-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters XIII/Kula Diamond/Combos
(3) = The number of hits needed to Drive Cancel
DC = Drive Cancel
HDA = HD Activate
HDC = Hyper Drive Cancel
SC = Super Cancel
CH = Counter Hit
MC = Max Cancel
QCF = Quarter Circle Forward
QCB = Quarter Circle Backward
HCB = Half Circle Backward
DP = Forward Down Down-Forward
P = A or C
- Most combos (except those starting with lows) are listed with a jump-in. Expect less damage if initiated from the ground.
- All instances of cr.Bx2 st.B can be done as cr.Bx3 (or cr.Bx3 st.B if deep enough). The former may be easier for some players as it allows the directional input to go neutral for the next command.
- Corner only combos can only be finished in the corner, however many will carry the opponent a decent distance before they end. Experiment to gauge how far your combos will carry.
- Reset options - consider finishing qcb+B~f+B corner combos with a st.B instead of Crow Bites or Counter Shell. This will reset the opponent for the mixup of your choice.
(Work in progress)
- Most combos (except those starting with lows) are listed with a jump-in. Expect less damage if initiated from the ground.
- All instances of cr.Bx2 st.B can be done as cr.Bx3 (or cr.Bx3 st.B if deep enough). The former may be easier for some players as it allows the directional input to go neutral for the next command.
- Corner only combos can only be finished in the corner, however many will carry the opponent a decent distance before they end. Experiment to gauge how far your combos will carry.
- Reset options - consider finishing qcb+B~f+B corner combos with a st.B instead of Crow Bites or Counter Shell. This will reset the opponent for the mixup of your choice.
0 Stock, 0 Drive
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+A, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (352 damage, corner only)
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+C (310 damage)
cr.B×2, st.B, dp+C (192 damage)
cr.Bx2, st.B, df+B (153 damage, last hit low)
0 Stock, 1 Drive
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+A, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (428 damage, corner only)
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, dp+C (372 damage)
1 Stock, 0 Drive
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (473 damage, corner only)
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+A, qcfx2+P (386 damage, corner only)
cr.B×2, st.B, qcb+BD, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (308 damage, corner only)
cr.B×2, st.B, qcb+BD, dp+C (271/278 damage)
1 Stock, 1 Drive
j.C, cl.C, f.A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, f.A, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (549 damage, corner only) [1]
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcb+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (527 damage, corner only)
j.C, cl.C, f.A, qcb+B~f.D, dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, f.A, qcb+B~f.B, dp+C (493 damage, corner only, 40% screen carry) [2]
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+A, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+BD~f+D, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (480 damage, corner only)
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (473 damage, 60% screen carry) [3]
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcb+BD, qcb+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (458 damage, corner only)
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+C (DC) qcb+BD~f+D, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (455 damage, carries from corner to corner)
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+C (SC) qcfx2+P (415 damage)
j.C, cl.C, f+A, dp+C (SC) qcfx2+P (394 damage)
cr.Bx2, st.B, qcb+BD, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (376 damage, corner only)
cr.Bx2, st.B, dp+C (DC) qcb+BD, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (352 damage, corner only)
cr.Bx2, st.B, dp+C (SC) qcfx2+P (312 damage)
1 stock, 2 drive
Stun combo, corner only:
qcf+C, j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+D~f+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+D~f+B, dp+C
This combo is ridiculously hard to time. In order to get two qcb+D's to connect after one another, the dp+C (DC) qcb+D has to be absolutely precise in its height/timing. The opponent can't be too low or too high. Practice at the risk of your sanity.
2 Stock, 0 Drive
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcfx2+P (504 damage, corner only)
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+A, qcbx2+AC (464 damage)
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcfx2+P (437 damage)
2 Stock, 1 Drive
j.C, cl.C, f.A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, f.A, dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, f.A, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (632 damage, corner only) [4]
j.C, cl.C, f.A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcb+B, dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, f.A, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (597 damage, 25% screen carry) [5]
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+BD~f+D qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (559 damage, corner only)
cr.Bx2, st.B, dp+C (SC) qcfx2+AC (400 damage)
3 Stock, 0 Drive
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcfx2+AC or qcbx2+AC (525/515 damage)
Hyper Drive Combos
- Most HDs can be activated off cr.Bx2 st.B (or cr.B, st.B, etc.) at the expense of damage.
- Many HDs can be made to use more or less meter.
0 Stock
545 damage, carries from corner to corner:
j.C, cl.C, f+A (HDA) cl.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C
Relatively easy to perform with practice and carries from corner to corner. Forms the basis for some of the following HDs. For those rare situations where she has full drive but no meter and absolutely must kill the opponent. In other words, you won't be using this very often.
3 Stock
821 damage, carries from corner to corner:
j.C, cl.C, f+A (HDA) cl.C, f+A, qcb+B~f+D, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, dp+C (DC) qcb+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcfx2+P (MC) hcbx2+BD
Similar to the combo above, but with stricter timings. DPs must be done when the opponent is close to the ground, especially the last dp+C (DC) qcb+D.
837 damage, corner only:
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, f+A (HDA) f+A, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, hcbx2+BD
When DPing after f+A, wait until the opponent is almost about to hit the ground, otherwise the combo won't connect properly. After that there's little timing required.
4 Stock
963 damage, corner only:
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, f+A (HDA) f+A, dp+C (DC) qcb+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcfx2+P (MC) hcbx2+BD
Strict timings on the DPs. They must be performed when the opponent is very low to the ground, especially the dp+C (DC) qcb+D's.
903 damage, corner only:
j.C, cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, f+A (HDA) f+A, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcfx2+P (MC) hcbx2+BD
This combo can be tough as there are multiple reasons it can fail. The first would be Kula moving too far in on her HD activation of f+A. If she's too deep the dp+A (DC) qcb+D will miss or not hit properly. It will also miss if the opponent is too low or too high when the DP hits. Once succeeding in the first part, you will need to keep the loop going by using qcb+B's followup at a specific height (slightly higher than dead center). Once rhythm is established, the rest should be fairly easy.
871 damage, corner only:
j.C, cl.C, f+A (HDA) cl.C, f+A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcfx2+P (MC) hcbx2+BD
A much easier and safer option than the combo above, this one requires very little timing to keep going.
814 damage, corner only, half-stage carry:
j.C, cl.C, f+A (HDA) cl.C, f+A, qcb+BD, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcfx2+P (MC) hcbx2+BD
Another safer option that requires little timing and has the added benefit of a longer carry.
5 Stock
1027 damage, corner only:
j.C, cl.C, f.A, qcf+AC, qcf+C, f.A (HDA) f.A, dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, f.A, qcb+B, (dp+C (DC) qcb+B) x2, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcfx2+A (MC) hcbx2+BD [6]
1005 damage, corner only:
qcf+C, qcf+C, j.C, cl.C, f+A (HDA) cl.C, f+A, dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, f+A, dp+C (DC) qcb+B, dp+C (DC) qcb+D, qcfx2+P (MC) hcbx2+BD
In order to get two C Diamond Breaths, they must be performed meaty. An easy way to set this up is to throw the opponent in the corner, then immediately backdash and do two C Diamond Breaths. When performing dp+C into qcf+AC, hold forward and press AC after the DP for an easy shortcut. When DPing into qcb+B/D, wait for the opponent to be very low to the ground.
906 damage, corner only, half-stage carry:
j.C, cl.C, f+A (HDA) cl.C, f+A, dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, dash if necessary, dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, dash if necessary, qcb+B~f+B, dp+A (DC) qcb+D, qcfx2+P (MC) hcbx2+BD
This one can be a little tricky without input shortcuts. When doing dp+C (DC) qcf+AC, try holding forward and pressing A+C after the DP instead of doing qcf. This should allow you to easily drive cancel the DP into EX Diamond Breath. The other tricky part is successfully timing the dp+A (DC) qcb+D to hit properly. Remember to use the qcb+B followup on the opponent when they're slightly higher than dead center and you should be able to succeed.