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Duo Lon (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, October 27, 2010, 06:28:12 AM

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Quote from: FataCon on January 28, 2011, 01:21:35 AM
i also wish he had better air-to-air normals (i feel like his j.f+A isn't too reliable, maybe it's just me). he tends to lose air battles unless he's above the opponent.

j.C is awesome for air-to-air, and of course j.CD is as well.


Quote from: Kane317 on January 28, 2011, 02:10:03 AM
Quote from: FataCon on January 28, 2011, 01:21:35 AM
i also wish he had better air-to-air normals (i feel like his j.f+A isn't too reliable, maybe it's just me). he tends to lose air battles unless he's above the opponent.

j.C is awesome for air-to-air, and of course j.CD is as well.

is it really? if i j.CD and the opponent is the same height as me, i usually get CH cause of the downward hitbox.


Quote from: FataCon on January 28, 2011, 03:51:13 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on January 28, 2011, 02:10:03 AM
Quote from: FataCon on January 28, 2011, 01:21:35 AM
i also wish he had better air-to-air normals (i feel like his j.f+A isn't too reliable, maybe it's just me). he tends to lose air battles unless he's above the opponent.

j.C is awesome for air-to-air, and of course j.CD is as well.

is it really? if i j.CD and the opponent is the same height as me, i usually get CH cause of the downward hitbox.

Really, between his fast jumps and the high jump arc itself, I don't usually have that problem but then maybe I haven't had enough play time yet.


What do you guys do for anti-airing?  cr.C is pretty slow...


Quote from: TornAparT on January 29, 2011, 08:13:21 AM
What do you guys do for anti-airing?  cr.C is pretty slow...

Yup, it's let me down more than it's helped me. I always end up eating a full combo coz I'm trying to anti air someone.


well, to be honest, duo lon's whole gameplan revolves around his pressure game. with a lack of any real reversal (except maybe his EX teleport), he has nothing in his arsenal to get him out of pressure aside from universal tactics like GCCD/GCR. i feel like its pretty easy to get guard crushed as duo lon when i have no meter. so, you're gonna have to play your footsies well to keep them off of you while you try to make your way inside their defenses.



Hey guys, after taking a little break I think it's time to hit KoF seriously again, this time with Duo! Time to lay on the questions.

After rekkas, I see people doing st.A, does that lead to mixup opportunities like I can teleport, or do a j.B into f.B for the overhead?

After rekka, is drive cancelling into f.BD a 50/50, can I choose which side I want to run to?

What are some block strings I can use with him? All I'm doing so far is just whatever into rekkas into qcf.B to cross up and stay fairly close to them.

People at the arcade I go to mentioned that a lot of Taiwanese players use Duo as their anchor, is this true and if it is why is that? I don't see how he'd make a good anchor char.

I'm just repeating this question cause I didn't find answers that were satisfactory to me, what do you use as anti airs? I usually use cr.C if I predict or if they do a normal jump I can react fast enough with anti air rekkas. What are your preferences?

That's a few questions to go by haha. I intend to test a lot of this stuff tomorrow but I'd like more experienced players to drop knowledge on me. Thanks in advance guys.


Quote from: Demoninja on March 08, 2011, 08:26:45 AM
Hey guys, after taking a little break I think it's time to hit KoF seriously again, this time with Duo! Time to lay on the questions.

After rekkas, I see people doing st.A, does that lead to mixup opportunities like I can teleport, or do a j.B into f.B for the overhead?

Correct, ppl like to do his rekkas into B teleport (qcf+B), s.A and then --> qcf+B into d.B OR hop B-->air.f+B OR B teleport into throw OR simple s.C into qcb+A for added pressure (safer for Duo Lon as well).

Quote from: Demoninja on March 08, 2011, 08:26:45 AM
After rekka, is drive cancelling into f.BD a 50/50, can I choose which side I want to run to?

The thing I've observed with the limited time I've picked up Duo Lon is that the distancing is very circumstantial as the the rekkas leave you at different spots depending on where how far you were from the opponent when you started the combo (off a d.A, two d.As, s.C-->f.A etc...).  Sometimes I'll qcf+B into a juggle s.A but I'll be on the same side, other times the teleport will cross them up.

However to answer you question, most likely you can control which side you'll be on by dashing.  For example, if you do a j.CD into air.f+AC (it'll connect even if the j.CD isn't a "counter" and the air.f+AC is optional) you can dash underneath them or choose to stay on the same side.  The j.CD into air.f+AC setup can be preceded by rekkas [DC], f+BD as seen here.

Quote from: Demoninja on March 08, 2011, 08:26:45 AM
What are some block strings I can use with him? All I'm doing so far is just whatever into rekkas into qcf.B to cross up and stay fairly close to them.

Beware of a blocked rekkas string; in the corner it's definitely punishable and if the opponent is savvy, even mid-screen they can throw you as you teleport past them (or command throw).  I'm still learning him but as a block string I use: d.B, s.A, f+A, qcb+B, and of course you quickly cancel the qcb+B into f.B as a full block sting--just don't over do it as it's real easy to GCAB out and punish you.

Recently, courtesy of B.a.l.a/Armando from our recent tourney he showed us how useful his d.A--> qcf+A, pause, d.A -->... is (and I've been reading about it from day one from the Japanese BBS but I haven't seen it being utilized so well until that day).

Quote from: Demoninja on March 08, 2011, 08:26:45 AM
People at the arcade I go to mentioned that a lot of Taiwanese players use Duo as their anchor, is this true and if it is why is that? I don't see how he'd make a good anchor char.

Personally, my DL is not strong enough to anchor my team, I usually put him first or second as he's a great battery character.  He does not do enough damage in a short amount of time which is why I feel he's not suited for a clutch 5th round.  The only damaging thing he can do is his NM really.

Quote from: Demoninja on March 08, 2011, 08:26:45 AM
I'm just repeating this question cause I didn't find answers that were satisfactory to me, what do you use as anti airs? I usually use cr.C if I predict or if they do a normal jump I can react fast enough with anti air rekkas. What are your preferences?

I also use d.C (and I feel dirty but oh well) pre-emptively but I can't stress how slow the d.C comes out for how fast it looks.  I've been snuffed out of it so many times and been punished big time.  If I'm in the corner I always cancel the d.C into qcf+B teleport.  That and j.CD is my preference of immediate anti-air since he's got an awesome j.CD (coupled with a speedy, albeit awkward trajectory, jump).

For zoning purposes, vertical jump.f+A works well along with f.A which keeps them firmly planted in the ground (tack on the f.B trick if you want).


So after rekkas into B teleport, I do s.A then qcf+B into d.B/hop B->air.f+B, teleport B into throw, or whatever? I have hella options haha.

I'm talking about that specific setup where you [DC] into f+BD. The air attack is j.CD right? I couldn't get that to land when I was trying together. Are you saying any time I land a j.CD I get a free 50/50?

Thanks for the tips about the block strings. I only do the full rekka string outside of the corner. No one knows you can throw me out of the teleport yet haha.


Quote from: Demoninja on March 09, 2011, 07:46:02 AM
So after rekkas into B teleport, I do s.A then qcf+B into d.B/hop B->air.f+B, teleport B into throw, or whatever? I have hella options haha.

Yeah, I don't know if you meant teleport again (after s.A) into hop B--> air.f+B coz if go for the hop I don't do the second teleport.  When I first learned him I was confused and I did rekkas-->B teleport-->s.A-->B teleport-->hop B-->air.f+B ...turns out you only teleport once and go for the hop B (becareful, anyone with a quick reversal like a dp can hit you before the hop connects).

Quote from: Demoninja on March 09, 2011, 07:46:02 AM
I'm talking about that specific setup where you [DC] into f+BD. The air attack is j.CD right? I couldn't get that to land when I was trying together. Are you saying any time I land a j.CD I get a free 50/50?

Well technically it isn't a character specific setup, just easier for him.  Did you see the video, that DL player executed the 50/50 perfectly, and yes, he used a j.CD. EDIT:  I just realized he uses j.C instead which makes sense since j.CD will knock them too far (unless you cancel into air.f+AC).

I do a similar setup (sorry StolenHope heh), whenever I do a j.CD I cancel it into an air.f+BD, dash and go for mixups.

Quote from: Demoninja on March 09, 2011, 07:46:02 AM
Thanks for the tips about the block strings. I only do the full rekka string outside of the corner. No one knows you can throw me out of the teleport yet haha.

Yeah, it sucks big time once they catch on =(


With all the cool Duolons I'm seeing, I think I'll put him on my team!


Quote from: marchefelix on March 14, 2011, 05:59:41 AM
With all the cool Duolons I'm seeing, I think I'll put him on my team!

He's definitely an acquired taste, especially if you're used to him having a command throw.  He's generally very low on damage (NM being second lowest) and it's not the easiest to do a lot of damage in a short amount of time.


Quote from: Kane317 on March 14, 2011, 07:33:04 AM
Quote from: marchefelix on March 14, 2011, 05:59:41 AM
With all the cool Duolons I'm seeing, I think I'll put him on my team!

He's definitely an acquired taste, especially if you're used to him having a command throw.  He's generally very low on damage (NM being second lowest) and it's not the easiest to do a lot of damage in a short amount of time.

I knew since 2003 that he deals low damage, but it doesn't matter to me. I'm not always looking for the characters that deal the most damage.


Quote from: marchefelix on March 14, 2011, 06:05:18 PM
Quote from: Kane317 on March 14, 2011, 07:33:04 AM
Quote from: marchefelix on March 14, 2011, 05:59:41 AM
With all the cool Duolons I'm seeing, I think I'll put him on my team!

He's definitely an acquired taste, especially if you're used to him having a command throw.  He's generally very low on damage (NM being second lowest) and it's not the easiest to do a lot of damage in a short amount of time.

I knew since 2003 that he deals low damage, but it doesn't matter to me. I'm not always looking for the characters that deal the most damage.

2003 he was banned in many tournaments =P

In KOF XIII what makes him good is his high pressure games with still having the ability to zone with his far attacks. On the downside he has one of the least damage in combos.

Other characters can output large amounts of damage in 1 combo. But I believe a good duo lon player will be able to create more openings to do combos more often which can be similar to having high damage ouput.