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Messages - FameDouglas

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You know, was I the only one who didn't mind the camera zoom when characters were close to each other? Maybe it's cause I played too much back in the day,  but I always looked at it as some kind of homage to AoF1.

And man do I wish critical counters were gone from this game and instead the damage output of moves were increased. It would make for a better game instead of it boiling down to who can hit HP first.

Yeah, I think it felt more like AOF 3 with the zoom cam. I think the CCs add that sense of awareness to the game and make you think a bit on offense. I'd compare them to the ULTRA COMBOS in SSF IV where one slip can mean big damage on the punish. Plus, they're fun to watch and see the different combos people put together.

Oh well, they took out the CCs in XIII but replaced them with the ability to cancel specials and added EX moves, EX DMs and NeoMax moves.


But...KOF XII doesn't have big combos like SSF IV! lmao


Online Matchmaking / Re: NeoGeo Station players
« on: January 05, 2011, 03:30:55 AM »
-Samurai Shodown
-Art of Fighting
-King of Fighters 94
Come one, Come All!!!

I'll get atchu in 94 sometime this week...

yooooooo lol i was loving it but unfortunately i had 2 cut it short i got challenged on ssfhdr & well i had to destroy with my gief of steel but senior we appreciate you making moves to help KOF 12 keep them veterans coming i'll b at pro level in no time lol Cheers!!!!

No problem.  I'm checking on my friends list to see if anyone will play again.  I still have a few that play regularly.  However a lot of them are from Mexico.  But they play really good.

The more the long as they have a decent connection that is. If they're all that good then we can mos def get our game up by learning from them! That's part of what this all about ya digg!

I know a there are a few kats "ghosting" this thread and are still skeptical about KOF XII and all that so I wanna say to the "ghosts" that I encourage you all to give it a 2nd chance and the rest of the "crew" and I welcome you to join.

Oh yeah, two more things. WIRED CONNECTIONS of 20 Mb or higher are highly recommended for KOF XII online and when in the lobby and ESPECIALLY while a match is going on (even if you're just spectating) DO NOT go to the XMB for any reason until the match is over! Ignore those "is that game good?" and all the COD: BO invites until the match is done and everyone is in the pre-fight lobby.

I'm at work now but I'm sure hdcloudstrife08, n0thin89, AgentOrange82, Ken-Chan55 or BestMCfromMASS (just to name a FEW) would be down for a few rounds of some PSN KOF XII action!

Ahh one of my friends was able to join.  I'd love to show you everyone that I know playing KOF As they'd give you the experience and challenge you'd love HDCloud and FameDouglas.  Unfortunately most aren't on.  Have you tried playing against KimKaphan?

If you wanna learn how to whoop-ass, you gotta get your ass-whooped! me-gusta-el-0 was off da hook!

i guess i should go buy kof 12 again
Do it!!!!!! lol
but i already haz it on xbox :(

WRONG CONSOLE.  Junk it and get it on PS3.

So true. I was just on the GameFAQS message boards for KOF XII and it was a GHOST TOWN! The thing is, not to sound fanboy-ish but the 360 demographic is mostly for fratboys who like FPS games (COD:BO, Halo and all that jazz).

Sure, you can say "the PRO SSF IV players all play on 360" partly because they're paid to and MicroSoft GIVES them free stuff as long as they rep the console in public.

The real fighting game fans are on PS3...many of them transitioning from the KOF XI and 02/03 scene on PS2. More people play COD BO on 360 because there ain't much to play besides FPS every other game. The PS3  has a VARIETY of games to play other than FPS. They're so spread out among the other games...fighting games included.
actually dude i have to disagree i have a healthy mix of all genres on my 360 and i really dont think system preference decides who are the real fighting game players

You're 1-in 40 million. lol

As a former manager at GameStop, I can tell you from regional sales numbers alone that what the deal is.

i guess i should go buy kof 12 again
Do it!!!!!! lol
but i already haz it on xbox :(

WRONG CONSOLE.  Junk it and get it on PS3.

So true. I was just on the GameFAQS message boards for KOF XII and it was a GHOST TOWN! The thing is, not to sound fanboy-ish but the 360 demographic is mostly for fratboys who like FPS games (COD:BO, Halo and all that jazz).

Sure, you can say "the PRO SSF IV players all play on 360" partly because they're paid to and MicroSoft GIVES them free stuff as long as they rep the console in public.

The real fighting game fans are on PS3...many of them transitioning from the KOF XI and 02/03 scene on PS2. More people play COD BO on 360 because there ain't much to play besides FPS every other game. The PS3  has a VARIETY of games to play other than FPS. They're so spread out among the other games...fighting games included.

You fellas plan to do a KOFXII ranbat or gauntlet sometime? I think it will be dope.

People might say I cling on the comfort zone of 3rd Strike because I don't seriously play or like SSF4. And I think 3rd Strike is a better game than SSF4. Y'all agree? :)

Wholeheartedly agree witchu on that contest there!

Gotta say I never "hosted" anything like that other than a double-elimination tournament. How do they work? I'm interested...

But they ain't makin it HOT like we do on PSN! Check it out!

This should be called "teaching KOF XII to newcomers and OG players that cling to the COMFORT ZONE of KOF 98/02"...

Before anyone decides to take offense to the "98/02 cling" thing, it ain't at anyone in particular but just a general statement. Anyway, I posted it because I thought it was good read with some useful information.

If you STILL get offended even after I stated my intention then you can take a trip Florida University...

Found this interesting video clip regarding SSF IV's "n00b friendly controls"...

Damn, Capcom can't do ANYTHING right with the IV series! lmao

Video archiving coming soon! Get that practice mode time in...I'm gon make ya FAMOUS!

@ Homies

I based it on character usage percentages, not an "official" tier list from Japan. In that light, my list more right than wrong. 

Like I said before, it's open for discussion. Anyone have input? Anyone here agree that Iori is top tier? Before you answer, think about active players in community who actually use him in a dominant fashion.

Ideas for "Ratio" system inspired by a recent XIII tournament. Teams have ratio quota of 4 points exactly. Example, if you pick Kyo who is a 4 point character alone, you must choose two from the 0 point pool, Kyo/Duo/Goro = 4 pts; Robert/Kensou/Chin = 4 points.

4 pts
- Kyo
- Terry

3 pts
- Iori
- Kim
- Robert
- Joe
- Athena

2 pts
- Andy
- Ryo
- Benimaru
- Ash
- Leona

1 point
- Shen
- Ralf
- Kensou
- Mature
- Elizabeth

0 point (Free Agents)
- Duo
- Goro
- Clark
- Chin
- Raiden

Anyone think any of the characters may be in the wrong bracket? Let your opinions be heard!

Remember, this is an experiment to enhance the matchup variety instead of having Kyo, Terry and Joe teams all day.

On my way! RAIJINKEN!

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