-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters XIII/Hitboxes
KOFXIII Hitbox Viewer Installation Guide
Odabug's Hitbox Viewer - Link
Minimum Requirements:
1. Windows 7 Operating System – The hitbox viewer requires Windows Aero to display hitboxes. There is no way around this requirement.
2. A legit copy of King of Fighters XIII on Steam
3. Python 2.7.9 32 bit/ 86x – As of January 2021, Python 2.7.7 no longer has pip support which makes installing the viewer on Windows 7 impossible with that version. Python 2.7.9 comes with pip installed.
4. Setuptools 5.3 zip - Link
5. Comtypes 1.1.10 zip - Link
6. Pydbg 32bit.exe - Link
Additional Recommendations:
1. A setup strong enough to easily run KOFXIII at maximum settings. – Honestly, it is best to run the game with fixed framerate and static background, but the hitbox viewer adds a bit more stress on the pc. 4GB of ram, a good CPU, and a good GPU will suffice.
2. A 60hz monitor – This is only for anyone who wants to capture hitboxes. With anything higher than 60hz, there is a greater chance of the hitbox viewer not displaying properly through a capture device.
1. Install Python 2.7.9:
- Download Python 2.7.9 Windows x86 MSI installer.
- Install Python to C:\Python27 folder.
2. Set C:\Python27 to the environmental variable system path.
- Open the Control Panel and open System Properties.
- Click on Advanced System Settings, then the Advanced tab.
- Click on Environment Variables... at the bottom-right corner.
- In the System Variables listing on the bottom half of the screen, select PATH (may be rendered as "Path") and click Edit...
- At the end of the line to be edited, type ";C:\Python27\" (without quotes).
- Click OK at all steps to return to the Control Panel.
3. Install setuptools 5.3 through the command prompt.
- Extract Setuptools 5.3 folder from the zip to Windows C: root location.
- Open command prompt and type "cd C:\setuptools-5.3\" without quotations then press enter.
- Type "python setup.py install" without quotations then press enter.
- Once installation is complete, close the command prompt.
4. Install comtypes 1.1.10 through the command prompt.
- Extract comtypes-1.1.0 folder from the zip to Windows C: root location.
- Open command prompt and type "cd C:\comtypes-1.1.0\" without quotations then press enter.
- Type "python setup.py install" without quotations then press enter.
- Once installation is complete, close the command prompt.
5. Install pydbg.
- Download pydbg-1.2.win32-py2.7.exe from the provided link above.
- Run the installer and follow its steps.
- Make sure the installation path is through C:\Python27 if other versions of python are installed on your computer.
6. Running hitbox veiwer.
- Open KOF XIII steam properties in the Steam client.
- Go to launch options under general. Type "-a" without quotations. This will make sure Aero is enabled.
- Close the properties tab then launch the game.
- Go to any game mode match like Arcade or training mode then start the hitbox viewer by clicking on the start.bat.
Hitbox Galleries
- Andy Bogard
- Ash Crimson
- Athena Asamiya
- Benimaru
- Billy Kane
- Elisabeth Branctorche
- Chin
- Goro Daimon
- Duo Lon
- EX Iori
- Hwa Jai
- Iori Yagami
- Joe Higashi
- K'
- Kim
- Kula
- Kyo Kusanagi
- Mai Shiranui
- Mature
- Maxima
- Mr. Karate
- Leona Heidern
- Takuma Sakazaki
- Terry Bogard
- Saiki
- Shen Woo
- Sie Kensou
- Raiden
- Robert
- Ryo Sakazaki
- Vice
- Yuri Sakazaki
KOFXIII Hitbox Images KOFXIII Hitbox