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Information for "The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Blue Mary"

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Basic information

Display titleThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Blue Mary
Default sort keyThe King of Fighters 2002 UM/Blue Mary
Page length (in bytes)16,938
Namespace ID0
Page ID385
Page content languageen - English
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page1
Counted as a content pageYes
Number of subpages of this page0 (0 redirects; 0 non-redirects)
Page image02UM Mary Profile.png

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Edit history

Page creatorNilcam (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation15:13, 28 October 2010
Latest editorFranck Frost (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit20:10, 10 September 2022
Total number of edits89
Total number of distinct authors7
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
Recent number of distinct authors0

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Article description: (description)
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Mary is a rushdown character with an element of risk/reward to her. She has solid air normals to chase with, mainly j.D but also j.C and j.CD for when the opponent is too high for the former to connect. She also has Straight Slicer to low profile through and hit low but it can be very unsafe, the light version is recommended for being very safe when spaced properly. Most of her special moves have hard knockdown followups, making it very easy for her to stick to her opponent. She has two meterless reversals: a standard DP and a dodge which features an instant grab followup (essential to her mixup game), but is vulnerable to throws itself. Her weaknesses include some of her ground pokes being laggy and her special moves being easily punishable for the most part, requiring her to commit heavily to her decisions. Mary's Maxmode combos are relatively easy to perform and to convert into, but she is also quite good at building meter herself. Mary can do well in any team position, but given her risky nature you might want to use a more dependable character as your anchor.
Article image: (image)
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02UM Mary Profile.png
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