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The King of Fighters XIII/Kula Diamond

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File:Sprite Kula XIII.gif

Quick Combos
0 Stock, No Drive Gauge st.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+C = 255 dmg

cr.B×2, st.B, dp+C = 192 dmg

(corner) st.C, f+A, qcf+A, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C = 299 dmg

1 Stock, No Drive Gauge cr.B×2, st.B, qcb+BD, dp+C = 271 dmg

(corner) cr.B×2, st.B, qcb+BD, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C = 308 dmg

1 Stock, 1 Drive Gauge st.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+A (SC) qcfx2+P = 367 dmg

Console changes

  • s.B adjusted. Compared to the arcade, Kula now moves forward giving the move greater range.
  • Recovery on df.B improved
  • EX Ray Spin no longer invincible
  • EX Ray Spin Sit recovery improved
  • EX Diamond Edge is faster
  • Freeze execution adjusted. Faster and follow-up hitbox improved.
  • EX Counter shell has a stronger hitbox

Producer Yamamoto: '"Both supers expending 2 meters have become more powerful. Both make Kula invincible and are good for interrupting opponents or as anti-airs. Her use of meter has increased, so she has become a character that will test meter management skills. It may be fun using the wire damage on counter hit on her EX counter shell."'

Gameplay Overview

Having the most anti-projectile skills in the game, Kula excels at dealing with zoners. Her Counter Shell is capable of reflecting almost all projectiles, including level 1 and 2 projectile DMs, though precise timing is required to make the most of this skill. Ray Spin's f+B followup projectile will also cut through almost all single hit projectiles (including DMs). Though not able to control space as well as previous KOF games, her speed, frametraps, excellent hit confirms, great pokes and corner-carrying combos make her a strong competitor.


  • As noted above, Kula's anti-projectile game is second to none. If the player's reactions are fast enough they can reflect or counter almost all projectiles thrown at them, however there are risks (see Cons section). It should be noted that Kula's taunt also blocks projectiles and recovers fairly quickly, though its framedata isn't available yet.
  • Generous hit confirms, namely st.C (2 hit), st.C->f+A and cr.Bx2 st.B. These allow her ample time to decide the best course of action, be it a simple bnb or a full HD combo.
  • She is able to convert many specials into combos, especially in the corner. Ray Spin, Diamond Breath and Counter Shell (on counter hit) can act as stand alone combo starters.
  • Her combos can carry from corner to corner.
  • Intense corner pressure.
  • Builds meter quickly.
  • B. 'Nuff said. (Just kidding, see the Normals section).


  • Her Counter Shell can be baited and punished. Predictable use of it can lead to a world of hurt.
  • A relatively weak anti-air game. Her Crow Bites move her forward and have enormous recovery on block or whiff. Her cr.C is -17 on block/whiff, making it full combo punishable. This is especially dangerous versus characters with high jump arcs like Benimaru and Athena where the opponent may crossup while being too high for cr.C to hit.
  • Accidental inputs, notably Slider Shoot when being crossed up, can result in suicide.
  • C Crow Bites, when hitting a crouched opponent, will partially whiff and leave Kula open to a full combo.

General Strategy

(Work In Progress)


(Work In Progress)


st. A: 25 damage, cancellable/chain-able, hits mid.

st. B: 30 damage, cancellable, hits mid.

st. C: 80 damage, cancellable, hits mid.

st. D: 25x2 damage, hits mid.

cl. C: 55 + 25 damage, cancellable, hits mid.

cl. D: 55 + 25 damage, cancellable, hits mid.


cr. A: 25 damage, cancellable, hits mid.

cr. B: 30 damage, cancellable/chain-able, hits low.

cr. C: 70 damage, hits mid.

cr. D: 80 damage, cancellable, hits low.


j. A: 45 (40) damage, hits overhead.

j. B: 45 (40) damage, hits overhead.

j. C: 72 (70) damage, hits overhead.

j. D: 70 (68) damage, hits overhead.

Blowback Attack

CD: 75 damage, whiff/cancellable, hits mid.

j. CD: 90 (80) damage, hits mid.

GCCD: 10 damage, hits mid.


b/f + C/D = Ice Coffin

- Can be broken

- Hit Detection: Close

- Damage: 13x7+40

Command Moves

f + A = One Inch Punch

- Cancel-able

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 70(50)

df + B = Slider Shoot

- Hit Detection: Low

- Damage: 80

Special Moves

dp + A/C = Crow Bites

(EX) = dp + AC

- Drive/Super Cancel-able

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 70(40)/70(60)+60/100+60(40)+40

qcf + A/C = Diamond Breath

(EX) = qcf + AC

- Super Cancel-able

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 60/70/120

qcb + A/C = Counter Shell

(EX) = qcb + AC

- Drive/Super Cancel-able

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 45/80 80/50x3

qcb + B/D = Ray Spin

(EX) = qcb + BD

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 30/30x2/60x2

(After Ray Spin)∟ f + B (Standing)

- Drive/Super Cancel-able

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 20+30/45+80

(After Ray Spin)∟ f + D (Sitting)

- Drive/Super Cancel-able

- Hit Detection: Low

- Damage: 30/90

Desperation Moves

qcf x2 + A/C = Diamond Edge

(EX) = qcf x2 + AC

- Max Cancel-able

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 210/80x4

hcb x2 + A/C = Freeze Execution

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 100+15x12


hcb x2 + BD = Neo Freeze Execution

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 100+70x2+15x2



  • Most combos (except those starting with lows) are listed with a jump-in. Expect less damage if initiated from the ground.
  • All instances of cr.Bx2 st.B can be done as cr.Bx3. The former may be easier for some players as it allows the directional input to go neutral for the next command.
  • Corner only combos can only be finished in the corner, however many will carry the opponent a decent distance before they end. Experiment to gauge how far your combos will carry.


QCF = Quarter Circle Forward
QCB = Quarter Circle Backward
HCB = Half Circle Backward
DP = Forward Down Down-Forward
DC = Drive Cancel
HDA = HD Activate
SC = Super Cancel
MC = Max Cancel
P = A or C

0 Stock, 0 Drive

j.C, st.C, f+A, qcf+A, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (352 damage, corner only)

j.C, st.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+C (310 damage)

cr.B×2, st.B, dp+C (192 damage)

0 Stock, 1 Drive

j.C, st.C, f+A, qcf+A, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (428 damage, corner only)

j.C, st.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, dp+C (372 damage)

1 Stock, 0 Drive

j.C, st.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (473 damage, corner only)

j.C, st.C, f+A, qcf+A, qcfx2+P (386 damage, corner only)

cr.B×2, st.B, qcb+BD, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (308 damage, corner only)

cr.B×2, st.B, qcb+BD, dp+C (271/278 damage)

1 Stock, 1 Drive

j.C, st.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+C (SC) qcfx2+P (415 damage)

j.C, st.C, f+A, qcb+BD, qcb+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (460 damage, corner only)

j.C, st.C, f+A, qcf+A, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+BD~f+D, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (480 damage, corner only)

j.C, st.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (525 damage, corner only)

j.C, st.C, f+A, dp+C (SC) qcfx2+P (394 damage)

cr.Bx2, st.B, dp+C (SC) qcfx2+P (312 damage)

2 Stock, 0 Drive

j.D, st.C, qcf+AC, qcb+BD, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (DMG=454/492)

st.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcb+B~f+B, dp+AC (DMG=299/348)

2 Stock, 1+ Drive

j.D, st.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, [dp+C, (DC) qcb+BD~f+D, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B]x2, dp+C

3 Stock, 0 Drive

j.D, st.C, qcf+AC, qcb+BD, qcb+B~f+B, dp+AC (DMG=454/492)

Hyper Drive Combos


  • Most HDs can be activated off cr.Bx2 st.B at the expense of damage.
  • Many HDs can be made to use more or less meter.

0 Stock

545 damage, carries from corner to corner:
j.C, st.C, f+A (HDA) st.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C

3 Stock

721 damage, carries from corner to corner:
j.C, st.C, f+A (HDA) st.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+BD~f+D, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, hcbx2+AC

4 Stock

841 damage, corner only, half-stage carry:
j.C, st.C, f+A (HDA) st.C, f+A, dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, dash if necessary, dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, dash if necessary, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, hcbx2+BD

761 damage, carries from corner to corner:
j.C, st.C, f+A (HDA) st.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, qcfx2+AC (MC) hcbx2+BD

5 Stock

863 damage, corner only:
j.C, st.C, f+A, qcf+AC, f+A (HDA) f+A, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, qcfx2+AC (MC) hcbx2+BD

831 damage, corner only:
j.C, st.C, f+A (HDA) st.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, qcfx2+AC (MC) hcbx2+BD


Far Range

Mid Range

Close Range

Cornered Opponent


Move Metadata

Move Damage Stun Startup On Guard Remarks
cl.A(1) 25 5 6 -2
cl.A(2) 20 2 - 0
cl.A(3) 20 1 - +2
cr.A 25 5 5 -5
st.A 25 5 6 -2
j.A 45 3 7 -
hop A 40 3 7 -
cl.B 30 3 4 -2
cr.B 30 3 4 0
st.B 30 3 4 -2
j.B 45 3 7 -
hop.B 40 3 5 -
cl.C(1) 55 8 4 -
cl.C(2) 25 4 - -10
cr.C 70 7 5 -17
st.C 70 7 14 -18
j.C 72 7 13 -
hop.C 70 7 13 -
cl.D(1) 55 8 7 -
cl.D(2) 25 4 - -9
cr.D 80 7 8 -13
st.D 80 7 10 -12
j.D 70 7 6 -
hop.D 68 7 6 -
st.CD 75 10 18 +4
j.CD 90 8 16 -
hop.CD 80 8 16 -
One Inch(chained) 50 4 15 -7
One Inch 70 10 22 -3
Slider Shoot 80 7 8 -13 If the slide hits on the 21st frame(max range) the slide is -2 on block
Ice Coffin 101 0 1 - Hardknock down
GC CD 4 0 13 -15 Start up on light attacks:13F, on heavy and jump ins attacks: 17F
A Diamond Breath 60 6 19 0 +7 on block if done meaty
C Diamond Breath 70 8 33 +3 +11 on block if done meaty
EX Diamond Breath 120 0 16 +7
A Crow Bites 70 4 6 -31
C Crow Bites (1) 70 6 4 -
C Crow Bites (2) 60 4 - -48
EX Crow Bites (1) 100 0 3 -
EX Crow Bites (2) 60 0 - -
EX Crow Bites (3) 40 0 - -48
B Ray Spin 30 4 15 -7
D Ray Spin (1) 30 4 17 -
D Ray Spin (2) 30 6 15 -3 -1 if blocked while crouching
→Stand (1) 20 4 10 -
→Stand (2) 30 4 - -1
→Sit 30 4 7 -14
EX Ray Spin (1) 60 0 12 -
EX Ray Spin (2) 60 0 - +1
→EX Stand (1) 45 0 7 -
→EX Stand (2) 80 0 - -1
→EX Sit 50 0 6 -8
Counter Shell (Slap) 45 10 5 -11
Counter Shell (Projectile) 80 12 - -
EX Counter Shell (Slap) 80 0 3 -7
EX Counter Shell (Projectile) (1) 50 0 - -
EX Counter Shell (Projectile) (2,3) 50 0 - -
Diamond Edge 210 0 45(16) -24 29 super freeze frames
EX Diamond Edge (1) 80 0 36(7) - 29 super freeze frames
EX Diamond Edge (2-4) 80 0 - -37
Freeze Execution (1) 100 0 40(11) - 29 super freeze frames
Freeze Execution (2-13) 15 0 - -62
Neo Freeze Execution (1) 100 0 35(6) -48 29 super freeze frames
Neo Freeze Execution (2,3) 70 0 - -
Neo Freeze Execution (4-15) 15 0 - -

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