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NeoGeo Battle Coliseum/Shiki

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A note on Shiki's normals and the new kara chain: uniquely, Shiki can chain her normal attacks, leading to interesting routes and aiding in confirming and pressure. There is even a recently discovered way to kara cancel chains that makes chaining into the same normal possible. This is normally used with either crouch A (most common so far) or close B (slightly more niche). The main application of this tech is to make confirms and combos possible that otherwise wouldn't work due to pushback from the standard routes (i.e. situations where you can combo into far D, but by the time you're at that point in a normal non-kara chain, the distance is too far for 214C or D. Assault to connect).


  • A

Close A is a relatively fast, though underused normal. This and far A both are outclassed in most situations by close B or crouching A. Not typically used for chains.

  • B

An amazing normal that can begin or fill the middle of a confirm, and with good speed and a generous enough hitbox. Perhaps most importantly, this normal chains from crouch A, and into far D. It is a candidate for kara chaining, but it is a bit more limited and specific in applications for now.

  • C

Close C is a two-hit button typically used for damage or when far D would push out too far for combos, and few other uses due to it being a bit slow. The first and second hits have different properties to them, most notably that the first hit can cancel and combo into almost anything, including her command grab and the overhead kick. This move does not have an option to chain into after it, but can be chained into from a close D. Close D > close C (one hit) > x is a sure way to combo into all of your options if you're unsure of Close D > far D's push out allowing it. For example, a D. Assault will work after cl.D > far D with no delay, but 214C will not.

The above situation is also where the application of the kara chains comes in, by the way, as mentioned above.

  • D

Close D is an overhead. It is a strong way to start offense, as it chains into other normals for confirms, most importantly far D and close C, but has a few caveats that keep it from being truly overpowering. The move has quite short activation range, a good bit of startup, and very few active frames (I don't have the data atm, but I would estimate 2 or even 1), meaning it's a move that you want to use on oki, but is very unlikely that you'll time it perfectly as a meaty in the most common situations you'll want to use it. This means that often, the opponent will be able to respond with an option to escape, typically a mash or throw, and A+B works as well if they are confident in their timing. Even so, close D is a strong option that must be played around, and you have other options on oki to mix with this so that they're not always ready for the threat.




Blowback Attack Pressing the E button while blocking will allow (name) to do counter with (description), and he will then tag out.


name: b/f + CD

  • Can be broken.

Command Moves


  • description

Special Moves


  • description


  • description


  • description

Desperation Moves


  • description


  • description


  • description

General Strategy

  • Block strings to use are:


(more to be updated)

NeoGeo Battle Coliseum



AiAkari IchijoAsuraCyber WooFuumaGeese HowardGenjyuro KibagamiHanzoHaohmaruHotaru FutabaIori YagamiJin ChonreiJin ChonshuK'KaedeKeiichiro WashizukaKim KaphwanKisarah WestfieldKyo KusanagiLee Pai LongMai ShiranuiMarco RossiMoriya MinakataMr. BigMr. KarateMudmanNakoruruRobert GarciaRock HowardShermieShikiTerry BogardTung Fu RueYuki

Hidden/Boss Characters

AthenaGoodmanKing Leo (Shin Shishioh)King Lion (Shishioh)Mars PeopleMizuchiNeo Dio