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Joe Higashi (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:15:19 AM

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A video wot I maed.


I'll also be capturing all of his normals and calculating his frame data seeing as there isn't seemingly anyone else in a rush to do so.


KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma



Any safe-jump setups ?



Not really tested many safejump setups seeing as everything but qcfhcb.P are at best soft knockdowns or you will be resetting off them into either hurricane lockdown midscreen or with j.D in the corner. I don't think that qcfhcb.P gives you a safejump because of the terrible jump arc. I think you should get the option of a whiffed safe s.A or a meaty s.D but don't hold me to that yet.

One thing that is guaranteed is in the corner off a throw, whiff a TnT and its safe. For some reason people love trying to reversal that one on wakeup... they'll soon stop and just accept my free meter gain.

[EDIT]: yeah, you don't even get a safe hop off qcfhcb.P. Seeing at thats more than likely your only knockdown then we're poop out of luck.


Quote from: Fadedsun on July 25, 2012, 03:08:33 AM
Thanks, guys. I'm going to hit up practice mode and see if I can do it. I didn't think to hold down the last button. Can someone direct me to Bala's video of the stun combo? I don't know his youtube channel.

That tip about starting right when the second hit of the DP starts REALLY helped me out a lot, so thanks for that tip. I'm starting to get it! Now comes the part of consistently doing it and getting the DC after the finisher.

I *think* I got a more calculated method of doing it after talking to finches about his video on IRC.

Basically tap rapidly 4 times. On the forth tap make sure it's at the end of the QCB back motion for the finisher. So tap 3 times then qcb+p.

So after the DP+B second hit I hit four times rapidly and when Joe lands it will be into the finisher. Of course it takes practice but I find it more calculated than spamming and I can't double tap.  :)


Not sure if it's posted anywhere, but can you hop over the strong version of Hurricane Upper? I've been trying and it doesn't seem to work, like the hitbox is bigger for that one in particular.

The Fluke

not sure, it has so much recovery that it's crazy throwing it out randomly when the opponent is even fairly close. I'd gladly try and test it out a bit though because if it's hitbox is taller, then it might become more useful.


Mistake in the front page:

His "Bakuretsuken" (tap  ;a/ ;c) is misspelled. Someone needs to fix that.


Very interesting new take on a practical HD combo for Joe, full screen carry (1:45):



Except it does way less damage than the full screen one I posted in my video, and is much harder than mine.

Mine you can also turn into 735 meterless.
The combo is:

s.D f.B hd s.C df.B hcf.D dc dp.B dc hcf.D dc dp.B dc hcf.D dc hcf.A, dp.B dc qcb.D, AAAqcb.A, dp.B, AAAqcb.A AAAAAAqcb.A, j.D

So its the one in the video, except where you do hurricane xx screw upper, you do hurricane and link a B tiger knee, drive cancel into D heel, and go into standard stun combo fare after the HD runs out.

However, the one in your video looks pretty cool.


Why doesn't anyone use his  ;fd;b command? It was useful for linking in past games...


Quote from: marchefelix on October 29, 2012, 10:47:19 PM
Why doesn't anyone use his  ;fd +  ;b command? It was useful for linking in past games...

Sorry what? Everyone uses it!
You just have to hit confirm it or be unpredictable with it because it leads to generally non-true blockstrings (you'll eat a ranbu) or massive punishes if you leave it uncancelled. The thing is -15f or so on block...


Quote from: raisedbyfinches on October 29, 2012, 10:56:20 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on October 29, 2012, 10:47:19 PM
Why doesn't anyone use his  ;fd +  ;b command? It was useful for linking in past games...

Sorry what? Everyone uses it!
You just have to hit confirm it or be unpredictable with it because it leads to generally non-true blockstrings (you'll eat a ranbu) or massive punishes if you leave it uncancelled. The thing is -15f or so on block...

It's just that I don't see it being used much in the videos I see. They mostly stick to the sliding move.


Quote from: marchefelix on October 29, 2012, 11:04:16 PM
It's just that I don't see it being used much in the videos I see. They mostly stick to the sliding move.

You've been watching very different videos to me. Then I rarely see other Joe players and carry on watching because most of them are pretty bad round here. Haregoro or bust tbh.

Slide is really ok in frame traps and as a start after hd to get into the best damage, but f.b needs hit confirming - if you get it off 3 lights you're in for some serious good stuff.

[Edit]: I mean slide xx TnT in strings.

The Fluke

I think basic string for Joe should pretty much allways be "d.B d.B (for hitconfirm) s.A f.B" because this string enables good midscreen combos ending in setups (yay) and your best corner combo etc. aswell as giving you the ability to either easily dash or hop in again on block and thus do the same thing again. Typical, yes, but really good.