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The Last Blade 2/Hibiki Takane

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Hibiki in general is the type of character who uses her long reaching normals to control space, if you've played Samurai Shodown she is basically a female Ukyo Tachibana, and her B buttons are also great in this game. No matter the mode you choose. She's very strong in both Power and Speed/EX modes, Power being more focused on space control, neutral and punishes, while Speed is more focused on rushdown and pressure.



  • A, B, and C can cancel in both Power Mode and Speed Mode.
  • f+B (Power and Speed) is not cancellable. There's an exception to that, if f+B is blocked you can cancel it with BC, it's a slow frametrap but works sometimes.
  • f+C in Speed Mode is not cancellable


  • all but d+A and d+B in Power mode can cancel when crouching. If d+B is blocked, you cancel it into anything you want.

Ground Hits

  • df+B
  • C

When doing df+B (except after a throw) press df+BCD for increased range.

Special Moves

Distance Slash - qcf + A/B

  • A version is a quick mid foward slash
  • B version is a quick low/sweeping forward slash
  • Recovery for the B version is bigger

Beckoning Slash - dp + B

  • Forward dash to opponent
  • Can hold B
  • If not near opponent when release B, it will hit like Distance Slash
  • If near opponent when release B, will slash through opponent and he will kneel and fall to the ground. You can df+B after it

Piercing Moon Pounce - dp + C

  • Slow but unblockable movement of her raising her scabbard and hitting the opponents mid section with it
  • Can hold C

Heavenly Being Blade - hcf + C

  • Counter motion
  • Follow up with Nukaba Kiru Nari (C) to slash airborne opponent
  • Follow up with Nukazuba Kiranu Nari (BC) to hit opponet with scabbard

Kami Hitoe ni te Kawasu Nari - AB

  • Quick evasion move
  • Follow up with Ma O Tsumeru Koto Kanyou Nari (f + C) to dash forward
  • When dashing forward, Hibiki's hitbox is reduced so high attacks won't hit her
  • Ma O Tsumeru Koto Kanyou Nari can be cancelled
  • Follow up with Ma O Oku Koto Kanyou Nari to hop backwards
  • When hopping backwards, Hibiki's hitbox is reduced so low attacks won't hit her

Sanae O Okotaranu Kokoro Nari - Hold Start

  • Hibiki holds her sword close as it glows, asking her father for help.
  • Meter is charged slowly in this motion.

Desperation Moves

Heavenly Spirit of Victory - qcb,db,f + AB

  • Hibiki dashes forward to slash through opponet.
  • Travels a great distance, hits from 3/4 screen.
  • Confirms from any normal on hit except the ones which aren't cancellable.

Super Desperation Move

No Fear Feint - f, hcf + B

  • Slashes upards
  • If connects near opponent, makes a flash of light and deals %50+ damage
  • If opponent is a distance away, will strike upwards with less damage


Hibiki is a very fun character, during matches you won't be doing much more than your BnBs, but it's possible to make her a powerhouse. One of her best characteristics, is that both her Power and Speed damage outputs are similar, so you can freely choose the one who best suits our playstyle. NOTE: Before every combo, except dp+C and dash+A/B starters, you can add use a jX starter.

Any Mode

dp+C qcf+A/B

Only works near corner for A version must be exactly in the corner.

Dash+A/B qcb+db+f+AB
B qcb+db+f+AB

Your easiest confirms into DM, you'll probably use this a lot.

B dp+B qcf+A/B

Doesn't work at certain

jX B dp+B qcb+db+f+AB
Dash A/B f+hcf+B
jX f+hcf+B

Power Mode

f+C dp+C df+B

Only works near corner and on the corner

f+C qcb+db+f+AB
f+C dp+B
f+C B dp+B db+B

Speed and EX Mode

Bread and Butter combos

(jX) A B C dash df+B

This is a simple combo every character can do, use if you're a beginner. Get used to the timing of the dash, it's going to be very useful.

Dash+A/B d+B BC qcf+A/B

This combo is situational, if dash+A/B hits from max distance, d+B won't hit neither BC. Only qcf+A/B (A has easier timing and deals more damage)

(jX) b+A A A/d+A B BC qcf+A/B

Easiest BnB she has in these modes

(jX) b+A A A/d+A d+B BC qcf+A/B

Optimized version of the above combo, timing is slightly harder

(jX) b+A A A/d+A d+B/B qcb+db+f+AB

Same as the above, but for super. d+B deals more damage but it's slightly harder to confirm.

Speed Mode Only

Dash+A/B d+B dp+B qcf+B
(jX) b+A A d+A/A d+B dp+B qcf+B

EX Mode Only

(jX) b+A A d+A d+B dp+B qcb+db+f+AB
(jX) b+A A d+A d+B f+hcf+B

Both are super confirms, the first for your DM and the second for your SDM

Super Speed Combos

A + B + C + A + B + C + A + B + qcf+C
A + B + C + A + B + C + C + B + A + qcf+A
A + B + C + d+C + A + d+C + f+BC
A + B + C + d+C + A + f+BC + A + qcf+B


Hibiki's best way of dealing damage is by zoning out her opponents, but in Speed and EX modes she works aggressively as well. If you're going to play with her in power, learn how to use your B normals, especially f+B and B. And your A normals, for pokes and confirms. B is going to be your best friend, it's a 3f anti-air (Takes 9f to get to the ground) and cancels into everything, it's simply good. Your bnb in power are going to be these two:

(jX) B qcf+A/B
(jX) b+A b+A A qcf+A/B

The difference from one another is that the second option deals a little more damage. The optimized version is, however

(jX) B dp+B (changes sides) dash df+B

If you're going to play in speed, they won't be as necessary as your main focus of damage will be your combos with A starters, for example,

b+A AA/{A d+A} B qcf+A/B
b+A AA/{A d+A} d+B BC qcf+A/B 

Which is your bnb in that mode.


File:LB2 Character Move.png
DamageHow much damage the move does on hit/block. Characters in TLB2 have 256 health, but different defense modifiers. StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. ActiveNumber of frames the move remains active for, and can hit the opponent on. RecoveryNumber of frames after the active frames for the move to end and the character to become actionable, unless canceled from. StateState your opponent must be in for the move to come out. Some moves can only be done when the opponent is on the ground, for example. Most moves can be done in any state. Frame AdvHow much sooner or later you can act on hit/block when compared to your opponent, assuming the move is not canceled. +2 means you can act 2 frames before your opponent, -2 means your opponent can act 2 frames before you MeterHow much meter the move builds on hit/block. A full bar of meter is 64 points. GuardWhether the move can be blocked standing, crouching, or both. L means it has to be blocked crouching, H means standing, M means it can be blocked either way. Some moves cannot be blocked. CancelWhether the move can be canceled on hit/block. ○ means it can be canceled and × means it cannot. △ means it has a special type of cancel, usually Desperation Move. TechWhether you can tech the move. Air techs are performed by pressing D in the air, ground techs are rolls performed during otg recovery.
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The Last Blade 2



Akari IchijoGenbu no OkinaHibiki TakaneHyo AmanoJuzoh KanzakiKaede (Original)KaedeKeiichiro WashizukaKojiroh SanadaKouryuMoriya MinakataMukuroRekka LeeSetsunaShigen NaoeShinnosuke KagamiYukiZantetsu