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The King of Fighters 2002 UM/K'

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Blowback Attack


Spot Pile - b/f + C

  • Can be broken
  • Regular knockdown

Knee Strike - b/f+D

  • Can be broken
  • Reverse knockdown

Command Moves

One Inch - f + A

  • K' does a 1 inch punch which connects at about the same range as his far standing C. The main use for this move is to cancel into it from K's close standing C as a combo starter. It's rather slow if used on it's own and is very frame disadvantageous on block whether it's cancelled into or not. But if cancelled into from another normal, it can be special cancelled out of which can make it very safe to use in block strings (i.e. close C, forward A, Eins Trigger). Overall it's not the greatest command normal in the game, but it can be used sparingly in block strings and as a combo starter when cancelled into from the first hit of close C.

Knee Assault - f + B

  • This is an amazing command normal which can be cancelled into from normals and can always be special cancelled out of with K's air Minutes Spike. It hits overhead and is insanely fast. It can be used after an opponent blocks a hop in to beat fuzzy guarding, or just on an opponent's wake up as part of okizeme. One thing to be wary of with this move though, is that it's punishable on block, even when cancelled into air Minutes Spike. So as long as it's used sparingly, it can be one of the scariest tools in K's arsenal.

Special Moves

Eins Trigger - qcf + A/C

  • This is probably one of the best special moves in the game. It's used in most of K's best combos from normals. The A version is more useful for corner juggles, while the C version has slightly better hitboxes for space control. Covers the hop space in front of K' very well. It starts up very fast, and can be whiffed at pretty much any time with little to no risk, and builds meter in the process. It is also slightly frame advantageous if the opponent blocks it at the tip, so it can be used as a fairly strong and safe pressure tool against a cornered opponent at the right spacing. It's various follow-ups give it a lot of versatility as well.

┗Second Shoot - f + B

  • K' kicks his Eins Trigger horizontally to form a projectile that travels all the way across the screen. The speed of the projectile is determined by whether the A version or the C version of Eins Trigger was used. The C version moves very quickly while the A version moves noticeably slower. This is a good long range zoning tool, but over using it is generally a bad idea because if an opponent jumps over it, you're most likely going to eat a combo. The A version is also used in corner juggles.

┗Second Shell - f + D

  • K' kicks his Eins Trigger vertically to cover the area above his head and slightly in front of him. This is a key juggle starter when K' is in close or has the opponent cornered. Also works well as an anti-air against full jumps, which he can almost always follow-up with a jump CD or a Minutes Spike on hit. It is frame disadvantageous on block though, so using it too close to a blocking opponent is not recommended.

┗Blackout - b + B/D

  • K' does an insanely fast command dash. The distance traveled is determined by whether the B or D version is used. The B version travels slighty less than half screen, while the D version travels almost full screen. This follow-up has various uses. It can be used to get out of the corner, to get in on a defensive opponent, or for left/right mixups up close. K' can be hit out of this move at any time during it's animation though, so don't get too predictabo with it.

┗Second Spike - qcb + B/D

  • K' does a kick move which sort of resembles his Minutes Spike, and it's active for a long time. A staple midscreen combo ender. Outside of that, there's not much use for this move. It's very unsafe on block, so it's best to stick to using this as a combo ender only.

Crow Bites - dp + A/C

  • K' does a dragon punch like uppercut. The C version has full body invincibility, while the A version has upper body invincibility. The C version travels slightly more than half screen, while the A version is almost stationary while slightly leaving the ground. The C version has more utility, but the A version is a little faster so it's a little easier to anti-air short hops with. This move can be used as an anti-air, reversal, and a corner combo ender. Can be super cancelled.

┗Secondary Bites - f + B/D

  • Follow up to the C version of Crow Bites. Causes a hard knockdown

Minutes Spike - qcb + B/D

  • K' does an aerial kick that moves him forward pretty fast. Can be used on the ground or in the air. The B version moves a fairly short distance forward, while the D version goes about half screen. The main uses for this move are cancelling it from K's Forward B command normal, and to tack on extra damage after landing an Eins Trigger-Second Shoot. Can also be cancelled into Narrow Spike almost instantly.

┗Narrow Spike - qcb + B/D

  • Follow up to Minutes Spike. K' drops back to the ground and slides a short distance. Can only be used after the ground version of Minutes Spike. Generally used after a ground Minutes Spike connects to shorten recovery and close the distance to the opponent better. Punishable on block unless used around max distance.

Blackout - qcf + B/D

  • Functions exactly the same as the Eins Trigger follow-up.

Desperation Moves

Heat Drive - qcf x 2 + A/C

  • K' does a flaming dash punch nearly all the way across the screen. Good for a mid screen combo ender in situations where Chain Drive won't connect. Sometimes super cancelled into from Crow Bites to make a reversal a little bit safer on block, but it's still punishable if anticipated. Can be delayed by holding down the button used to activate the super.

Chain Drive - qcf hcb + A/C

  • K' throws his flame imbued sunglasses at the opponent, then dashes forward quickly into a typical KOF ranbu-like combo. The go-to super combo ender in situations that it will connect in, usually in the corner or directly from ground normals. Can sometimes be used as a pre-emptive anti air or to go through projectiles and punish, though you need to be high on crack to react on time to do either one of these.

Super Desperation Moves

Chain Drive - qcf hcb + AC

  • More damaging version of K's Chain Drive. This version comes out a lot slower, and is even harder to use in combos than the normal version. Mostly used as a corner maxmode combo ender, or cancelled into directly from standing D or close C-forward A.


Crimson Star Road - qcb + AC


  • cl.D, f+A, qcf+P~qcb+D
  • cl.D or cl.C, f+A, qcf hcb+A/AC
  • cr.B×1~3, qcf+P~qcb+D
  • (Corner) cr.Bx1~3, qcf+P~f+D, j.X/qcfx2+P
  • f+B, qcb+B
  • cl.C (1), f+A, qcf+P~f+D, j.X/DM
  • Far C, qcb+D~qcb+K/qcfx2+A
  • (CH) f+A, st.X/j.X/qcb+D~qcb+D [dp+C/qcfx2+A/qcf hcb+AC/qcb+C.A]
  • (Corner) cr.B×1~2, qcf+A~f+D, qcf+A~f+B, st.X (dp+C/qcf hcb+P/qcb+C.A)
  • (Corner) cl.C (1), f+A, (BC) cl.C (1), f+A, [dp+A (2),(DC) qcb+D~qcb+D]×3, dp+C (1), (DC) qcfx2+P/qcf hcb+AC
  • (Corner) cr.B×1~2, qcf+A~f+D, (BC) [dp+A (2), (DC)qcb+D~qcb+D]×2~3, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf hcb+AC

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