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KOF XIII 5th |OT| Thread: Console Change log edition

Started by Kane317, October 27, 2011, 12:42:32 PM

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psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'


After watching that Flame Iori, I cannot help but pray for DLC Vanessa and Ramon. Those 2 would be sick in the XIII engine.


Idk what's going with stream.

More Flame Iori stuff: EXDP crew messing with 98 Iori HD

Be prepare for unlock key arguments.



stream doesn't work for me. I'll  just hope they reupload it to youtube or something.


All that was recorded, went here: http://www.twitch.tv/exdragonproject/videos

Highlights being the 24 min and 2 hour segments, or course.


Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on October 29, 2011, 05:22:04 PM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on October 29, 2011, 07:46:19 AM
Am I the only one that thinks of Flame Iori as "Iori threatened by change" and Rekka Kyo as "Kyo powered by scrub"

Since They're doing EX versions, can I have an EX version of Chin where he just lies down on the ground and travels across the screen along with his corkscrew jump and jug toss? 

I also want Classic Clark where he had a throw for everything.

But seriously, I see the EX versions of Kyo and Iori as the birth of whiny complainers who cried so much about Iori changing or Kyo not having rekkas when most "rekka" users I've seen only refer to him in his Capcom VS SNK 2 usage.

The only character I can legitimately see complaining about change is Kensou users.  He got changed every damn year for shits and giggles.

I'm sorry, is it wrong for people to like certain styles of characters?

Is it wrong that people try something NEW once in a while?  It's this thinking that has kept Ryu and Ken stagnant for the hundred years they've been available.

OH I DON"T WANT TO LEAVE MY REKKA KEEEYOHH!  I NEEDS MY REKKAS WITH DAT DUR KEEYOH.  DURRRR Iori without his original movelist that he had since 95?  It's like republicans threatened by change.  I like the new Iori and it makes him far more then just a breath of Fresh air with his new style. 

Kyo players that cry for Rekkas are really just Capcom fans who never actually played KOF.

Do you even remember the outcry of 96 when Kyo went to Rekkas and how many people were complaining about the change? 

To be blunt, choice is good, but when that choice comes at crybaby fans who cry so much that they have to go back to the same old same old, then YES that's when it becomes harmful.  I'd love to see Iori stay without his fire powers in the next game and Kyo stay with his 95 moveset.  It differentiates them a hell of a lot more then if they both essentially have near same attacks or different looking stuff that functions essentially the same.

It all comes back to people loving the characters but not actually knowing how the game plays.  I think Dark Geese said something about this.


Except XIII Kyo isn't exactly new either, is he? If anything he's 2K2UM Kusanagi with some stuff shuffled around, and a few new things added.

And to paraphrase what a Kyo-playing (that's playing, not fangasm-ing) friend of mine says, he prefers Kyo with his firepunches because he prefers how that version of Kyo plays over fireball/uppercut Kyo. That's pretty much the gist of it.


lol Billy's sprite is so janky. We're lucky we're even getting EX characters; there's no way they had time to make any more new charactrers.


Quote from: SonicTempest on October 29, 2011, 09:59:18 PM
Except XIII Kyo isn't exactly new either, is he? If anything he's 2K2UM Kusanagi with some stuff shuffled around, and a few new things added.

And to paraphrase what a Kyo-playing (that's playing, not fangasm-ing) friend of mine says, he prefers Kyo with his firepunches because he prefers how that version of Kyo plays over fireball/uppercut Kyo. That's pretty much the gist of it.
that's my same reason for choosing between the two in the older games as well, but i'm not sure which one i'll choose when 13 comes out.
psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'


I wouldn't mind if the next version of Iori had the claw moveset but lit the opponent on fire.


Waifu Material


And WHAT exactly is new with XIII Kyo?  His moveset comes from older movesets as well.  Rekka Kyo didn't come first.  Hell, Rekka Kyo came about by the thing you're saying, to avoid Kyo becoming stagnant.  

Trying something new will happen, of course, in order to play KOF, you HAVE to know how to use 3 characters.  Having Rekka Kyo won't stop people from trying new things as they HAVE to know how to use new characters.  But having the right characters can help people have more fun.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.