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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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I like biggdaddycane's idea.

Why don't people make a tips and tricks combo video for each character just like Dj-B13 made for SF4 and CVS2? We could even show tricks and combos not shown in SNK's technical references like Duolon's qcb+K, f+B for example. It would also help encourage people play other characters apart from the perceived top tiers.


at least u can play the arcade in usa
think about us , poor italians !! at least i hope all this wait ll lead to a great online game nad maybe few surprises like blue mary but this is just speculation ... but we need a release date
capcom has seth killian ? ok u snkp find a soth kollion or a john smith or whoever u want but tell us when wheeeeeeeeeeennn this game is goin to be out ?
u know u dont need to wear like a clown in some events ( who said yoshinori ono ??) just tell us ... we r waitin so much


Quote from: metaphysics on December 21, 2010, 12:46:06 AM
man if SNK and Capcom Were drug dealers,  SNK would be the guys selling some really good product with low means of distribution, and maketing, where as Capcom said " You know what fuck the quality!!! That shit's too expensive!! Give me some of that crack over there. And with there good marketing and distribution, now its everywhere. and thats why little bobby turner's  playing SFIV (Crack!!!) Instead of the good stuff ( KoF XIII, or KoF in general).  :)

Are you on "SF4" right now? lol!!!

Also we need 97' Mary in XIII no joke she was beast back then. (atleast 98')


Quote from: THE ANSWER on December 21, 2010, 07:28:19 PM
97' Yamazaki was OP. I would love to see him in XIII I think he would fit in perfectly specially with the HD system, however maybe his 02' version thou it's more balanced but still really good.

I know we are proly going to see more about the console release next year, but what I'm worried about is that the new people who were considering crossing over from other games will lose interest for lack of news by then since they will proly be over hyped by this other new games.

Truth is, the ppl that do lose interest probably wouldn't have stuck around long enough anyways.  Something that small that'll sway them would probably make them just casual players; we need players that want to learn and get good at the game.


That's the point kane

I honestly still had faith in SNKP, all this waiting must be leading to something, I will still give the benefit of the doubt to SNKP and hoping that they knew now wat they want to do with the release of XIII

Waifu Material



Video94 has KOFXIII and SSF4AE both for $0.25 per play.


Couldn't think of a place to ask this that really gets that much traffic, but has the AI crew thought about talking to the people running NorCal Install or any of the other NorCal or SoCal tourneys about getting any KoF onto them whether as a main game or a Side Tourney? Trying to get involved in events like that can help show that KoF has a dedicated scene and make getting XIII into EVO easier.


Quote from: Zabel on December 29, 2010, 12:50:32 AM
Couldn't think of a place to ask this that really gets that much traffic, but has the AI crew thought about talking to the people running NorCal Install or any of the other NorCal or SoCal tourneys about getting any KoF onto them whether as a main game or a Side Tourney? Trying to get involved in events like that can help show that KoF has a dedicated scene and make getting XIII into EVO easier.

They did that for the norcal/socal regionals.



to be honest, given that XIII is really limited location-wise in the US, there isn't even much of a scene for it. i don't know if AUFO even really has a dedicated scene for the game. so barring the AI guys, there's not much there can be done in pushing the game right now. answer and giby did a great job in doing what they could, but right now its really up to SNKP to really step their game up and start marketing. all we can do right now is play the game as we've been playing it, and introducing it to people who pass by the cab or sit down and play it. unfortunately, now that AI is going under, even the socal scene is up in the air at the moment (at least i think so). if console release was out already or there were more cabs floating around the country, at least we'd have something to work with.


I'm not even talking just XIII, but KoF in general. If VS can start gaining a bit of a scene again, why not try to get more interest going for 2k2, 98, or fucking XII even. Building hype and attention through these games can help XIII later on down the line.


well VS is a whole different entity. that game never had any stigma against it, and people generally like the game. just, at the time, it was vastly overshadowed. not to keep beating the same drum but, it's capcom and this is america (fans eat capcom for breakfast, lunch, and dinner). let's face it, KOF/SNK and its fans have a very large stigma. if you've tried introducing these games outside of anyone besides your friends, i'm sure you've see the reactions. the fanbase is viewed as "illiterate" and "fobs" and the gameplay is often mocked as "derivative" since its gameplay is really different. there have already been great discussions at length as to why attempts are so unsuccessful. mind you, that people are definitely trying. i really don't think it's lack of effort, it's the lack of openmindedness. tone from norcal pushes KOF pretty heavy sometimes and always wants to play, but he never has any luck. when i used to hold regular sessions i got people to play and learn a bit but they didn't stick with it. even at EVO '10 there were setups and supposed sidetourneys that never happened cause no one cared. i think it was summed up best at socal regionals during grand finals when an onlooker said "KOF XIII is probably a really good game, but i just don't have any interest in it at all." you can't win against people who choose to stay ignorant. that's why so many people have given up on trying to create scenes and pushing the games. but, if you keep playing the games and keep the passion alive, people will take notice. that's about all you can really do. you can't force people to like the games. it might be overlapping with what was said in the EVO 2011 thread, but just because more people see the game doesn't mean they'll embrace it.


Quote from: FataCon on December 30, 2010, 10:39:22 AM
i think it was summed up best at socal regionals during grand finals when an onlooker said "KOF XIII is probably a really good game, but i just don't have any interest in it at all."

What FataCon said was well-said, and unfortunately true. In the 90's, there were several fighters I'd gotten into just because it was played consistently enough where others were (Darkstalkers, Project Justice, and Mortal Kombat come to mind). Even though I as the converted am still playing the games when the converters aren't anymore, I wouldn't give up on getting new people or older players back into it. I'm convinced now that I'll never really give up with pushing SNK stuff, not fully anyway. There definitely is a stigma, getting others into it is an uphill battle, but slowly building competition for a great fighter is worth it. It gives a bit of faith that it's gotten some EVO attention, even moreso if it makes it there and at other tournaments this year.

Paraprhasing FataCon, keep exposing people to KOF or other SNK titles; challenge the naysayers to a match or two. (there is some success in that, just find a character for the player that plays like a SF character). Now is one of the best years (2011) to do so with multiple fighters coming this year.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Come to think of it, it seems that Takuma has been totally abandoned by players doesn't it? He seemed good enough without his EX bug to me. Could it be that people are just bored with him now?