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The King of Fighters '98 UMFE/Takuma Sakazaki

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Blowback Attack


Oosotogari = b/f + C

  • Can be broken, regular knockdown

Ippon Seoi = b/f + D

  • Can be broken, reverse knockdown

Command Moves

Oni Guruma = f+A

  • Oni Guruma knocks down when used on it's own. In theory this should not happen when canceled from a normal or when combo'd out of via special attack or dm, but sometimes it does. It seems to happen more frequently if you're a little too late with the canceling so if you want to use it to combo into a special/DM make it quick. Combos from most st/cr.X normals.

Kawara Wari = f+B

  • Kawara Wari is an overhead when is used on its own. Can be combo'd into from lights attacks, even though this move has less options than Oni Guruma, because only Hao Shikou Ken and the Ryuuko Ranbu will combo after it. Personally, I think the timing for comboing into the Haoh Shikou Ken DM a little strict, Ryuuko Ranbu DM is the preferred follow-up of choice since you can overlap the command without pulling a out Ko'oh Ken by accident, despite that only the weak version of the Ranbu DM will connect. The strong version of the Haoh Shikou Ken can also work as a combo ender. In max mode this move will not connect after a heavy normal.

Special Moves

Ko'ou Ken = qcf+A/C

  • Weak version is slower and does less damage than strong. This is a very good move to keep the pressure on your opponent, it can be combo'd into from both command moves (Oni Guruma/Kawara Wari) and after even Hien Shippuu Kyaku. If your opponent is in the corner and you are on the opposite end of the screen, you can connect the strong version of Hien Shippuu Kyaku, or Ryuuko Ranbu DM with the proper timing after they take a hit from a Ko'ou Ken, it's a good trick but the chances of you pulling it off in the heat of battle is very slim.

Desperation Moves

Super Desperation Moves

ADV/EX Strats


Color Chart