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Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
All values derived from near-full
Weapon Gauge in I/II/III/V Spirit
against V/VI Spirit Haohmaru.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included.Hit Adv.x ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Stand Block Adv.x ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked standing,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the standing opponent.
Crouch Block Adv.x ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked crouching,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the crouching opponent.
CancelRecoil - this move's recoil animation on block is cancellable.
Special - this can be cancelled on hit.
Samurai Drive (VIII only) - this can be cancelled into a different SM or WFT.
Whether or not this move can be cancelled into specials, SM and WFT.
DeflectWhether this move can be deflected with 236E or not. Disarm means you will be disarmed upon deflection.Invul(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used when matching the frame range.
UnarmedYes means the move can be used unarmed, No means that it can't and
Both that it can be done either way.
Whether this move can be performed without a weapon.


Header assigned to the Template:MoveData-SSVI table of a move to be displayed. As opposed to Template:MoveData-SSVI/CharHeader.