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The King of Fighters XIII/Clark Still

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The King of Fighters XIII


Clark Still


Console Changes

- His Stepping (Forward+BD) is faster

- Weak SAB has full-body autoguard but comes out slower than before

- EX SAB>Flying Elbow can be MAX canceled

- EX Gatling Attack’s invincibility runs out when its hit detection comes out. Projectile invincibility doesn’t, even after hit detection comes out.

- If Fierce or EX Gateling gets blocked, the Afterattack throw won’t come out any more

-Vulcan Punch can be canceled with another move on startup. This allows for some new combos like close Fierce punch (2nd hit)>VulcanPunch>SAB

Producer Yamamoto says: "He’s a throw character so we’ve buffed his throws. With moves like his Weak SAB, his front step, and being able to do a super cancel from a 1-frame throw, he should be able to fight like a real thrower."

Gameplay Overview

Making a return to KOFXIII, Clark Still has become a rather interesting and powerful character to utilize. Clark is one of the residential grappling characters so to speak, having very great range on his normals, damaging juggle combos, and most noticeably, very devastating grabs. Clark's Super Argentine Backbreaker (hcf+K) have unique purposes to them, depending on which kick button is pressed. If the B is used, Clark will have a lot of start up but he will also have autoguard. This version can be used for placing the opponent into a really bad situation for recklessly attacking. The D version of hcf+K is a 1 frame command grab that can be comboed into or used as a powerful option for punishing other characters moves after blocking. Another aspect to highlight is that Clark hits rather hard, especially when it comes to juggles combos and punishment. Clark's A version Gatling Attack can be used to launch the opponent into the air for elaborate combos if the player wishes to hit confirm into the move or punish with it, but it is unsafe on block. The EX version will blow up players for using badly timed projectiles. Clark is a very powerful character with a relatively simple game plan. Clark also can make use of CD attack pressure quite easily, making him very scary from up close, especially as far as the corner pressure is concerned. It is important for the player to maximize on their combo damage, punishes and command grab usage when they are applicable in the match.

Gameplay Notes

[ Info Needed ]
Pros Cons
  • Has a lot of very good normal move in general
  • Gets high damage relatively easily
  • Great damaging options for punishing the opponent for mistakes
  • Can get a lot of nasty set ups from tick throws and his command grabs
  • Strong pressure game from up close (CD pressure, guard breaking with heavy hitting normals, low short jump arc, etc)
  • May get zoned out easily by projectiles if he has no meter
  • Risky reversal options, even with meter
  • A little on the slow side in terms of movement, though this isn't saying much
  • The player needs to rely on carefully maximizing on all combo options due to having a rather smaller move set.



Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


far A: 25 damage, cancelable, hits mid.

far B: 30 damage, cancelable, hits mid.

far C: 80 damage, hits mid.

far D: 80 damage, hits mid.

s.C: 40+38 damage, cancelable, hits mid.

s.D: 70 damage, cancelable, hits mid.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


d.A: 25 damage, cancelable, hits mid.

d.B: 30 damage, chainable, hits low.

d.C: 70 damage, cancelable, hits mid.

d.D: 80 damage, cancelable, hits low.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


j. A: 45(40) damage, hits overhead.

j. B: 45(40) damage, hits overhead.

j. C: 72(70) damage, hits overhead.

j. D: 70(68) damage, hits overhead

Blowback Attack

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


CD: 75 damage, cancel-able, hits mid.

j.CD: 90(80) damage, hits mid.

GCCD: 10 damage, hits mid.


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Death Mountain Buster = (b/f+C/D) 100 damage, can be broken, causes a hard knockdown.

Death Lake Drive = (Any direction except up or down+C) in air 135 damage, causes a hard knockdown.

Command Moves

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Jet Uppercut = (df+A) 65 damage, cancel-able, hits mid.

Step = (f+BD)

  • Cancel-able normals can be canceled into this move

Special Moves

Super Argentine Backbreaker or SAB = (hcf+K) - B version has some autoguard/guardpoint frames at the startup, while the D version doesn't have any autoguard frames. The D version has a 1 frame startup but the B version has a slower startup.

(EX) = hcf+BD EX has 1 frame of startup and has amazing range, almost exactly the same distance as Clark's standing B will almost hit the opponent.

∟Flashing Elbow = (qcf+P)

- Can't be broken

- Hit Detection: Throw

- Damage: 42, 90; EX Damage: 80, 90

∟ - A Damage: 35, C Damage: 80

Vulcan Punch = [A]/[C] - When done midscreen on a grounded opponent, the Ex Vulcan Punch will hold the opponent close enough to free cancel into his hcf K. His command grabs are the only follows after the Ex Vulcan Punch without drive canceling. On the downside it isn't safe on block, you are free to be punished with any variety of quick supers or EX's. And on block you cannot combo into EX Vulcan. Basically pretend this move doesn't exist.

(EX) = [P]

- Drive- / Super-cancellable

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 30 x 4; EX Damage: 40 x 4

Gatling Attack = (b~f+P)

(EX) = b~f+AC Goes through all projectiles including Super Projectiles or EX. His invincibility ends once his active frames begins for all non-projectile hits.

∟Death Lake Drive = (dp+P) C/EX only

- Drive- / Super-cancellable

- Hit Detection: High

- A Damage: 40 x 2; C Damage: 30 x 2, 40; EX Damage: 50 x 3

∟ - Damage: 135

Desperation Moves

Ultra Argentine Backbreaker = (hcbx2+P)

(EX) = hcbx2+AC

- MAX Cancellable

- Hit Detection: Throw

- Damage: 42 x 3, 120; EX Damage: 70 x 3, 140


Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit On Block Invulnerability
- - - - - - - -


Ultra Clark Buster = (hcbx2+BD)

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 0, 450

-Has no invincibility, definitely not a good idea to do a raw Neomax.


No Stock, No Drive Gauge -

d. B, d. A, b~f+A, b~f+A, J. D = 234 damage

d. B, d. A, b~f+A, air throw = 231 damage

d. B, hcf+K = 179 damage

s. D, df+A, hcf+K = 272 damage

d. C, b~f+C, dp+C = 267 damage

1 Stock, No Drive Gauge -

d. B, d. A, hcf+BD/hcbx2+P = 229/267/290+ damage

dr. B, d. A, EX Vulcan Punch, hcf+K = 293/392/472 damage

d. C, b~f+AC, dp+C = 312 damage

2 Stock, No Drive Gauge -

d. B, d. A, hcbx2+AC = 229/267/290+ damage

d. B, d. A, EX Vulcan Punch, hcbx2+P = 293/392/472 damage

2 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge -

d. C, b~f+C, (DC) EX Vulcan Punch, hcf+BD/hcbx2+P = 349/450/527 damage

3 Stock, No Drive Gauge -

d. B, d. A, EX Vulcan Punch, hcbx2+AC = 293/392/472 damage

s. D, df+A, EX Vulcan Punch, hcbx2+AC = 550

3 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge -

d. C, b~f+C, (DC) EX Vulcan Punch, hcbx2+AC = 349/450/527 damage

Hyper Drive Combos

3-4 Stock -

s.D / s.C, [HD] s.C, (Ex) hcb x2+P DM, [MC] Neomax (hcb x2+BD). 745 / 850 damage.

4-5 Stock -

s.D / s.C, [HD] s.C, Ex hcf P / (EX) hcb x2+P, [SC/MC] Neomax. 745 ~ 900 damage.

You're given some lee-way but the above combos are the easiest ways of comboing into his Neomax.

2 Stock

j.D / j.C, s.D / s.C, [HyperDrive], s.D, A Gatling Attack (b~f A), Vulcan Punch (rapid P){3 hits}, [DC] C Gatling x2, Vulcan Punch {1 hit}, [DC] C Gatling, Neomax ~ 750 damage. This Dandy J video shows the combo (and it can be done in EX Mode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdK6B9JtWeo

Advanced Neo Max Combos (by Bala)



CD Blowback Pressure

Clark is one of the few characters who can do a deep jump CD (Blowback) and then do another stand CD as he lands if his opponent is blocking due to his long block stun. This takes off roughly 25% of their guard meter. What's more is that Clark can cancel a s.CD with his step (f BD) he could follow that up with B SAB / air throw mixup.

Tick Throws

Clark has perhaps the greatest variety of throw setups available to him aside from maybe Vice. He has three different kinds of grabs (not counting grab supers or Neomax): B SAB is slow but has autoguard, think of it kinda' like a parry. However certain moves, ex moves, and footsies will beat it. D SAB is your standard grab. And lastly you have his air grab (jump C). You're free to mix it up with these tools but here are some ways to land these grabs:

Jump in any attack (including CD), hold forward and quickly do standing A or B followed by B SAB.

A Gatling on block, then B SAB, works best on characters that lack an instant command grab. Very gimmicky but worth experimenting with.

Combo into A Gatling, followup A Gatling, jump toward D, as they land B SAB.

Empty hop B SAB (invulnerable to low attacks)

With D SAB jump in any attack, standing A or B, then you have to run and do D SAB.

And of course empty jump D SAB. Can mix this up with hop A, then empty hop into D SAB.

For his jumping grab the ticks I listed above will work, just jump and grab them.

The trick is to force the opponent to guess which way to block and if they should counter or not.

The key to all of this is to not be predictable, experiment and find your way of using Clark.


Frame Traps and Links

  • (L) = Link, can be a frame trap as well.
  • "(n) frame gap" = The amount of frames that opponent has to counter a frame trap.

1.) st. A > st. A (L) - 2 frame gap between st. A and st. A. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima.

2.) st. A > cr. A (L) - 2 frame gap between st. A and cr. A. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima.

3.) st. A > st. B - 3 frame gap between st. A and st. B. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima.

4.) st. A > cr. B (L) - 2 frame gap between st. A and cr. B. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima.

5.) st. A > cl. C (L) - 2 frame gap between st. A and cl. C. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima.

6.) st. A > cl. D (L) - 2 frame gap between st. A and cl. D. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima.

7.) st. A > cr. D - 4 frame gap between st. A and cr. D. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima.

8.) cr. A > st. A - 3 frame gap between cr. A and st. A. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima.

9.) cr. A > cr. A - 3 frame gap between cr. A and cr. A.

10.) cr. A > st. B - 4 frame gap between cr. A and st. B.

11.) cr. A > cr. B - 3 frame gap between cr. A and cr. B.

12.) cr. A > cl. C - 3 frame gap between cr. A and cl. C.

13.) cr. A > cl. D - 3 frame gap between cr. A and cl. D.

14.) st. B > st. A (L) - 1 frame gap between st. B and st. A. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima.

15.) st. B > cr. A (L) - 1 frame gap between st. B and cr. A.

16.) st. B > st. B (L) - 2 frame gap between st. B and st. B.

17.) st. B > cr. B (L) - 1 frame gap between st. B and cr. B.

18.) st. B > cl. C (L) - 1 frame gap between st. B and cl. C.

19.) st. B > cl. D (L) - 1 frame gap between st. B and cl. D.

20.) st. B > cr. D - 3 frame gap between st. B and cr. D.

21.) cr. B > cl. C - 3 frame gap between cr. B and cl. C.

22.) cr. B > cl. D - 3 frame gap between cr. B and cl. D.

23.) AC(x4) > st. A - 4 frame gap between AC(x4) and st. A. St. A whiffs on crouching opponents, except on Daimon, Raiden, and Maxima.

24.) AC(x4) > cr. A - 4 frame gap between AC(x4) and cr. A.

25.) AC(x4) > cr. B - 4 frame gap between AC(x4) and cr. B.

26.) AC(x4) > cl. C - 4 frame gap between AC(x4) and cl. C.

27.) AC(x4) > cl. D - 4 frame gap between AC(x4) and cl. D.


Mid Range

Clark's best pokes are s.D or s.C. S.D is a lot faster and both can be used to HyperDrive bypass into either Grab Super or EX Grab. S.C is a lot slower. It's simple to setup and you can do it off of any of his normals but for me it works best with s.D/s.C/or c.B: Basically you hit them and then hit Hyperdrive (B and C) and at the same time either EX Grab (HCF+B/D) or either grab super (HCBx2 A/C) and follow through with your Neomax.

Close Range

General pressure

Hop A, crouching B then combo into D SAB or go from crouching B into crouching A and combo into A Gatling or SAB or Hyperdrive mode.

Hop A, crouching B, standing B. If standing B hits you can go into Hyperdrive mode or EX Gatling or A Gatling or just do EX SAB and the followup drive cancel into Grab Super. If they block standing B you can do a crouching D or hop A or hop CD or just try to bait them.

Generally Clark's hop A is his best overall jump in. It will beat a lot of pokes to keep him out, it's fast, and it provides a lot of hitstun to combo into anything.

On Opponent's Wakeup

Generally don't do B SAB on their wakeup. Never be predicable with it or you are going to get punished bad. Pretty much every character has something they can do on wakeup to counter B SAB and a lot of players will counter once they catch on to you. Maybe try to bait them to do a wakeup attack and punish. Jumping C grab is an option. S.C or s.D or solid meaties to use on their wakeup.

Cornered Opponent

Alternate between CD pressure, and dash in c.B and c.A and combo into whatever. Using Hop A is a good pressure tool. Never underestimate Hop A, crouching B, standing B pressure. Using Clark's best pokes to keep them grounded and force them to do what you want is key..

Best Jumping attacks

Clark's CD is really good but the problem is it's slow and will get beaten out by faster air attacks like Iori's jumping B for example, especially if you're predictable. His best overall jump ins are short hop A which is fast, will beat and/or trade with a lot of pokes meant to keep Clark out, and gives you a lot of hitstun to combo into anything.

Playing Defense

You know what they say about a good defense right? Clark has the tools to keep his opponents off of him and can play a mean footsie game if he has to.

Neutral hop D will AA any jump in if you have the reaction time and it's very fast. It's not advisable jumping in with either B or D because they will often whiff on crouching standing opponents and the risk is often greater than the reward.

Crouching C will AA nuisance jump ins like Billy's jumping C and Iori's jumping D. It will not beat Kyo's jumping down C though.

Standing A will counter virtually every hop coming at you if you're within close range.

And as mentioned Clark's standing D and C and sweep (crouching D) are amazingly good pokes, and both have slight AA capabilities. Standing C seems to AA slightly better but it's slow recovery can put you at risk if you get reckless with it.

Might want to experiment with Vulcan at about mid-range if you think they want to jump in, and will potentially scare them from trying to do so.


Clark's command grabs result in a hard knock down which gives you the opportunity of messing with your opponent in a big way.

After you land a command grab you can try the following:

Dash in, AB roll (can be delayed to make it seem like you AB Roll'd behind the opponent) and either: B SAB, wait and D SAB, crouching B into crouching A into whatever, or jumping grab, or just wait.

An example 4 minutes in http://youtu.be/1tLdLCWQpoU

Character Matchups

Andy Bogard

Ash Crimson

Athena Asamiya

Benimaru Nikaido

Billy Kane

Chin Gentsai

Clark Still

Duo Lon

Elisabeth Branctorche

Goro Daimon

Hwa Jai

Iori Yagami (Claw)

Iori Yagami (Flame)

Joe Higashi


Kim Kaphwan


Kula Diamond

Kyo Kusanagi (XIII) (mirror match)

Kyo Kusanagi (NESTS)

Leona Heidern

Mai Shiranui




Ralf Jones

Robert Garcia

Ryo Sakazaki


Shen Woo

Sie Kensou

Takuma Sakazaki

Mr. Karate

Terry Bogard


Yuri Sakazaki

Links & References

Clark Basic Combo Tutorial

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdK6B9JtWeo (Dandy J showing a few Clark Combos)

Clark Hit Boxes

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The King of Fighters XIII

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