-Happy New Year 2025!

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2/Billy Kane

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Revision as of 19:24, 9 November 2023 by Kosmo (talk | contribs) (→‎Gameplay Overview)
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Gameplay Overview

Billy is comparable to a schoolyard bully. If you're the new kid whose green or a current weaker kid, Billy can prove to be a powerhouse and beat most players. However, once you become more experienced and wise up to his tactics he starts to really slack and not show as much use. Great for beginners, not so good against a high level player using someone like Rick or Mary.

However, Billy is still capable of keeping up in this game so that's no reason to quit using him. He has good pokes and can combo off of a few things. His 632C S-Power isn't exactly the most damaging, but comes out quick and helps his game plan. If you plan to use Billy, you better figure out what's good to use where and what isn't not quickly, because he'll start showing less usefulness if you face a experienced player. Otherwise, he's kind of a scrub killer.

Pros Cons
  • Decent pokes and ranged game
  • Not enough normals or Special Moves that cause knock down
  • Hard pressed to do any high damaging combos with



Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
9 - 9 5 16 -4 -8 HL Y - -
(within 80 px of opponent)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
9 - 5 2 10 +4 0 HL Y - -
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
5,5 - 11 4(10)4 33 -21 -25 HL N - -
(within 112 px of opponent)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
4,4,4 - 7 2,2,2 12 +2 -2 HL N - -
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
24 - 17 9 16 +1 -5 HL N - -
(within 100 px of opponent)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
24 - 9 2,5 23 -2 -8 HL,L Y - -


Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
9 - 8 4 8 +4 0 HL Y - -
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
11 - 7 3 12 +1 -3 L Y - -
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
13,13 - 9 3(9)6 20 KD -6 L N - -


Leaning Pole Strike
High Avoid Attack
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
14 - 11 9 21 -4 -10 HL Y - -


Neutral Hop/Jump
Diagonal Hop/Jump
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
Neutral Hop 9 - 6 9 6 +8 +4 H N - -
  • Good range to poke and keep away
Diagonal Hop 9 - 5 till landing 6 +8 +4 H N - -
Neutral Jump 9 - 6 9 6 +8 +4 H N - -
  • Good range to poke and keep away
Diagonal Jump 9 - 5 11 6 +8 +4 H N - -
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
Neutral Hop 11 - 7 9 6 +8 +4 H N - -
Diagonal Hop 11 - 7 9 6 +8 +4 H N - -
Neutral Jump 11 - 7 7 6 +8 +4 H N - -
Diagonal Jump 11 - 7 9 6 +8 +4 H N - -
Neutral Hop/Diagonal Jump
Diagonal Hop/Neutral Jump
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
Neutral Hop 20 - 10 9 8 +15 +9 H N - -
Diagonal Hop 20 - 13 4 8 +15 +9 H N - -
  • It's decent as an anti-air
Neutral Jump 20 - 12 7 8 +15 +9 H N - -
Diagonal Jump 20 - 9 9 8 +15 +9 H N - -

Oversway Actions

(opponent in oversway)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
20 - 9 3,4 20 +2 +4 H Y - -
(opponent in oversway)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
20 - 12 4,6 14 +2 -4 L Y - -
(from oversway)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
11 - 25 4 12 +3 +1 H - - -
(from oversway)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
11 - 24 4 12 +1 -1 L - - -
(from oversway)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
11,11 - 26 4 12 +13 -1 HL - - -


Rising Toss
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
26 - - - - - - - - - -
Hell Drop Slam
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
8,8,8,8 - - - - - - - - - -
  • Can be followed up with Karyu Tsuigeki Kon (214B)


Feint Kyou Shuu Hishou Kon
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
- - - - 42 - - - - - -

Good for dodging crouching attacks, as it has low body invul through 10-26f

Special Moves

Sansetsukon Chudan Uchi
Kaen Sansetsukon Chudan Tsuki
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
[4]6A 32 - 17 20 20 -10 -12 HL - N Y
  • Good as a long range poke
  • Absorbs projectiles
-46C 10 - 9 11 26 KD - - - - Y
  • Sansetsukon must connect in order to use this
Mash A
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
A 6*7 - 18 83 13 - - HL - N Y
  • It tends to stay out awhile, so it may not be safe even when it hits.
Suzume Otoshi
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
32 - 15 11 21 KD -10 HL - Y Y
  • Good anti-air
  • If used at the height of the opponent's jump, can follow up with Guren Sakkon (632C)
Karyu Tsuigeki Kon
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
8,8,16 - 9 2,4(7)5 22 +1 -5 HL - Y Y
Kyou Shuu Hishou Kon
41236B (4/6 to move)
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
12.14,14 - 17 7, till landing 20 +6 0 Y - Y N


Cho Kaen Senpu Kon
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
76 - 24 54 22 KD -58 HL - N Y
  • This can get you killed if it is blocked up close in the corner - the projectile will completely whiff, allowing opponents to do whatever they want.
Guren Sakkon
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
8,12,12,12,21(51) - 8 5,2,4,9(2)18 42 KD -53 HL - N Y
  • Works well to use as an anti-air
  • Billy's better choice for an S-Power and can combo into this more easily .
  • Can be used to follow up Suzume Otoshi (214A) with if timed at the height of the enemy's jump


Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Advantage Block Advantage Guard Cancel BS Juggle
13*5,32(85) - 1+16 21(18)16 21 KD -5 HL - N N

Chain Combos

Punch Starters
n.5A (*)----> 5C (*, E)  
                6C (*, ^, E)
5A two steps----> 5C (E) 
 away (*)
2A (*)------> 2C (*, E)
j.A (O)---> j.C (1, H, O, E)

Kick Starters
j.K (O)---> j.C (1, H, O, E)

Strong Starters
2C (_)------> 5C (1)      -----> 236C (E)






Real Bout Fatal Fury 2



Andy BogardBilly KaneBlue MaryBob WilsonCheng SinzanDuck KingFranco BashGeese HowardHon FuJin ChonreiJin ChonshuJoe HigashiKim KaphwanLaurence BloodLi XiangfeiMai ShiranuiRick StrowdRyuji YamazakiSokaku MochizukiTerry BogardTung Fu RueWolfgang Krauser