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Messages - mightfo

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Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:23:55 AM »
Someone left their "PIII&PC Converter" which was hooked up to my ps3 over here.

Shoutouts to having 20 people, the most we've had! Thanks to everyone for coming!
Shoutouts to everyone who brought equipment(darkgeese, metal, keyblaz, blackjack, denton guys, transient, mike)
Shoutouts to amazing eric vs transient matches (dat jin vs noel footsies)
Shoutouts to Arcana with cookie
Shoutouts to forgetting to play melty :( Sorry Denthorn and co
Shoutouts to litchi for always being a fucking blast
Shoutouts to all the hype moments that I am too tired to remember, sorry. Thanks everyone!

One of our best meetups. I look forward to next time. I dunno if i can host next saturday.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: February 04, 2012, 09:55:13 PM »
Just a late reminder: PLEASE bring ps3 sticks/pads if you can. Especially sticks.

Ok short notice changed happen so I won't able to drop by today

aww :(

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: February 04, 2012, 01:37:01 AM »
Hm, looks like we have a good chance of having 15+ people then.

No problem bringing my ps3. Got all the stages and all characters except algol unlocked in scv already, even got devil jin's style.
Bring your ps3 indeed, then. Ill get transient to bring his monitor. I dont know where we'll put it, but we'll figure something out.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: February 03, 2012, 07:25:57 AM »
Meetup is looking like:

Pfhor and 1-3 other melty blood guys

Goons guys

And still waiting on some responses.

Denton Melty Setup
I think we will mainly run bb on mine, sc5 on blackjack's, and obviously kof on dg's and melty on denton's. Things can change depending on how people congregate to stuff, though.

Thanks for bringing an extra pad, blackjack. Backup sticks and pads are always welcome since there is some sort of weird situation with controllers in some meetups..

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: February 02, 2012, 11:04:23 PM »
No problem bringing my ps3. Got all the stages and all characters except algol unlocked in scv already, even got devil jin's style.

Nice. I hear with algol all you have to do is either beat him 3 matches in a row or 3 rounds in a row..not sure which. Or you can just be level 12.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: February 02, 2012, 04:59:34 AM »
Metal, if we end up needing a 4th setup, could you bring your ps3 since it has kof/sc5 saves on it?(Transient will bring his monitor to go with it.) Probably wont need to, though. We'll probably have a laptop for a 4th, melty setup.

Count me in for being at the meetup this Saturday. I'll bring my setup along with KOF XIII, SC V, and an extra pad just in case someone needs it.

Nice. Thanks again!

I might go but if I do then I won't stay too long like last time. Couple of guys from House of Goons might come over this Sat. I'll ask later for confirmation.

Good news for the latest patch is that the controllers/sticks without a ps home button are now fully supported and fixed.
Aw, wish you could stay long, but cool to hear goons guys might be coming. The patch is good stuff too.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: January 31, 2012, 08:54:29 AM »
Yup, Meetup saturday, my place, 3pm-10pm like usual. Should be an awesome day for BB, SC5, KOF, and if someone brings a setup, Melty. Yeti, Blackjack, Demon, you gonna be there?

Will text people tomorrow and make an expectation/setup list later this week.

By the way, i heard in SC5 you can unlock characters like Algol by playing quick battle against their AIs. So, that may be the best way to unlock everyone.

Well you know I'll be there. Just texted DG and awaiting reply. Bryan should be coming too. He's got some new tricks with Clark so I know he's dying to test them out.

I will indeed have a ps3 copy of SCV so I will bring it.

I have been practicing some pretty crazy HD combos so watch out! I am especially hype for the next meetup.

I can even do a 100% Terry combo now! (Though it takes 8 stocks of meter *facepalm*)

Glad bryan's coming. Hope DG can bring a setup. Thanks for bringing the ps3 copy of sc5. If you get everyone unlocked, consider bringing your PS3 incase whoever brings the 3rd setup(assuming dg brings the second) doesnt have the stuff unlocked on their ps3. (i'll have the 360 version of sc5 tomorrow)

asdfsdfd 8 stock terry combos. i love stupid shit like that.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: January 27, 2012, 07:28:39 AM »
I'll definitely host next weekend. Saturday the 4th. Who'd be up for that? KOF, SC5, BB, Melty if those players come, etc~~

I'll try to frontload homework enough so that I also host saturday the 11th, but we'll see.

also, algol's super in sc5 has him sit on you in his throne. god yes

Metal, would DG be able to come that day and bring a KOF setup?

(remember, we're NOT talking about this saturday, the saturday after)

Blackjack, would you be able to come and bring a setup? Might not be used for KOF though depending on how many people come for kof, bb, are interested in sc5, etc.

Metal, bring a ps3 version of sc5 for setup convenience btw, if you can.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:04:41 PM »
Lol don't you have enough money to buy a new one? I will stick with for casual fights and watching someone else playing Mr karate

Yeah, I have a new couch now. :P

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:50:03 AM »
Sorry, i wont be able to host again this weekend, semester is starting off rough. I think i will very likely be able to host the weekend after By then, soul calibur 5 will be out(Woo!), and I will have so much pent up hype and desire to play litchi by then that i am probably going to end up crushing furniture again.

But yeah. Hopefully frigid or someone can host this weekend. If not, keep hype for the weekend after~

Also, is anyone putting Mr. Karate on their team? I know metal was considering that.

General Fighting Game Discussion / Re: Street Fighter X Tekken
« on: January 20, 2012, 09:24:28 PM »
I dont see why boxer is in. I dont think he'll have as much synergy with the system(tag cancels) as others would, but whatever.

No one who plays Tekken should be anywhere hyped for this game, but that's why I think this game and TxSF is a complete waste of time.
Why is that? I think Tekken x SF could be very interesting. Seeing how 2d characters are incorporated into a 3d fighter could yield some really unique stuff. I don't see how you can judge it as a complete waste of time when it has huge potential for innovation.

Why Leo?  You already have one Waifu in, you don't need another Futa Waifu.
i actually want leo too, just because he's the only character i got remotely used to in tekken. i found his moves to be very gratifying since bajiquan is awesome. plus, gender ambiguous characters are awesome.

also, while it would be cool to see karin in, i dont like the unending whining about her not being in. most of the people who complain about it just want her due to "waifu" reasons as opposed to her legitimately cool gameplay.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: January 18, 2012, 07:49:07 AM »
I don't mind if you want to combined it and play different games. It doesn't bother me at all

Are you saying you can host, or just noting you dont mind the "Combined" way we've usually run meetups?

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: January 18, 2012, 04:27:41 AM »
So, frigid, jet and I all can't host this week. If anyone else could host on friday/saturday/sunday, that would be awesome. Even if not this week, it'd be good if someone else considered hosting so that we have more backup locations. This is probably going to be quite the busy semester for me. (naturally, i am thinking of a dustloop-dreamcancel combined meetup as usual, but i guess if you guys really want to do a dreamcancel only thing for space reasons or something then it is whatever)

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: January 16, 2012, 09:48:52 PM »
Texas Bar Fights VII coming up in Feb 25

Btw which Melty Blood did you play? Current code or the ps2 version?

Current code.
I'll try to go to that tourney, but it depends on school
Also, I wish i went to goons last wednesday instead of straight up forgetting, since I wont really be able to go on wednesdays during the semester.. :/

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
« on: January 15, 2012, 08:56:03 AM »
Meetup was fucking amazing.

Shoutouts to having 18 people and 6 setups.
Shoutouts to blazblue hype.
Shoutouts to dat melty, that game is fun and i'm glad the melty scene came, looking forward to playing that more.
Shoutouts to autoguard
Shoutouts to frigid for hosting
Shoutouts to everyone who brought setups(blackjack, cookie, oldboy, uhh i think one of the pc setups was texas tim's, frigid's obviously, and divided's big tv)
Shoutouts to arakune and carl for being hype
Shoutouts to mu mirrors
Shoutouts to "I SHOT A BITCH"
Shoutouts to failed frkz
Shoutouts to anti crossup jabs
Shoutouts to everyone for coming out and being awesome!

Good shit. I probably wont be able to host next weekend, hopefully frigid can. We'll see.

By the way, sorry about the confusion about the location of frigid's apartment and sorry for posting the gate code late and stuff. Especially sorry to metal and demondiz. Glad you got some good KOF in though!

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