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Messages - Kane317

Pages: 1 ... 182 183 [184] 185 186 ... 191
Offline Matchmaking / Re: SoCal KoF
« on: August 23, 2010, 06:27:33 PM »
I'll be there today, I'm usually there on Mondays.  I'll be the guy with weird toe glove shoes. 

Any details from the tournament. Any spectators, anything of interest?

Definitely gathered a crowd, considering how little people were in the Arcade (early Saturday afternoon, can't expect much). Nothing out of the unusual tournament play is always less fun to watch, less flashy, nervous mistakes etc...

Raiden was really the star of the show, even the Ex bugs pale in comparison (and they were abused-- even I used it for the first real time).

At the end of the whole thing while trying to reset the machine from event mode back to normal, The Answer and I caught a glimpse of the data log-- most character used, total gameplay time, money spent etc. It's on Direct Feed so hopefully everything gets uploaded.

It was the first time doing the commentaries, didn't really know what to say so I apologize in advance hehe.

On a separate note, hasn't Arcade UFO had XIII for some time now, no vids or even impression?

General Discussion / Re: The King of Fighters XIII Video Thread
« on: August 22, 2010, 12:18:02 PM »
PenPen from ON has some random HK clips:

Offline Matchmaking / Re: SoCal KoF
« on: August 22, 2010, 06:29:13 AM »

Offline Matchmaking / Re: SoCal KoF
« on: August 21, 2010, 09:59:47 PM »
You really should setup a bulletin in the dorm rooms to carpool with someone to Rowland Heights. UCLA is bound to have students from the area.

Update: Direct Feed is in da house!

Raiden / Re: Raiden
« on: August 21, 2010, 04:49:18 PM »
Combos from Arcadia:
1/ d.B x1~2, s.A, Head Crusher (hcf+K)
2/ j.D, d.C, Ex qcb P, A Giant Bomb (charge db~f+P), [DC] Raiden Bomb (dp+P)
3/ Air.j.CD, Drop Kick (lvl 3~4), Ex Giant Bomb, (corner) Raiden Bomb
4/ (Corner) Air.j.CD, Drop Kick (lvl 3~4), Ex Giant Bomb, [DC] C Poison Mist (qcb+C), Ex Giant Bomb/ A Giant Bomb, Raiden Bomb

- s.D [2hits], HD, d.C, (Ex Giant Bomb, [HDC] C Poison Mist, A Giant Bomb, [HDC] C Poison Mist) x2, Ex Giant Bomb, [HDC] C Poison Mist,  A Giant Bomb, Raiden Bomb ~ 788 damage, 3 stocks, near corner

-d.C, HD, d.C, Ex Giant Bomb, [HDC] C Poison Mist, A Giant Bomb, [HDC] C Poison Mist, d.C, Max Drop Kick, Ex Giant Bomb, [HDC] C Poison Mist, A Giant Bomb, Raiden Bomb ~ 1029 damage, 2 stocks, near corner

Offline Matchmaking / Re: SoCal KoF
« on: August 20, 2010, 10:59:57 PM »
José and I are here right now. I'm going to leave by 430, make sure you come tomorrow for the ranbat/ tourney.

Update: It would have been sooner if the Direct Feed guy got back to us sooner (been waiting three days for his confirmation and still no word, assuming life got in the way). It's at AI at 1pm, ranbat / tourney but Direct Feed is unconfirmed

General Discussion / Re: The King of Fighters XIII Bug/Glitches Thread
« on: August 20, 2010, 05:46:25 PM »
A few glitches in the beginning of this match. Not sure if they were mentioned all ready

It was mentioned over at the video thread but it belongs here:

feat Iori DM's bug aaaaand a new bug ( ? ) with Kyo.

I think the bug with Iori is obviously bad, but thank god it's his DM and not his Ex DM (I justify that you might as well finish it with some Ex move instead of the DM). Still bad, but at least it wasn't his Ex DM which there would be no replacement for damage.

As for the K' and Kyo bug, I think the parameters are uncertain what triggers it, and if it's character specific to Kyo or to K'; more testing is needed.

have you guys run into any of these bugs/glitches during casual play?

EDIT: Sorry for the late response.  In short, no.  Not really, in fact, I don't know how half these bugs are discovered.  The game plays just fine and it just needs a bit of a tweaking.

UPDATE: Read somewhere how the Iori bug works.  If you knock your opponent away and hit them with your DM (basically juggled), that's when the condition is triggered -- which kinda makes sense since if they never did a DM you should be able to tech roll.

You know Diavle brought up a good point over in the video thread about the Ex bugs:
If they abuse the ex bug then they won't have super often either.

Particularly for Goro (call me bias, I don't really use Takuma--yet ^-^), I rather people use his Ex Quake (dp+AC) all day instead of worrying about his Ex Command throw in the corner into df.C x3 into hcf+AC, passing on his stocks to the next character, or worrying about his counter NM.

Anytime he lifts his arm you're meant to jump anyways (although I think Ex Quake has a huge frontal/aerial hitbox).  If the argument is that he can [DC] his Ex Quake into dp+K then you would have been close enough to have eaten the dp+K anyways if you got hit by the Ex Quake.  Am I missing something here (other than the obvious, "it was never intended to be abused that way argument")?

Takuma on the other hand, greatly benefits from his bug as it extends his combos.  However, you don't have to worry about getting hit by any of his DMs, or he passing his stocks to people.

Last point, maybe Takuma and Goro should be last characters, since they hog all the stocks.

Raiden / Re: Raiden
« on: August 20, 2010, 05:25:52 PM »
And the best thing : Break CD can be chained with a B DropKick and follow-up, which is kinda scary.

Lol tried the GCCD last night into drop, failed miserably.  Prolly shouldn't try it against the good players until I learned the timing here (last match).

(I also chose to test out the GP bug against K''s j.C, which in retrospect makes me think it's Kyo's s.C instead--all in the same match, big mistake lol.  Ate a long combo).

j.CD into drop kick is pretty juicy too.  It's tricky to choose which drop kick to store for (if you're only going for one) since d.B combos, AB rolling and tech rolling are pretty essential, whereas crossup D, GCCDs and j.CDs are equally useful.  I'm thinking storing the B is still the lesser of two evils.

General Discussion / Re: The King of Fighters XIII Video Thread
« on: August 20, 2010, 08:53:27 AM »
If they abuse the ex bug then they won't have super often either.

That's an interesting perspective, never thought of it that way.  Compared to Goro, Takuma still benefits from the bug a whole lot more.  Goro seems to have bumped up a slightly coz of the bug but nothing to cry over. (EDIT: I carried the discussion back over here)

Front page has been updated with KCE 302.

Maxima / Re: Maxima
« on: August 20, 2010, 07:02:08 AM »
You definitely take no damage for GP'ing but I dunno about the guard gauge.

Ryo Sakazaki / Re: Ryo Sakazaki
« on: August 20, 2010, 12:12:01 AM »
Definitely cannot parry multi hits just one I tried to parry terry's sC and it would not parry the second hit I was however able to do a dp through it tho it was pretty hard I did it twice out of thirty tries

Thirty times?!  I sure hope that was training mode, otherwise you must have had a repetitive opponent :)  Thanks for the confirmation about the parry.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: SoCal KoF
« on: August 19, 2010, 11:58:54 PM »
Sad story, Bao and I probably won't be able to attend on Saturday :[ I'm trying to make Brian go! I'm also trying to convince him to join the forums, but he's being a bum.
I can't go on Sat I work swing shift that day -_-.
dammit I wanna go I have to go to rock the bells that day I've been practicing alot too i wanna test my skill dammit ah well i'll be there tomorrow and friday hope 2 play a lot of you

Fail.  Excuses, come support the scene!

Maxima / Re: Maxima
« on: August 19, 2010, 11:52:37 PM »

I believe Kane mentioned his Guard Points don't take (block?) damage, also?

Nope, no block damage at all unlike 2K2UM (?) in the video.

The tags for that vid are awesome, BTW.

Those tags lol...REAL talk.

BTW, I love the response to Ice-Kun's itpcruz08 question about what the BGM is:

"@itpcruz08 I don't know. I just assumed the music radiated from Maxima's manly aura."

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