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The King of Fighters XIII/Yuri Sakazaki

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Quick Combo Reference

0 Stock, No Drive Gauge


d.Bx2, s.B, dp+C = 168 dmg
d.B, s.B, qcb+A = 103 dmg
j.C, s.C, hcb+B = 238 dmg

1 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge


hcb+B/D (5), (DC) qcf~hcb+K = 288 dmg
d.Bx2, s.B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf~hcb+K = 327 dmg

1 Stock, 0 Drive Gauge Anywhere d.Bx2, s.B, dp+AC = 229 dmg

Console Changes

-The distance travelled on her dp as well as the angle of descent has been adjusted

-Her air throw coming off of dp.K has special follow up properties (special follow up properties –ie- versus normal situations where an opponents in an air status that cannot be followed up on with subsequent attacks)

-s.B is faster

-j.A can be cancelled with her dive kick

-Movement limits on Yuri’s dive kick have been relaxed

-Her hcb.B is now a 1 frame cmd throw

-The invincibility after attack frames on EX hcb.K has been shortened

-Recovery on haoh-shokoken improved

Yamamoto: "Depending on which buttons get pressed on hcb.K, a 1 frame throw, a running throw, an invincible attack, the properties of the move change dramatically so it will be necessary to use the variations according to the situation. This will be a versatile weapon in her arsenal so please give the move a try in depth. The real spectacle here is her air throw from dp.K which is now a hit-anything move. Try racking up on damage in various situations!"

Gameplay Overview

(coming soon!)

Gameplay Notes


- Fair damage output

- Good zoning capabilities

- Ambiguous crossups, and good pressure with her demon flip dive kick

- Overall increased mixup potential; air resets, command/running throw mixups, high/low game

- Good speed and agility

- Has an air throw

- Easy drive cancel confirms

- Can build meter by whiffing hcb+B, and qcb+P


- Needs meter to shell out good damage

- Very short and stubby normals range

- Lacks a good ranged, horizontal jump attack

- Linear and simple blockstrings



s.A - 25 damage, chain/cancel-able, hits mid. A quick jab that leaves her at a slight advantage on block. The range is really short though.

s.B - 30 damage, whiff/cancel-able, hits mid. This high aiming kick is good for stopping hops, can be whiff canceled and is safe on block.

far C - 80 damage, hits mid. A strong swift punch. Can be good to stop hops preemptively.

far D - 80 damage, hits mid. Yuri performs a roundhouse kick that is safe on block, and has some pushback. This kick can be used some stop some far hops.

s.C - 70 damage, cancel-able, hits mid. A standing uppercut that is easy to combo into a qcf+A, dp+P or super, but isn't safe on block.

s.D - 70 damage, cancel-able, hits mid. Knee to the gut that is similar to s.C cancel wise, but is a bit more safer on block.


d.A - 25 damage, chain/cancel-able, hits mid. Similar to her s.A but in a crouch position.

d.B - 30 damage, chain-able, hits low. Swift, quick crouching low kick which is a great starter for a lot of her ground combos. A great low poke that is safe on block.

d.C - 70 damage, cancel-able, hits mid. Good for stopping some jump-ins. Can combo into light damage specials, and her supers.

d.D - 80 damage, whiff/cancel-able, hits low. A sweep with decent range which can be whiff canceled.


j. A - 45(40) damage, cancel-able, hits overhead. Range is a little short, and points down diagonally, but it can be canceled into her df+B or her qcf+K.

j. B - 45(40) damage, hits overhead. Has more range than her j.A but isn't cancel-able. Good for air-to-air.

j. C - 72(70) damage, hits overhead. Good for jumping in, and can be option selected into her air throw. Can be used to to cross up standing opponents too.

j. D - 70(68) damage, hits overhead. Good for jumping in, has a nice ranged hitbox, and can crossup standing and crouching opponents.

Blowback Attack

CD - 75 damage, whiff/cancel-able, hits mid. A wide smack that has a lot of pushback.

j. CD - 90(80) damage, cancel-able, hits mid. A booty bump can be canceled into her air qcf+K. The range is a little on the short side.

GCCD - 10 damage, hits mid. Guard Cancel Blowback Attack


Oni Harite = (b/f+C/D) close 100 damage, can be broken and ground teched.

Tsubame Otoshi = (b/d/f+C) in air 100 damage, can't be broken, and give a hard knockdown.

Command Moves

Yuri Raijin Kyaku = (df+B) in air 45 damage, hits mid. A dive kick that is very safe on block, can be performed during a hop, and can even be combo-ed into on hit. A great move.

Tsubame Tsubasa (f+A) 60 damage, hits overhead. Her patented butt overhead that still isn't safe on block. On hit it can connect to her neomax if you're good at hit confirming.

Special Moves

Saiha = (qcb+P) - Yuri performs a fireblast pointed diagonally towards above her head, pointed at 2 o'clock. It is a bit similar to her Saiha in KOF02, which had slow start up, was active for a quite a while, and the C version was neutral on block (which still is). In KOF98, this move had a faster start-up, and reflected fireballs, which doesn't share those qualities in this version. You can only negate the fireballs, but the start-up is so slow, it can be very hard to catch the fireballs on time. The A version can be comboed from light and strong normal attacks, but leaves her at a disadvantage on block, with a little pushback if performed midscreen. It also causes a hard knockdown as well. The C version has slower start up, but is safe on block (as mentioned in contrast to her KOF02 version), does not combo from light and strong normal attacks, and doesn't knockdown hard. It is best to use this move somewhat as a pre-emptive anti-air attack, especially against a cornered opponent mid-range, looking for a escape. Yuri is open to low attacks during the duration of the move, so it is best to use this move in moderation.

(EX) = qcb+AC - Slower start up than both of the standard versions, but knocks the opponent up higher in the air, into a techable knockdown. Yuri isn't invincible at all during this move, and can be easily counter hit because of its slow start-up. When it is active, it lasts almost just as long as the C version, and it is safe if its blocked. If you use it as an early anti-air midscreen, it does cover a decent amount of space, and you can go for an air reset setup if you wish. In the corner, you can use this move for a reset setup, or juggle them with two normal Saiha's (C version, then A) or any other special move or DM.

- Super Cancel-able

- Hit Detection: Mid

- Damage: 50/60/110

Yuri Chou Upper = (dp+P) Yuri's version of the dragon punch has kept somewhat of the same function from previous years, but has changed a bit in this game as well. Overall, it seems like the horizontal range has increased a bit, causing the dp to travel at a more wider space. Also, she can't connect a follow up dp like in some of her early years (dp+C~dp+A), so she can only pop one in a combo. Her recovery is still bad if its whiffed or blocked, so its best to confirm into this as best as you can for you wont get punished. The A version has a small amount of invincibility at its start, and features a much less and tighter distance horizontally, which can be good for anti-airing jumps and super jumps. The C version covers a very far distance (almost half screen when she lands), which can make it susceptible to downright whiffing if you are trying to use it as an anti-air. For damage, it is best to use the C version for combos, while keeping the A version for anti-airing.

(EX) = dp+AC This version features a good amount of invincibility after the first few starting frames, while most of its hits are featured while she skims the ground before she jumps in the air. Kind of reminiscent of the fierce dp of Street Fighter Alpha's Sakura. You can use this move as a risky wake up dp reversal, but keep in mind that the move doesn't hit vertically as fast as dp+A. If this move is blocked or whiffed, you can get hurt.

- Drive/Super Cancel-able

- Hit Detection:Mid

- Damage: 40+33/65+33/20x5+65+35x2

Raiouken = (qcf+K) Yuri's air fireball. In this game, her fireball travels at a downward angle of almost 40 to 60 degrees. Similar to her qcf+K in OG KOF98, she jumps up, and releases the fireball while pausing mid-air for a split second. The B version has her fireball released at a neutral hop height, while the C version releases at a neutral jump level. The fireball itself has somewhat of a slow speed when traveling, but it has a good sized hitbox, and forms another quick hitbox when it hits the ground. Good for zoning and ending blockstrings but she is open to punishment if you roll towards and under her while she is releasing the fireball. She is also open to jump attacks from the opponent before or while the fireball is released.

(EX) = qcf+BD - Yuri slowly hyper-hops forward releasing a fireball that does 3 hits to the opponent, and lands. She has fast recovery after this move hits, or whiffs and it's also safe on block, but she is in a counter hit state during the duration of the move. After the fireball attacks the opponent, she can follow up with a combo or a command throw. You can cancel into this move from a few of her normal attacks, and if they are close enough, Yuri will actually jump over them and land right next to them for a follow-up attack which will connect on hit, or they will have to block the other way if the fireball is blocked.

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 60/70/127

Raiouken Air = (qcf+K) in air - When jumping towards or away from the opponent, the timing of the fireball releases either with a slight pause then release for the B version (like jumping qcf+K in 98UM) or Yuri falling and releasing the fireball at the same time for the D version (like jumping qcf+K in KOF02). The angles for the fireballs are a bit more steeper than the normal standing performed qcf+K, especially the D which release at an almost 20-30 degree angle (or less) depending on the type of jump you use.

(EX) = qcf+BD in air - Combining the fireball release angles of both standing performed versions of qcf+K, Yuri release two fireballs while descending (rather quickly) from her jump. Her recovery is very fast after the fireballs make contact if you land close to you opponent which can open up some frame trap possibilities if blocked, or a combo if they are hit with them.

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 55/70x2

Ko Ou Ken = (qcf+P) In this game her Ko Ou Ken is similar to her KOF02 version which is just a fireball extending a bit past her fist. The A version combos from just heavy normal attacks but is not safe on block while the C version doesn't seem to combo from anything, has much slower start up, has a bit of frame advantage on block, also covers more space. You can use this move in conjunction with her qcf+K, but understand that the start up for both versions aren't very fast so be careful while zoning, or trying to end blockstrings with them. Both of the versions do not give the opponent a hard knockdown.

(EX) = qcf+AC The range on the EX is actually quite far, almost a half-screen away, while the fireball travels a fast, short distance from her fist. It can combo from light and heavy normals, but does not give the opponent a hard knockdown. At pointblank range on block, this move pushes the opponent back at a moderately safe range but can be punished by DMs that have very quick start-up frames.

- Super Cancel-able

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 65/75/120

Hyakuretsu Binta = (hcb+K) This move now was two totally different properties and uses. The B version is more of a 1 frame instant throw now, which can combo from light and heavy attacks, and ends in a hard knockdown. You can also whiff this throw to build a little meter. This is probably the better light combo finisher because it ends in a hard knockdown, it does more damage than her dp+C, and you can easily drive/super cancel it. The D version is still a running grab which leaves her in a counter state while she is running, and ends in a hard knockdown. It is fun to surprise you opponent with this while they are in a defensive position (still in block stun, or anticipating something else) or finishing up a mid-screen roll. But if you try to abuse it, you can be punished before it actually connects.

(EX) = hcb+BD A much faster version of her hcb+D running grab. The start-up frames seem to have a small amount of invincibility, which can be used (at the correct timing) to phase through projectiles and some meaty wake-up attacks. The grab knocks the opponent back almost half screen with a hard knockdown. The grab can be blocked though, which causes Yuri to bounce back a bit from the opponent at almost safe distance. She can be punished on block by a EX move or DM with quick start-up frames. The move cannot be drive/super cancelled.

- Drive/Super Cancellable (only B and D versions)

- Hit Detection: Close/High

- Damage: 112/100

Houyoku = (dp+K) A brand new move Yuri has in her arsenal for XIII. When canceled from normals, it basically acts like a jump cancel. It is a new move for her, but not new conceptually, because it is basically an Akuma demon flip. The B version travels almost at the same general trajectory has a regular jump but just slower while the D version is like a hyperhop but lands a bit farther. She is open to anti-airs and other forms of punishment if a follow isn't performed during the flip, especially when she lands.

(EX) = dp+BD She takes off at a fast speed, a lower trajectory and travels a longer distance than both of the normal versions.

- Hit Detection: None

∟Nage (P) Pretty much her j.C with the flip. Honestly, the jump comes out really slowly, and has the ability to miss and not cross up at all, so it is probably only good for flip loops and juggles.

- Hit Detection: Overhead

- Damage: 70(100)

∟Yuri Raijin Kyaku = (K) Her df+B with the flip. Much more useful than j.C if you're looking to mix-up your opponent on the ground. The dive kicks are really safe on block and can really confuse your opponent when you are pressuring them with the flips when canceling them from normals, and changing up your flip arcs and dive kick releases. But you can be jabbed out (or worst) of the flip before the dive kick hits, so its best to use this in moderation.

- Hit Detection: Mid

- Damage: 45(60)

∟Dageki = (AC) Yuri's air throw with the whiff animation. It can add some extra damage to combos if you end with this throw (it does throw them away from the corner, if the combo starts there), or can be used as an anti-air finisher after a d.C, or s.B. If you whiff this throw, Yuri is open for punishment.

- Hit Detection: Close (in air)

- Damage: 100(150)

∟Raiouken Air = (qcf+K) Sometimes this move may come out instead of a demon flip especially if you are canceling it from a normal attack. At close range, flipping into this fireball is very dangerous, but you can attempt to throw the fireball after a canceled (and connected) sweep for some added pressure if they tech roll the knockdown. But outside of that, its just best to stick to normal jumps and hops for the Raiouken, using it during a demon flip alone is rather risky.

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 55(70x2)

Desperation Moves

Haoh Shou Kou Ken = (f hcf+P) Yuri's version of this move pretty much shares the same properties and respects as they have always had throughout the years. The A version travels slow and catch early jumpers, while the C version travels fast and catches jumpers in mid-air, and can punish normal fireballs. You can combo the C version from heavy normals. It has a bit less damage than her ranbu super though, but it isn't horrible to use for a quick, full or mid-screen punish.

- Hit Detection: Mid

- Damage: 190

Hien Hou'ou Kyaku (qcf hcb+K) This DM is somewhat the same too. You can combo it from lights and heavy normals, and does more damage than her f, hcf+P. You can also perform it raw against moves that very bad recovery as well. Unfortunately, she can be jabbed out of the start-up frames and active frames (no invincibility), so it is best not to use this out of the blue or as an anti-air.

(EX) = qcf hcb+BD This version has very fast start-up which can punish some moves that have poor recovery at a close distance. Yuri is completely invincible during her dash, which is good to use as an anti-air, and for evading all types of projectiles. This move ends in a hard knockdown, and Yuri ends up rather close to their fallen body. You can combo this DM from light and heavy attacks, and you can max cancel it into her neomax for some phat damage. If its blocked, or whiffed, you WILL get hurt.

- Max Cancel-able

- Hit Detection: High

- Damage: 220/320


Haoh Raiouken = (qcbx2+AC) also in air - Yuri back flips in the air to release a single nuke of a raiouken that does massive damage. During her back flip ascension, she is invincible but when she releases the fireball, that does take up some time which can cause someone to block on reaction from the super flash. The fireball does have a fixed ranged, it doesn't home or follow in on the opponent but it does have a rather large blast radius, so you may punish someone from full or mid screen trying to throw a projectile towards you. This neomax can be comboed from her heavy normals, and even f+B overhead.

- Hit Detection: Mid

- Damage: 425



No Stock, No Drive Gauge

d. Bx2, s. B, dp+C = 168 damage *

d.Bx2, s.B, hcb+B = 179 damage (normals must be inputted quickly)

(Anti-Air) st.B, dp+D~AC = 120 damage *

d.B, s.B/s.A, qcb+A = 103 damage

j.C/j.D, s.C, dp+C = 223 damage

j.C, s.C, hcb+B = 236 damage

j.C, s.C, qcf+B = 194 damage

(air) df+B, d.Bx2, s.B, dp+C = 203 damage

0 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

d.B, d.B, s.B, dp+C (DC) dp+D~C, d.C, dp+D~AC = 318 damage *

(corner) hcb+B [DC] qcb+C, qcb+A, dp+A (239 dmg) *

1 Stock, No Drive Gauge

cr.D, dp+BD~AC = 222 damage *

d.Bx2, s.B, qcf+AC = 187 damage

j. C, s.C, qcf+BD, d. B, d. A, qcb+A = 213 damage

j. C, d.C/s.C, qcf~hcb+K = 334 damage

j. C, d.B, s.C, dp+C(1),(DC)dp+D~C, d.C, dp+D~AC = 396 damage

1 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

(corner) hcb+B [DC] qcb+C, qcf~hcb+D = 322 damage *

d. Bx2, s. B, dp+C (1), [SC] qcf hcb+K

(Corner) s.C, dp+C (1), (DC) qcb+C, qcb+A, qcf hcb+K

d. Bx2, s. B, dp+C (1), [DC] dp+K~P, s.C, dp+K~AC

j.C, s.C, qcb+AC, qcb+C, qcf+C, dp+C (1) (DC), qcb+C, qcb+A, dp+A = 513 damage

j.C, s.C, qcb+AC, qcb+C, qcf+C, dp+C (1) (DC), qcb+C, qcb+A, s.C, dp+D~AC = 567 damage

2 Stock, No Drive Gauge

(Corner) s. C, qcb+AC, qcb+C, qcb+A, qcf hcb+K

2 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

(Corner) s.C, qcb+AC, qcb+C, qcb+A, dp+A (1), [DC] qcb+C, qcb+A, qcf hcb+K

j. C, s.C, qcf+BD, qcb+B (SC) qcf~hcb+K = 375 damage

(Corner) hcb+B [DC] qcb+C, qcf~hcb+BD = 411 damage *

HyperDrive Combos

(1) d.B, d.B, s.B [HD] s.C, dp+C [DC] dp+D~C, [dp+A [DC] dp+D~C]x2, [dp+A [DC] qcb+C, qcb+A] x2, dp+A = 509 damage, 0 Stock *

(2) d.B, d.B, s.B [HD] s.C, dp+C [DC] dp+D~C, [dp+A (DC) qcb+C, qcb+A]x4 dp+A = 518 damage, 0 Stock *

(3) d.B, d.B, s.B [HD] s.C, dp+C [DC] dp+D~C, [dp+A [DC] dp+D~C] x2, dp+A [DC] qcb+C, qcb+A, dp+A [DC] qcb+C, f~hcf+C = 558 damage, 1 Stock *

(4) d.B, d.B, s.B [HD] s.C, dp+C [DC] dp+D~C, [dp+A (DC) qcb+C, qcb+A]x4 qcf~hcb+D = 624 damage, 1 Stock *

(5) d.B, d.B, s.B [HD] s.C, dp+C [DC] dp+D~C, [dp+A [DC] dp+D~C]x2, [dp+A [DC] qcb+C, qcb+A]x2, qcf~hcb+BD = 682 damage, 2 Stock *

(6) d.B, d.B, s.B [HD] s.C, dp+C [DC] dp+D~C, [dp+A (DC) qcb+C, qcb+A]x4, qcf~hcb+BD = 691 damage, 2 Stock *

(7) d.B, d.B, s.B [HD] s.C, f+A, (air) qcf+B, [d.C, f+A, (air) qcf+B] x10, d.B, s.B, dp+C = 768 damage, 0 Stock *

(8) d.B, d.B, s.B (HD) s.C, f+A, (air) qcf+B, [d.C xx f+A xx (air) qcf+B] x9, d.B, s.B, dp+C, qcf~hcb+D =845 damage, 1 Stock *

(9) d.B, d.B, s.B (HD) s.C, f+A, (air) qcf+B, [d.C xx f+A xx (air) qcf+B] x9, qcb~qcb+AC = 939 damage, 2 Stock *


Far Range

  • Stop incoming superjumps with qcb+P's and incoming dashes with qcf+K
  • Negate fireballs with your qcf+A, or qcb+A (C version is a little slow), or if you have meter, f,hcf+C

Mid Range

  • Be on the lookout for hops by checking the space in front of her head with s.A, s.B, cr.C or s.D. For ranges a bit farther keep a dp+A ready as well as qcb+B incase someone wants to jump or superjump above your head.
  • On an opponent that likes to stay grounded, poke sometimes with her qcf+A or EX qcf+A, which range may surprise them.
  • If an opponent that likes to stay grounded and also doesn't like to jump, close the gap by dashing in briefly with a st.C and mixing that up with a qcb+D running throw to surprise while they are on the defense

Close Range

Cornered Opponent


Move Metadata

Move Damage Stun Startup On Guard Remarks
cl.A 25 6 4 +1
cr.A 25 6 4 +2
st.A 25 6 4 +1
j.A 45 3 5 -
hop A 40 3 5 -
st.B 30 6 4 -1
cr.B 30 6 4 +3
j.B 45 3 4 -
hop B 40 3 4 -
cl.C 70 7 4 -4
cr.C 70 7 3 -4
st.C 80 7 6 -2
j.C 72 7 8 -
hop C 70 7 8 -
cl.D 80 7 6 -2
cr.D 80 7 8 -5
st.D 80 7 9 0
j.D 70 7 7 -
hop D 68 7 7 -
st.CD 75 8 13 +3 Hit with the tip for +4 on guard
j.CD 90 8 12 -
hop CD 80 10 12 -
Enyoku (Tsubame Tsubasa) 60 10 17 -5 Close -4, forefront on guard +4, cr.C or st.B will connect in corner
Yuri Raijinkyaku 45 4 10 - Guard recovery 30, Hit recovery 32,
Oni Harite 100 0 1 -
Tsubame Otoshi 100 0 1 -
GCCD 4 0 13 -15 Weak atk 13, Strong akt 17, Jump atk 17 Frame startup?
A Kou Ou Ken 65 6 16 -7 Close, startup 28, recovery +5
C Kou Ou Ken 75 8 22 +2 Close, startup 37, recovery +17
A Kuuga (Yuri Chou Upper)(1) 40 6 5 -
A Kuuga (Yuri Chou Upper)(2) 35 4 - -25
C Kuuga (Yuri Chou Upper)(1) 65 8 12 -
C Kuuga (Yuri Chou Upper)(2) 35 6 - -
A Saiha 50 6 12 -10
C Saiha 60 6 27 -2
B Hyakuretsu Binta (1) 0 0 1 - Whiff 35
B Hyakuretsu Binta (2-5) 4 0 - - D Hyakuretsu shortest distance grab 16
B Hyakuretsu Binta (6) 129 0 - -
B Raiouken 60 8 17 -6 Close, ground recovery 7
D Raiouken 70 10 25 -14 Close, ground recovery 7
Air Raiouken 55 4 10,16 - B ground recovery 7, D ground recovery 23
Houyoku Dageki 70 10 10 - ground recovery 7
Houyoku Raijinkyaku 45 4 10 - Ground recovery 4
Houyoku Throw 100 0 1 - Ground recovery 7F
Houyoku Raiouken 55 4 10 - Ground recovery 7, All frames 50, C All frames59
EX Raiouken 120 0 13 -5
EX Kuuga (Yuri Chou Upper)(1) 20 0 7 -
EX Kuuga (Yuri Chou Upper)(2-5) 20 0 - -
EX Kuuga (Yuri Chou Upper)(6) 65 0 - -
EX Kuuga (Yuri Chou Upper)(7,8) 35 0 - -47
EX Hyakuretsu Binta (1) 0 0 8 -
EX Hyakuretsu Binta (2-11) 4 0 - -
EX Hyakuretsu Binta (12) 60 0 - -12
EX Raiouken (1) 45 0 22 -
EX Raiouken (2-3) 45 0 - +11
EX Air Raiouken (1) 70 0 10 - Startup against crouching opponent 23
EX Air Raiouken (2) 45 0 - -
EX Houyoku Dageki 100 0 10 - Ground recovery 7
EX Houyoku Raijinkyaku 60 0 10 - Ground recovery 4
EX Houyoku Throw 150 0 1 - Ground recovery 7
EX Houyoku Raiouken (1,2) 70 0 10 - Ground recovery 7, all frames 59
Haoh Shoukou Ken 190 0 47 -17 Freeze 29, close
Hien Hou'ou Kyaku (1) 0 0 40(11) -22 Freeze 29
Hien Hou'ou Kyaku (2-12) 15 0 - -
Hien Hou'ou Kyaku (13) 55 0 - -
EX Hien Hou'ou Kyaku (1) 0 0 36(7) -28 Freeze 29
EX Hien Hou'ou Kyaku (2-19) 10 0 - -
EX Hien Hou'ou Kyaku (20) 40 0 - -
EX Hien Hou'ou Kyaku (21) 100 0 - -
Haoh Raiouken (1) 10 0 86(10) -18
Haoh Raiouken (N) 10 0 - -
Haoh Raiouken (1-17 25 0 - -


Yuri KCE Basic Introduction

Yuri Master Class

Yuri BnB's and Practical Combos


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Desmond Delaghetto


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