-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters 2002/Whip
(Redirected from Whip 02)
1. Alpha - b/f+C
- Whip grabs the opponent and jumps on them, landing right beside them on the opposide side
- hard knockdown
- opponent's back is turned when waking up
- gives you a lot of time to land an OTG rdp+A or to setup a crossup
2. Zed - b/f+D
- Whip grabs the opponent and throws them over her shoulder, landing on the opposite side beside her
- hard knockdown
- opponent's back is turned when waking up
- gives you a lot of time to land an OTG rdp+A or to setup a crossup
Command Normals
1. Whip Shot - f+Ax5
- Whip does a horizontal swipe with her whip, which has good horizontal range. Can be cancelled into itself for a total of 5 swings
- causes alot of guard crush damage. It is possible to get the opponent's guard crush bar flashing in only two uses of this move (each one doing five hits)
- does good damage overall, and is not punishable if the opponent has no stocks to guard roll, though she can be punished if opponent has stock
- cancellable on the last hit
- free cancellable out of on all hits but the last
Special Moves
1. Strings Shot Type A "Code: Yuuetsu" - hcb+A(can be held)
- Whip goes into a stance if the button is held. When released, she will swing her whip forward
- Whip can walk back and forth while in this stance
- overhead on the second hit
- hard knockdown on the second hit
- supercancellable on the first hit
- free cancellable out of on the first hit
2. Strings Shot Type B "Code: Chikara" - hcb+B(can be held)
- Whip goes into a stance if the button is held. When released, she will swing her whip forward
- if it hits, the opponent is pulled close to Whip, allowing her to followup with pretty much any combo
- supercancellable on the first hit
- free cancellable out of on the first hit
3. Strings Shot Type C "Code: Shouri" - hcb+C(can be held)
- Whip goes into a stance if the button is held. When released, she will swing her her wip along the ground, tripping the opponent
- low attack on the second hit
- hard knockdown on the second hit
- supercancellable on the first hit
- free cancellable out of on the first hit
4. Boomerang Shot "Code: SC" - hcf+P
- Whip will perform an anti-air move that comes out fairly quickly. There are two parts - the quick reversal part and then the second hit which grabs the opponent out of the air
- hcf+C does a reasonable amount more damage than hcf+A, but the first hit of hcf+C whiffs against most crouching opponents, except Whip, Seth, Maxima, Daimon and Chang
- the second hit of this move has a property where it will grab always grab the opponent out of the air even if it were to break the KOF juggle system. For example, you can technically land a non-counterhit anti-air/knock back normal and then juggle with hcf+P after
- supercancellable on the first hit
- free cancellable out of on the first hit
- hard knockdown on the second hit and makes the opponent get up with their back turned
5. Hook Shot "Code: Kaze" - qcb+P(air)
- Whip will do a swinging kick while hanging on to her whip (which is tied to the ceiling)
- Has no ground recovery time - However, after blocking the move, she can easily be hit out of the air as she's coming down. Even worse, what they hit her with will be a counterhit. There are a variety of counterhit combos that the opponent can punish Whip with in the air. For example, Clark can do Close C(1), dp+A, qcf+P to punish
6. Assassin Strike "Code: BB" - dp+P/K
- Whip throws her whip into the air, pulls herself up off the screen, and comes down
- the location of where she falls is determined by the button used. A makes her drop almost exactly where she started from, B makes her land about a quarter screen from her current location, C makes her go another quarter screen, and D almost full screen
- it is possible to crossup the opponent with this move. However, it has such horrible recovery time that it shouldn't ever be used
- hard knockdown on the last hit when she comes down
- free cancellable out of into qcb+P(air) when she comes down
- this move can OTG against some characters after throwing them with her b/f+D, such as Yashiro, Mary, May Lee and Kula
7. Desert Eagle - rdp+P, tap P rapidly
- Whip takes out her gun and shoots at the ground. rdp+C shoots further than rdp+A
- hits low
- this move has the ability to hit an opponent on the ground. It is best used after a throw. rdp+C might miss after a throw, so use rdp+A instead
- Whip starts with a random number of bullets in her gun, up to a maximum of 7. When she has wasted all of her bullets, she will reload on her next use of the move, resulting in very long recovery time
- it is possible to combo with this move multiple times, by tapping P. It's fairly risky to do this though since you can easily run out of bullets, getting yourself killed when she starts to reload her gun
1. Sonic Slaughter "Code: KW"
- Whip goes into a stance at startup. If the opponent was in the vicinity of that stance, they will be sucked into a series of whip lashes that knocks the opponent away
- the startup of this move is completely invincible, making for one of the best anti-airs in the game
- if the first hit of qcb hcf+P misses, the other hits do no damage and do not suck the opponent into the DM. This means that if she does do the DM and it whiffs on the first hit, the opponent can fearlessly run into her while she's still swinging her whip, without getting hurt and punish her badly
1. Sonic Slaughter "Code: KW"
- same properties as the DM version, but more damage
1. Super Black Hawk - b B C b C
- Whip pulls out her gun, yells "Game over" and fires it
- the gunshot is unblockable and goes full screen length. It can be rolled, or jumped
- she is invincible during the entire move, except to throw
- if you run up right beside her, the gunshot will whiff
- cancellable normals are close A, close B, far B, crouch B, close C, crouch C, close D, far D, jump B
- whiff cancellable normals are crouch B, close C, crouch C, close D, far D
- CD is cancellable into command moves, specials and DMs
- free cancellable into moves are hcf+P, hcb+P/B, dp+P/K and qcb+P(air)
- free cancellable out-of moves are f+Ax4 on all hits, dp+P/K on the last hit, hcf+P on the first hit and hcb+P/B on the first hit
- close B and crouch A are low attacks
- close A whiffs against low crouching opponents like Iori, Chin, Choi, Athena, etc