whatever I want, so you guys will see footage of me vs. Kula in two weeks..all of this from going to Mexico on a consistent basis..

Flying to Europe and Asia costs $1,000 per trip roundtrip, and though I have contacts like Dune etc if I am going to spend that amount to train I want it to be well worth it.

Thus for the time being I am levelling up in Juarez, which will soon to be Mexico City and other places in addition to much cheaper places such as Peru, Argentina and all over South America, I mean it costs less to fly to Lima, Peru than it does to fly to Japan..I mean we are talking like 6-700 dollars less.

In regards to variety I'm taking it one step at a time, it will be time for me to go to Mexico City a lot to get variety, then I will start going further and further down South, also going to Asia etc for the tournaments I have planned in the future.

Hope that answers your questions...

Cool.  Didn't know it was that much cheaper, that makes sense now.


Whether it was a main or a sub I would try my damnedest to make it out.


Know what I want to see? I want to see a possible Latin America/South America big time tournament involving all of the countries in that part of the world that play KOF. I think it would make for some great times and some great matches. Guess I only say that cause I'm tired of everyone just crowning the Japanese and Chinese as the only ones worth watching when it comes to fighters and also the chances of ever seeing any of the top Latin players at an event like SBO is very low.

as for Evo, don't know if I would make it since you never know what can happen in life. If I were to go, I would try to road trip it from NY. Get out and see the road.  


I have to try to make it to Evo. I really want to play with people above my level in any game but I want it the most with KOF.


Quote from: MUSOLINI on November 03, 2010, 01:05:31 AM
going to europe has no meaning at all, wtf you wanna do here? visit the 1 or 2 arcades that only some countries still have left? if i where you, id save the money and visit japan or china. i wanna visit japan when i can.

i disagree and agree. europe isn't NL.
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^


Quote from: venusandeve on November 03, 2010, 06:05:14 PM
Quote from: MUSOLINI on November 03, 2010, 01:05:31 AM
going to europe has no meaning at all, wtf you wanna do here? visit the 1 or 2 arcades that only some countries still have left? if i where you, id save the money and visit japan or china. i wanna visit japan when i can.

i disagree and agree. europe isn't NL.

Will you be going to the tournament in Cannes?


logistics wise, i could go. unfortunately, i'm more of a sideline supporter and fan of the series than a serious player. i might go just for the hell of it, just don't hold me to it.

EDIT: f&^%, google earth tells me it's an awesome place to take a vacation ^^
anyone wanna buy a guitar? XD (jk)
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^


Well after a long weekend I finally recovered. I noticed there's been more interest from some of you guys to have KOF XIII @ EVO as part of the main event lineup, which is great.

However let me fill you guys in the situation unfortunally I can't disclose too much.

1. Starting a Facebook account will not work.
2. Starting Polls to show the number of people interested will not work.
3. Sending a million emails to the EVO staff will not work.

SoCal Regionals was part of the effort of bringing KOF XIII to EVO, what I can tell you guys right now is that all we need is the support from SNKP to make this happen. The SNKP rep was impressed by the event and very thankful towards us that made it happen. As many of you did on the stream, he also noticed the difficulties that it is to deal with the TAITO boards and how much easier it would be to work with consoles.

Right now we are at SNKP mercy to make this happen.


Quote from: THE ANSWER on November 09, 2010, 05:20:40 PM
Well after a long weekend I finally recovered. I noticed there's been more interest from some of you guys to have KOF XIII @ EVO as part of the main event lineup, which is great.

However let me fill you guys in the situation unfortunally I can't disclose too much.

1. Starting a Facebook account will not work.
2. Starting Polls to show the number of people interested will not work.
3. Sending a million emails to the EVO staff will not work.

SoCal Regionals was part of the effort of bringing KOF XIII to EVO, what I can tell you guys right now is that all we need is the support from SNKP to make this happen. The SNKP rep was impressed by the event and very thankful towards us that made it happen. As many of you did on the stream, he also noticed the difficulties that it is to deal with the TAITO boards and how much easier it would be to work with consoles.

Right now we are at SNKP mercy to make this happen.

Do you know or asked if any more SNKP reps would attend future tourneys, like Norcal Regionals?