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KOF XIII at EVO 2011 Side tournament NEW POLL!

Started by THE ANSWER, November 01, 2010, 05:47:41 PM

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If there's a KOF XIII side tournament at EVO 2011, would you?

Be there four sure!!!!
I would try to make an effort to attend.
If I'm there, I'll join.
I don't give a rats ass about a side tournament


PSN- MrGreen-AI


As long as XIII is there, I'll be there.


I guess to re-iterate. I've always wanted to go to an evo, so XIII being there is a bonus, a main game a super bonus, and I would actually participate in the tourney itself then instead of just spectate/record shit/take pictures

C 3

Quote from: Cibernetico on November 01, 2010, 09:08:59 PM
not trying to sound like an ass or a jerk, but are you guys basing the trip to Evo if the game is being showed off on a big projector screen only? Or are you going regardless of the fact that the game may not make the main lineup? I guess what I'm asking is, would you guys go if there is only a side tourney with a possible 40+ people playing it?

I would go regardless.  Being on the big screen imo is a small part of the fun, excitement and the overall benefits of being at evo.  On top of that, people from toronto won't be able to touch the game until the console release, so maybe it's better we (as in T.O peeps) don't get to be on the big screen :P

With that aside, I think that people who wouldn't go unless it's on the big screen should keep in mind that building the scene should be part of your plans also, and that applies to all of us really.  If we can build a big enough scene, being on the big screen will become a given.


Quote from: Phoenixazure on November 02, 2010, 01:09:25 AM
I guess to re-iterate. I've always wanted to go to an evo, so XIII being there is a bonus, a main game a super bonus, and I would actually participate in the tourney itself then instead of just spectate/record shit/take pictures

I think it'll be good to finally meet some DC'ers too.


IMO it's more than just being on a big screen. Games that make the EVO lineup are consider to have a solid community. That's the point here to find out how many people would be motivated and would make the effort to attend and official event. Ofcourse we can have a side tournament hosted by Darkgeese (no disrespect), but how many people across the country would show up? How about international players? That is probably for another poll thou but I'm sure not many.  

Rex Dart

Just to get a sense of scale, how big is the turnout for most non-SF4 tournaments at EVO? I've seen videos of the huge crowd at the SF finals, but how about games like Blazblue, Melty Blood or Tatsunoko? How many people show up?


Those huge crowd scenes are usually for the finals for all of the main games. In 2009, BB had several hundred people, I think. It was chaotic.


All The finals are on the same day, so theres usually Hundreds of people watching, that's not counting the THOUSANDS of people watching the stream.

Rex Dart

What I mean is, how many people need to be interested in playing XIII before the EVO organizers take notice?


they might do another vote like they did this year (with how MB got in) so KOF people will have to vote. another way is SNKP sponsoring a spot, which is how it usually goes down


I wish I could, sorry but if it's somewhere near, I'll be there for sure.


Quote from: Rex Dart on November 02, 2010, 04:35:30 AM
Just to get a sense of scale, how big is the turnout for most non-SF4 tournaments at EVO? I've seen videos of the huge crowd at the SF finals, but how about games like Blazblue, Melty Blood or Tatsunoko? How many people show up?

for MB at EVO 2010, we had around 150 people. i remember the year EVO had VF5, they only had like 40 entrants or something like that. it's not always about numbers. post on SRK, talk to Mr. Wizard. it's how you promote the scene rather than the scene itself sometimes. it also helps if we foster some high level play. even if we don't have a lot of players, if vids and whatnot show otherwise, we might draw the crowds and garner some votes come poll time.


Quote from: EasyPie on November 02, 2010, 07:33:08 AM
I wish I could, sorry but if it's somewhere near, I'll be there for sure.

It's only Vegas.  Even if you're already back in NorCal by then, Vegas isn't far at all.

Nikolai VolKOF

i'd like to see emil show up.  i'd also like to see mm's from mr kof, DG