-Happy New Year 2025!
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If you're interested in contributing to the Dream Cancel wiki, please read our contribution guidelines and rules below before creating your account.
- No plagiarizing from other guides or wikis. Members found doing this will have their editing rights revoked.
- If you are banned from the discord channel for any reason, your editing rights will be revoked.
- Be sure to document your contribution plans and major edits in the #wikidiscussion channel. If you have a video you want to add to a page, post it in discord channel first if you aren't sure if it's suitable or not. If you have any helpful images you feel may be worth contributing, post them for which ever character it features, in the character thread. If its images on system information or mechanics, post them in this thread.
- Be open to any feedback or constructive criticism you may receive in the #wikidiscussion channel from any information or edits you may have done to any pages. Be open and free to share any feedback in those threads as well. Catch any kind of mistakes or useless information, and report them in the #wikidiscussion channel.
- Any feedback or questions or the wiki as a whole should be discussed in the #wikidiscussion channel.
- Be sure to keep the formatting and organization in the pages the way it currently is. If you are having trouble editing the wiki or have any technical questions, feel free to ask them in the #wikidiscussion channel. If you have any ideas for much better design or organization for the pages, feel free to express them with us in the #wikidiscussion channel as well.
- When writing, please stay away from first person references and perspectives (use of the words "I", "my", "me" etc.). Add an editor's note if you need to express anything from a first person perspective.
- Make sure to use factual statements. Don't add things you aren't sure of 100% or have not tested out (or has been tested out with evidence by someone else).
- Stay away from adding storyline or lore details to the gameplay sections of any page.
- Numpad notation (236, 214) is allowed for use on all pages.
- All content added to the wiki, whether it is text or images, must be safe for work & all ages appropriate.
- Your contributions are not final and are considered public. Any content on the site may be freely edited by all registered users. Feel free to ask questions to the wiki contributors in the #wikidiscussion channel before you edit or add any content.
- The staff reserves the right to revert edits, such as those done in bad faith or with incorrect information. Reverted contributions will remain in an article's history.
- Repeated attempts to vandalize the wiki and accounts suspicious of spam activity will result in a ban.
- The Dream Cancel Wiki won't host pirated or illegal content that could put the site in jeopardy. Contributors are not allow to externally link pirated or illegal content in any of our wiki pages.