-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters XIII/Joe Higashi
s. A: 25 damage, chain/cancel-able, hits mid. Nice, quick jab to the chin. Decent range, good for stopping hops and for poking at close range.
s. B: 30 damage, cancel-able, hits mid. A slightly toe pointed front kick that aims the the opponents mid-section. Good range, good for poking, and safe on block.
s. C: 80 damage, hits mid. An elbow hook that is slightly safe on block. Pushes Joe back on block very close to the range of his s.B.
s. D: 70 damage, cancel-able, hits mid. A thrusting knee attack that has more range than it looks. On block, this normal is pretty safe too.
far C: 70 damage, hits mid. This punch has great range, good pushback on block, and is safe too.
d. A: 25 damage, chain/cancel-able, hits mid. An quick elbow that is safe on block. The range isn't horrible either.
d. B: 30 damage, chain-able, hits low. A neutral positioning low kick. Quick and a great starter for his ground combos.
d. C: 70 damage, cancel-able, hits mid. Similar to his far C, but in a crouch position. Has slightly less pushback on block than his far C though.
d. D: 80 damage, whiff/cancel-able, hits low. A sweep that can be canceled on whiff and on hit. Has a decent range but has bad recovery.
j. A
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 45 (40)
j. B
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 45 (40)
j. C
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 72 (70)
j. D
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 70 (68)
Blowback Attack
- Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 75
j. CD
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 90 (80)
- Can't be cancelled
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 10
Sou Hiza Jigoku = (bf/+C/D)
- Can be broken
- Hit Detection: Throw
- Damage: 30 x 2, 48
Command Moves
Step In Middle Kick = (f+B)
- Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 60
Slide = (df+B)
- Can't be cancelled
- Hit Detection: Low
- Damage: 75
Special Moves
Hurrican Upper = (hcf+P)
(EX) = hcf+AC
- Super-cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 60; EX Damage: 40 x 2, 60
Tiger Kick = (dp+K)
(EX) = dp+BD
- Drive- / Super-cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 50 x 2; EX Damage: 120, 80
Thrust Kick = (hcf+K)
(EX) = hcf+BD
- Hit Detection: High
- B Damage: 70; D Damage: 90; EX Damage: 70 x 2
Bakuretsuken = [A/C]
(EX) = [P]
Bakuretsuken Finish = (qcb+P)
- Drive- / Super-cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Bubusken Damage: 10 x n ; Follow-up Damage: 30, 50
- EX Damage: 20 x 6, 40, 70
Golden Heel = (qcb+K)
(EX) = qcb+BD
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 35 x 4; EX Damage: 60 x 4
Desperation Moves
Screw Upper = (qcfx2+P)
(EX) = qcfx2+AC
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 20 x 13; EX Damage: 16 x 18, 16 (20), 20
BHTK = (qcf hcb+P)
- MAX Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 10 x 8, 30, 30 (60), 60
Screw Staight = (qcfx2+BD)
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 18 x 25
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