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Other Fighting Games => Classic King of Fighters => Topic started by: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 05:12:22 AM

Title: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 05:12:22 AM

I would put this game very close to Shaq-fu.Only reason i still have my copy is for my collection.If it didn't have the kof stamp on it it would have been the 1st game i destroy with pleasure and enjoying every second of it.If you still wanna buy this game do not pay more than 5$ for it - no joke.Be afraid...very afraid
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 06:23:53 AM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 11, 2011, 02:04:30 PM

You will throw the game (XII) out the window faster than a speeding bullet.

I love it when trolls talk about how bad XII is.  Incomplete?  You betcha.  Bad game?  HELL NO.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 06:35:31 AM
It's not a bad game from a graphic point of view.But mechanics (only a few characters have decent combos and that clash system is just stupid like that sf alpha shit) and characters with like 2 moves and 1 DM is just ridiculous.That is the definition of a bad game.An incomplete game is a bad game - FACT! - i love it when fanboys praise garbage....but hey we all have some garbage to love - but it's still garbage
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 07:57:17 AM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 06:23:53 AMBad game?  HELL NO.

You mean HELL YES, it is a bad game.

It's missing so many gameplay features from previous KOF's. No guard cancels, no roll cancels, no throw techs, no super cancels, 1 bar of super meter. The game is boring because there is barely anything to do, the game is dumbed down and stripped down. Even KOF94 is more entertaining than this.

Also two button throws in a KOF game... yuck.

12 should of never of been released. SNK should of held off for another year, as we all seen, 13 is what 12 should of been.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 08:37:23 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 07:57:17 AM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 06:23:53 AMBad game?  HELL NO.

You mean HELL YES, it is a bad game.

It's missing so many gameplay features from previous KOF's. No guard cancels, no roll cancels, no throw techs, no super cancels, 1 bar of super meter. The game is boring because there is barely anything to do, the game is dumbed down and stripped down. Even KOF94 is more entertaining than this.

Also two button throws in a KOF game... yuck.

12 should of never of been released. SNK should of held off for another year, as we all seen, 13 is what 12 should of been.

To say that 94 was more entertaining is just full of shenanigans.  I DECLARE SHENANIGANS ON YOU!

The thing is the gameplay itself isn't bad.  It's limited compared to other KOF games YES, but it still has a good amount of options.  You can still roll, you can still run, hyper hop, super jump, step back and so on.  The chargeable CD adds some combo capabilities.

And you're talking throw techs in a game where EVERYTHING beats throws.  The throws had to be unescapable otherwise the throws would be even more worthless.

Is it the KOF that most people expect?  No.  But what would happen if it was titled as Fatal Fury and had only the fatal fury characters?  I'd think it would be a lot better received then this was.  The only reason it picks up so much flack is because it's a KOF title.  If it was named something else, it would have had a lot better reception.  And the gameplay itself isn't even bad.  It's just not what KOF players were expecting. 
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 08:47:54 AM
The chargeable CD was the only decent addition because it gave characters lacking in cancelable command normals something to do, because really, there is not much to do in this game outside of a Critical Counter, and even those are bland and repetitive as hell, and not like you'll be getting those in a real match anyways. Other than that, the game is ass, and played like ass. Most shitty KOF game ever made.

And I doubt if 12 went under a different title, it would of gotten any better reception. It would still be the same piece of shit game. The game would still have zero content, crap netcode, tiny roster with majorly gimped characters.

Just give it up already. People need to quit defending this game. It's over with. The game was a flop no matter how you look at it, SNK fucked up real bad. But it doesn't matter anymore, because 13 is here, and it's coming home real soon.

But if SNK fucks up this port, that's it, I am done with them. This is their last chance to make something good out of a KOF game. If I had my way, I'd say fuck KOF and focus on Garou, that game is way better than any KOF game.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: DarKaoZ on June 12, 2011, 08:50:43 AM
^ On the 12 subject... I do like KOF12, but I would have liked it if it was called something else, like KOF REBORN or something. Giving it a number and making it part of the "canon" really hurt the game. By it's own it's not a bad game, but it's a bad KOF, specially for what we are used to.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 08:59:59 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 08:47:54 AM
The chargeable CD was the only decent addition because it gave characters lacking in cancelable command normals sometime to do, because really, there is not much to do in this game outside of a Critical Counter, and even those are bland and repetitive as hell, and not like you'll be getting those in a real match anyways. Other than that, the game is ass, and played like ass. Most shitty KOF game ever made.

And I doubt if 12 went under a different title, it would of gotten any better reception. It would still be the same piece of shit game. The game would still have zero content, crap netcode, tiny roster with majorly gimped characters.

Just give it up already. People need to quit defending this game. It's over with. The game was a flop no matter how you look at it, SNK fucked up real bad. But it doesn't matter anymore, because 13 is here, and it's coming home real soon.

But if SNK fucks up this port, that's it, I am done with them. This is their last chance to make something good out of a KOF game. If I had my way, I'd say fuck KOF and focus on Garou, that game is way better than any KOF game.

I love blatant stupidity because it makes it so much easier to ignore someones opinions.  You basically state hate that everyone else does which basically means that you are going with what everyone chants.

Remember NO MAI NO BAI?  Now that Mai is in they still aren't purchasing.  How about No K' NO PAY KASH?  Most KOF games from the old days that these so called "fans" talk about are only played very casually.  They love the characters, but any actual gameplay they do is quite debatable. 

You know what I love?  When you said "The game would still have zero content, crap netcode, tiny roster with majorly gimped characters." you know what they also call that?  Marvel VS Capcom 3.  That game has zero content, horrible netcode, and several gimped characters, yet that still goes on.

How long did you play KOF XII?  Just curious.  And Garou?  That series is dead.  It was never a big seller and Mark of the Wolves bombed.  And the only reason most people like that game is because it's the most capcom style newer game that SNK made.

BTW Wasn't KOF XII originally going to be an engine for an Art of Fighting game?
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Rex Dart on June 12, 2011, 09:05:41 AM
Guys, there is a whole other subforum for discussing previous KOFs.

(But I'm also a hypocrite. Fuck the haters, I love XII.)
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Xxenace on June 12, 2011, 09:54:58 AM
Quote from: DarKaoZ on June 12, 2011, 08:50:43 AM
^ On the 12 subject... I do like KOF12, but I would have liked it if it was called something else, like KOF REBORN or something. Giving it a number and making it part of the "canon" really hurt the game. By it's own it's not a bad game, but it's a bad KOF, specially for what we are used to.
12 isn't cannon bro and honestly i dont think it not being numbered would have saved it from all the flak it got

also fuck the haters i like  KoF XII sure i  full well know the game has its problems but ill be damned if i dont still have fun with it
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Xxenace on June 12, 2011, 10:43:41 AM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 06:35:31 AM
It's not a bad game from a graphic point of view.But mechanics (only a few characters have decent combos and that clash system is just stupid like that sf alpha shit) and characters with like 2 moves and 1 DM is just ridiculous.That is the definition of a bad game.An incomplete game is a bad game - THIS IS MY OPINION! - i love it when fanboys praise garbage....but hey we all have some garbage to love - but it's still garbage
lemme fix that for ya
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Eripio69 on June 12, 2011, 12:05:23 PM
LOL now that 13 is officially announced suddenly half of the forum loves XII. Come on guys XII is horrible from every point of view. Only thing that I loved is the zooning.

Btw guys remember an english magazine talking about a big fighter's franchise returning on E3? Were they talking about XIII?
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: HaxMurderer on June 12, 2011, 12:08:27 PM
Actually I never griped about XII's actual gameplay, I thought it was pretty good. As a console port, it was terrible, bad netplay, not real options for modes and well..it just felt incomplete, but the actual gameplay was not bad at all, really. I'd say XII suffered from lack of attention from devs, they had built a good product but couldn't package it right and then on top of that they didn't make it very attractive to people who weren't into KOF already. Anyway, KOFXII as an arcade game is pretty good, but  other than that it just never had legs.
Title: Re: Tentative thread: The I love or hate XII (nilcam please move this)
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 03:17:12 PM

Quotei am a fanboy and i praise all is KOF and  i like  KoF XII sure i  full well know the game has its problems but ill be damned if i dont still have fun with it


PS:You can have more fun with 2 rocks - FACT!
Title: Re: Tentative thread: The I love or hate XII (nilcam please move this)
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on June 12, 2011, 03:28:02 PM
KOF XII had great things talking in gameplay terms. I liked zoom inclusion and its speed, too. Some kofers said it was slow, well I could agree, but I liked.
But there were too many incomplete things to say is a "good game". As fighting game, gamplay can be funny and interesting. But as game in general, KOF XII can't be considered a good game at all. It lacks of everything. Personally, having Mature just 2 moves, the lack of Mai, having unplayable online and a boring as HELL one unique offline mode... Well, I just abandon that game 2 weeks after I bought it.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: nilcam on June 12, 2011, 04:19:38 PM
Fair warning: This thread is flame bait. I will allow it to exist as the opposite of my I love XII thread. HOWEVER, this foolishness of calling people a fanboy because they like a game you don't is not cool and I won't tolerate more of it than is already in this thread. Members WILL treat each other with respect. Bottom line. If you disagree, discuss it logically or simply move on. How good or bad a game is is completely subjective and all members here are allowed to voice their opinion.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 04:43:32 PM
If you want to be logical about it to someone that "loves" XII they will say  - Hey, i enjoy it so that makes it a good game.

This game has no moves, a handfull of combos most of them mediocre and the only way to make a decent "combo" is with that clash system.The mechanics are so bad you can't connect shit.Only a few characters are close to complete and let's say decent.Just that you like a game doesn't make it good.All the kof community put a well deserved stamp on it - "Shit" and moved on.If you enjoy mediocre titles it's your problem - but if you realy don't have anything better to do but defent this garbage at least have 1 good reason besides i like this game bla bla.Personally i aint gonna commentate anymore about XII because there is  XIII on the way and it deserves more attention.

Fanboy = A person who is completely loyal to a game or company reguardless of if they suck or not + an arrogant person who goes into an outburst every time something he likes is questioned.. just so you know why i put this stamp on all people defending (and not liking) KOF XII.You can like anything without the need to demonstarate nothing to anyone - but calling something good just because you like it is fanboysm - check SRK.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: SAB-CA on June 12, 2011, 05:02:38 PM
I'd say, XII was a nice start, but it never got to grow. The movesets might have shrunk, but they were no smaller than such things from other fighitng games. The game has 20+ redesigned sprites out of the box, almost unheard of for a 2D game, especially one with good animation. The lighting tech was also very well done, showing off techniques that very few released 2D fighters have (and only 1 approaching, in Skullgirls).

One bonus point I'll add for "why I liked the comboable/Chargeable CDs" that everyone else has said one place or another: It was a great way to start juggles, expecially for characters who never had such a tool before. I think it was a great answer to "how do we make corners feel dangerous, while giving a game a widescreen size and presentation?"

I even wish some characters got to keep the functionality of Combo CDs, as maybe a new command normal for them. it felt great being able to combo into Baltic Launcher with Leona. Would have loved seeing it become a method to combo into air supers with certain characters. Could you imagine the kinda tricks characters like Yashiro, Billy Kane, Hinako, or Yamazaki would have been able to pull with such a tool? Or what new tools would have been developed for other characters, to take advantage of it?

Clashing, as well, also had it's place. I really wish Terry could still Burn Knuckle into projectiles. What if Yamazaki could gather energy to turn his Double Return into an honest projectile, by clashing his other moves into opponents fireballs? What if Rugal could clash with a fireball while doing his Godpress, in order to power it up, on his way to you? How cool would specials that were MADE to clash have been? Rewarding new properties for pro-actively facing fireballs, rather than running away...

It was also nice to see Garou's counter hit spin back in another game. I really felt like that helped make up for weird hop timing/hitstun... (which wasn't that bad anywho... hop times changed between 98 and 2002 also, but that doesn't mean I think one or the other is suddenly horrible.)

It was a "groundwork" game. A Samurai Shodown III to a SamSho IV. A KoF 97 to 98. A Fatal Fury 3 to the Real Bout series. It kinda diverge from it's own ideas, and grew into XIII, which we wouldn't have had without it. But it's different enough to become a basis for a Dream Match, a UM, or even it's own series, in the future.

It also never bothers me, because I purchased it in order to get in on the fun that Europe, Japan, and the AI guys had been showing for months. It did exactly that. The amount of quaters I might have spend in a few days at the arcade covers the cost of the game, and I ended up getting months of play out of it, and even occassionally get some now.

And every company had their "ultimately crappy 1st outing" on a "next gen" system, in order to get situated to the new hardware. They often had rough feature-sets, lacked extras, or had poor/non-existant online, which would have NEVER been acceptable for their second or 3rd times out on the hardware. The biggest issue? SNKP go their game like that out in 2009, while everyone else did it in 2005 or 2006. Very unfortunate, but not unprecidented.

So, in the end, it's not something anyone should be so hurt by, that they have to insult the others who could see the potential in it, or enjoy the new ideas it gave them. It didn't have the legs we would have liked, but products like that are often produced when developers are overly-ambitious, underpaid, understaffed, or all of the above. It boils down to being a minor sacrifice, when you see what we ended up getting out of it, and what it's framework helped prototype for the future.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Rex Dart on June 12, 2011, 05:03:23 PM
Might be interesting to bring some numbers to play here. Looking back at the KOF poll posted in the main XIII thread, there have now been 420 responses.

KOF XII does have the dubious distinction of being the most disliked KOF game. 45.5% of respondents marked it as one of their least-enjoyed. (Follow-ups: 2001 @ 35%, MI @ 33.8%, and 2003 @ 32.9%.)

I think part of the reason for this is because hopes were very high for the game, and the disappointment is still very fresh in people's minds. However, that's still less than half of respondents saying they don't like the game, so that's not quite "all the KOF community" as KBlack asserts.

Also, KOF XII is NOT the least liked KOF game. 15.7% marked it as a KOF they enjoyed. This means it has more fans than 94Re-Bout (15.2%), 2001 (14.8%), 2003 (14.5%), NeoWave (11.2%) and MI (9.3%). Obviously, every KOF has its fans, and I would never begrudge anyone who liked playing them. For me, even the worst KOF game is better than half the other fighters out there.

@KBlack: If saying something is good because you like it is fanboyism, then saying something is shit because you dislike it is trolling. Check SRK.

OT: This topic probably shouldn't be stickied.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 05:15:39 PM
@KBlack: If saying something is good because you like it is fanboyism, then saying something is shit because you dislike it is trolling. Check SRK.

My dislikenes is based on arguments.I don't say i dislike this period.I dislike this because it has nothing to do with kof besides the characters.KOF is the main series i played since i discovered fighting games (and i didn't mind when snk fooled around with characters because with every game we had something new but familliar ...well except 2003 but that is 10 times better than XII) - KOF XII took all of that and trown it in the garbage can .... what can i say Thank you Playmore!? With 13 it seems they redeemed themselves but i'll keep my toughts on that until i see the port.

Keep your sarcasm to yourself.

ps:Who cares about pools on internet? and as a matter of fact they are the least accurate source of information.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: desmond_kof on June 12, 2011, 05:41:12 PM
KBlackNoah, you REALLY need to learn how to respect peoples opinions. You are NOT respecting people opinions at all, and you are being extremely disrespectful to people here. Yes, there are people that like KOFXII for whatever reasons but that doesn't give you the right to call them names and insult their intelligence. You are pretty much making a big deal out of other peoples opinions (which I am curious on why you care about them so much), and that is not cool.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 05:45:16 PM
Fanboy is not a insult and i didn't disrespected anyone.If so give me an example.My comments may be acid but i am a well mannered person.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: desmond_kof on June 12, 2011, 05:59:08 PM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 05:45:16 PM
Fanboy is not a insult and i didn't disrespected anyone.If so give me an example

If you do not know that you are being out of line then that is your problem. I am simply saying that you should seriously reevaluate some of the things that you posting towards the members here. You post here thinking that your opinion is fact when it truly isn't (no duh) and attacking those whose opinion differ from those by calling them fanboys (yes an INSULT to whomever takes it that way). If people don't like the damn game, you shouldn't give a fuck.

Do not get me wrong it is okay to express how you feel, but you should not attack or talk down to those who feel differently than you.

Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 06:08:02 PM
fanboys (yes an INSULT to whomever takes it that way).

I wrote in a post earlier what i mean by fanboy.i ain't gonna write all that when i can simply say fanboy.If anyone takes that as an insult it's their problem.I also stated that i respect personal opinions about stuff.But when personal opinions aka statements are used as arguments it's silly.You are right tho that this discussion is nonsense... but i am a little bored right now waiting for someone LOL

When Dune comes at EVO ask him why didn't he made some Duelling the kof with XII - i am sure he will give you a look of disgust :)) stay free and have a nice day :)

Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: desmond_kof on June 12, 2011, 06:34:39 PM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 06:08:02 PM
I wrote in a post earlier what i mean by fanboy.i ain't gonna write all that when i can simply say fanboy.If anyone takes that as an insult it's their problem.I also stated that i respect personal opinions about stuff.

Well if you know and predict that people may take what you say as insulting, then why say it in the first place?

Also, saying something and actually doing something are two different things.

Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 06:08:02 PM
When Dune comes at EVO ask him why didn't he made some Duelling the kof with XII - i am sure he will give you a look of disgust :)) stay free and have a nice day :)

Remember, I am not talking about KOFXII and why it is a bad or good game, I am talking about you and how you come across to people here. Please respect that.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Rex Dart on June 12, 2011, 06:49:03 PM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 12, 2011, 04:43:32 PM
This game has no moves

You seem to be hung up on the lack of moves. I would argue that a large movelist is not a prerequisite for a fun game. Street Fighter 2 and Fatal Fury Special are both great fighting games, and I'd suspect the average character has fewer specials in that than in XII. Now, some might say, "But those are OLD games. They were fun a long time ago, but they're not anymore!" But then again, lots of gamers say the same thing about 2D fighters in general, so I don't think that argument is worth responding to.

Surely you can agree that SNKP had to re-start the KOF series at some point, right? The series was never going to expand outside its already small fanbase without appealing to a new audience. Yes, it's superficial, but lots of people game XII a second a look that they wouldn't have given to 2002UM or XI.

Basically, there was no way for KOF to ever reach a newer audience without totally revamping its look, and drawing twenty HD sprites took a long ass time. XII was in development for four years, which I believe is the longest in SNKP's history. There was never any chance that each character was going to carry over ALL the moves they'd gained over the course of 10 NeoGeo games. Like it or not, the cost of a KOF with all-new graphics is a smaller roster with smaller movelists.

Of course, more moves would be nice, but it's not everything. I was happy with a fun, well-balanced game.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 07:05:05 PM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 08:59:59 AM
You know what I love?  When you said "The game would still have zero content, crap netcode, tiny roster with majorly gimped characters." you know what they also call that?  Marvel VS Capcom 3.  That game has zero content, horrible netcode, and several gimped characters, yet that still goes on.

I don't like MvC3 (Gameplay Reasons), but MvC3 has way more content than 12. It has a full arcade mode with a final boss, a great training mode, a trial mode, challenge modes, the netcode is way better than KOF12, a good sized rooster for a team based fighter, and every single character in the game has a full, functional, complete, moveset with multiple supers. KOF12 has none of that.

Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 08:59:59 AMHow long did you play KOF XII?  Just curious.  And Garou?  That series is dead.  It was never a big seller and Mark of the Wolves bombed. And the only reason most people like that game is because it's the most capcom style newer game that SNK made.

1. I played KOF12 for exactly 2 days before I said "Fuck it, this game sucks". Then I went back to playing BlazBlue Calamity Trigger, a way more fun fighting game.
2. Garou may be dead, and never a big seller, but it was one of the few SNK fighters that was widely well received and still loved by many, not to mention it still see's competitive play alongside 98 and 2k2.
3. I don't think it's because the game is "Capcom Style" (Wtf is Capcom style about running, hops, guard cancels, break moves, feint cancels, etc?), but rather because it managed to create a bunch of new cool characters and had great gameplay sub-systems, solid controls, etc.

Quote from: Rex Dart on June 12, 2011, 06:49:03 PMdrawing twenty HD sprites took a long ass time.

Uhhh... KOF12/13's sprites atre not high definition. They never were. They are the same resolution as Guilty Gear X sprites.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Rex Dart on June 12, 2011, 07:39:25 PM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 07:05:05 PM
Uhhh... KOF12/13's sprites at no high definition. They never were. They are the same resolution as Guilty Gear X sprites.

They're sprites drawn for an HD game. Tomato, tomahto. :P
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: a11111357 on June 12, 2011, 10:20:59 PM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 07:05:05 PM
Quote from: Rex Dart on June 12, 2011, 06:49:03 PMdrawing twenty HD sprites took a long ass time.
Uhhh... KOF12/13's sprites at no high definition. They never were. They are the same resolution as Guilty Gear X sprites.
But they were made in different ways.You will see the difference after comparing their color gradients.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 11:28:48 PM
(http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n504/RunningWild1984/sol-reload-stance.gif) (http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n504/RunningWild1984/terry-12s.gif) (http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n504/RunningWild1984/ragna-stance.gif)

SNK's sprites contain alot more shading and are animated better, but they aren't HD, and still smaller than Guilty Gear.

I think if SNK spent less time trying to shade their sprites at such a ridiculous level and go for something a bit more simple and less pixelated looking, they could of spent more time beefing up each characters arsenal of moves and giving them alot more animations overall.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 02:01:13 AM
SNKP made a ballsy and, one might argue, not-so-good decision with the sprite process. I personally love the look and respect that it's a "true" sprite, meaning it's made of pixels that are placed dot-by-dot rather than vector graphics which are more similar to traditional animation. KOF looks like a video game. The problem is that too many players, especially new players, don't understand that and so the effort is wasted. Whenever I see someone ask why KOF is so pixelated I want to scream "because it's made of pixels!" That said, I think GG and KOF are tied for me from a design and graphical standpoint. BB falls far below both of the others.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 13, 2011, 02:42:42 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 07:05:05 PM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 08:59:59 AM
You know what I love?  When you said "The game would still have zero content, crap netcode, tiny roster with majorly gimped characters." you know what they also call that?  Marvel VS Capcom 3.  That game has zero content, horrible netcode, and several gimped characters, yet that still goes on.

I don't like MvC3 (Gameplay Reasons), but MvC3 has way more content than 12. It has a full arcade mode with a final boss, a great training mode, a trial mode, challenge modes, the netcode is way better than KOF12, a good sized rooster for a team based fighter, and every single character in the game has a full, functional, complete, moveset with multiple supers. KOF12 has none of that.

Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 08:59:59 AMHow long did you play KOF XII?  Just curious.  And Garou?  That series is dead.  It was never a big seller and Mark of the Wolves bombed. And the only reason most people like that game is because it's the most capcom style newer game that SNK made.

1. I played KOF12 for exactly 2 days before I said "Fuck it, this game sucks". Then I went back to playing BlazBlue Calamity Trigger, a way more fun fighting game.
2. Garou may be dead, and never a big seller, but it was one of the few SNK fighters that was widely well received and still loved by many, not to mention it still see's competitive play alongside 98 and 2k2.
3. I don't think it's because the game is "Capcom Style" (Wtf is Capcom style about running, hops, guard cancels, break moves, feint cancels, etc?), but rather because it managed to create a bunch of new cool characters and had great gameplay sub-systems, solid controls, etc.

Quote from: Rex Dart on June 12, 2011, 06:49:03 PMdrawing twenty HD sprites took a long ass time.

Uhhh... KOF12/13's sprites atre not high definition. They never were. They are the same resolution as Guilty Gear X sprites.

Ok, after reading your blunt force stupidity, I think I can answer you.

Anyone that says Capcom's netcode in Marvel OR Street Fighter 4 is decent should have NO say in netcode PERIOD.

Marvel VS Capcom 3 has horrendous netcode.  KOF XII's netcode is better than it.  That's how bad MvC3's netcode is.  It's ass to the ass of the ass by the ass and from the ass.  If I could name MvC3's netcode, i would call it Return of Ass.  That's how assy it is.  Infact let's give it the last name McGee.  Assy McGee is the name of Marvel 3s netcode.

You don't like it from a gameplay standpoint?  Many other people didn't either.  A lot of people call it bare bones.  Same as KOF.  Same with the netcode.  Hell this new version might have a lot more in it.  But honestly, the gameplay of MvC3 turns me off so I'm not even going to talk about this.  Let's go to your other concerns.

You played a fighting game for two days than say it sucks.  How the hell do you get a good feel for a fighting game in two days.  How much of the game have you actually learned in those two days of playing KOF XII?  Very little.  You may have past game experience from previous KOF games and some of that knowledge does transfer over, but not nearly enough as this game is its own entity.  You still have all the jumping, the running, the rolling, but you don't know how the grabs work, how the new system makes grabs actually comboable now, how people can do more custom combos, how the charging CD adds a new layer of gameplay that gives even traditionally non comboable characters some form of combo, or the clash system and how it basically makes the projectile game not worth playing.  Or the blowback giving you a more risk reward than using a stock and pressing CD in the past.  There's completely different elements and I know for sure that you don't know how everything works, the advantages, the disadvantages, the different style of gameplay and all the other fun stuff because you barely even touched the damn thing.

Here let me play Blazblue for two days.  I didn't like it.  Now the game fucking sucks.  Did I give it a fair chance?  No.  That's exactly what you did.  So can I play any fighting game for two days and say it sucks and now it magically sucks?  Well according to your logic I sure as hell can.

when I say Capcom style, I meant that Mark of the Wolves was the most like a Capcom Fighting game compared to every other Garou game out there.  When you see Capcom fans being asked what SNK fighting game they like, they almost universally say mark of the wolves.  Never Real Bout, Never Special, never the original three.  It's always Mark of the Wolves.

When I first got KOF 12, disapointed?  At first yes.  After I got into it, I realized it was a flawed game but still quite fun.  Funny thing is that so many people say how simple this game is and that it has nothing compared to past KOF games, but they don't even take any time to learn anything about it and then complain when they lose to Mature, Chin, Goro, Clark or any of the other "incomplete" characters.
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Xxenace on June 13, 2011, 03:17:54 AM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 13, 2011, 02:42:42 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 07:05:05 PM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 08:59:59 AM
You know what I love?  When you said "The game would still have zero content, crap netcode, tiny roster with majorly gimped characters." you know what they also call that?  Marvel VS Capcom 3.  That game has zero content, horrible netcode, and several gimped characters, yet that still goes on.

I don't like MvC3 (Gameplay Reasons), but MvC3 has way more content than 12. It has a full arcade mode with a final boss, a great training mode, a trial mode, challenge modes, the netcode is way better than KOF12, a good sized rooster for a team based fighter, and every single character in the game has a full, functional, complete, moveset with multiple supers. KOF12 has none of that.

Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 12, 2011, 08:59:59 AMHow long did you play KOF XII?  Just curious.  And Garou?  That series is dead.  It was never a big seller and Mark of the Wolves bombed. And the only reason most people like that game is because it's the most capcom style newer game that SNK made.

1. I played KOF12 for exactly 2 days before I said "Fuck it, this game sucks". Then I went back to playing BlazBlue Calamity Trigger, a way more fun fighting game.
2. Garou may be dead, and never a big seller, but it was one of the few SNK fighters that was widely well received and still loved by many, not to mention it still see's competitive play alongside 98 and 2k2.
3. I don't think it's because the game is "Capcom Style" (Wtf is Capcom style about running, hops, guard cancels, break moves, feint cancels, etc?), but rather because it managed to create a bunch of new cool characters and had great gameplay sub-systems, solid controls, etc.

Quote from: Rex Dart on June 12, 2011, 06:49:03 PMdrawing twenty HD sprites took a long ass time.

Uhhh... KOF12/13's sprites atre not high definition. They never were. They are the same resolution as Guilty Gear X sprites.

Ok, after reading your blunt force stupidity, I think I can answer you.

Anyone that says Capcom's netcode in Marvel OR Street Fighter 4 is decent should have NO say in netcode PERIOD.

Marvel VS Capcom 3 has horrendous netcode.  KOF XII's netcode is better than it.  That's how bad MvC3's netcode is.  It's ass to the ass of the ass by the ass and from the ass.  If I could name MvC3's netcode, i would call it Return of Ass.  That's how assy it is.  Infact let's give it the last name McGee.  Assy McGee is the name of Marvel 3s netcode.

You don't like it from a gameplay standpoint?  Many other people didn't either.  A lot of people call it bare bones.  Same as KOF.  Same with the netcode.  Hell this new version might have a lot more in it.  But honestly, the gameplay of MvC3 turns me off so I'm not even going to talk about this.  Let's go to your other concerns.

You played a fighting game for two days than say it sucks.  How the hell do you get a good feel for a fighting game in two days.  How much of the game have you actually learned in those two days of playing KOF XII?  Very little.  You may have past game experience from previous KOF games and some of that knowledge does transfer over, but not nearly enough as this game is its own entity.  You still have all the jumping, the running, the rolling, but you don't know how the grabs work, how the new system makes grabs actually comboable now, how people can do more custom combos, how the charging CD adds a new layer of gameplay that gives even traditionally non comboable characters some form of combo, or the clash system and how it basically makes the projectile game not worth playing.  Or the blowback giving you a more risk reward than using a stock and pressing CD in the past.  There's completely different elements and I know for sure that you don't know how everything works, the advantages, the disadvantages, the different style of gameplay and all the other fun stuff because you barely even touched the damn thing.

Here let me play Blazblue for two days.  I didn't like it.  Now the game fucking sucks.  Did I give it a fair chance?  No.  That's exactly what you did.  So can I play any fighting game for two days and say it sucks and now it magically sucks?  Well according to your logic I sure as hell can.

when I say Capcom style, I meant that Mark of the Wolves was the most like a Capcom Fighting game compared to every other Garou game out there.  When you see Capcom fans being asked what SNK fighting game they like, they almost universally say mark of the wolves.  Never Real Bout, Never Special, never the original three.  It's always Mark of the Wolves.

When I first got KOF 12, disapointed?  At first yes.  After I got into it, I realized it was a flawed game but still quite fun.  Funny thing is that so many people say how simple this game is and that it has nothing compared to past KOF games, but they don't even take any time to learn anything about it and then complain when they lose to Mature, Chin, Goro, Clark or any of the other "incomplete" characters.
(http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll205/chrishmush/clapping.gif) i totally agree with you

also dont lump assy McGee with mvc 3 that show is awesome
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 03:31:21 AM
@Desmond & nilcam

Ok, after reading your blunt force stupidity, I think I can answer you.

This is called disrespectful.

QuoteMarvel VS Capcom 3 has horrendous netcode.  KOF XII's netcode is better than it.
LMAO.@Desmond, nilcam ..etc - really, if i say this guy is sick in the head is it disrespectful or fact?

This is the 10th time i say it

I am willing to demonstrate through video footage the ssf4 & mvc 3 online compared with XII i just need someone from europe maybe Musolini or Shiranui.KOF XII is UNPLAYABLE BECAUSE OF THE IMPUT LAG (that's why there is no one playing it - FACT) - or better do it yourselves and show us footage of you online pressing the buttons next to the screen.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: desmond_kof on June 13, 2011, 03:55:21 AM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 03:31:21 AM
better do it yourselves and show us footage of you online pressing the buttons next to the screen.

Easy. Nilcam, you down?
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on June 13, 2011, 04:02:20 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 11:28:48 PM
I think if SNK spent less time trying to shade their sprites at such a ridiculous level and go for something a bit more simple and less pixelated looking, they could of spent more time beefing up each characters arsenal of moves and giving them alot more animations overall.


This is the most unrespectful and annoying comment in this thread. More than KBlackNoah calling fanboys people who defend KOF XII... Yes, Running Wild, and SNKP could kept doing KOFs with the same shit graphics of 2002UM. That could meant lots of more characters, 20 moves per character and about 8 or 9 Dms... ¬_¬

Ok, people telling us now how SNKP should do THEIR OWN game... Time to leave this topic.

Quote from: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 02:01:13 AM
I personally love the look and respect that it's a "true" sprite, meaning it's made of pixels that are placed dot-by-dot rather than vector graphics which are more similar to traditional animation. KOF looks like a video game. The problem is that too many players, especially new players, don't understand that and so the effort is wasted. Whenever I see someone ask why KOF is so pixelated I want to scream "because it's made of pixels!"
You are speaking the true. I feel sad (and upset) when somebody is not able to see KOF graphics beautyness and the love that has been putted on it, and say such a things like Running Wild said... But I just realized time ago that some will never understand it. And I just gave up. Is too much frustrating
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 04:04:29 AM
I don't have a good video recorder. Do you? I have a point and shoot that can get the job done. If we can work out the logistics, I'm down.

Actually some of the combos you did in our game prove that the game was pretty lagless.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 04:10:24 AM
just  a web cam or something it doesn't matter just show us the screen and you pressing buttons next to it just to see that beautiful imput lag
I am willing to do it right now if shiranui is available and give you a video in 15 min
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on June 13, 2011, 04:19:44 AM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 04:10:24 AM
just  a web cam or something it doesn't matter just show us the screen and you pressing buttons next to it just to see that beautiful imput lag
I am willing to do it right now if shiranui is available and give you a video in 15 min

I'm here. At the same time I would like to prove that MvC3 online SUCKS too, but I sold that game long time ago.  And I should argue that online depends A LOT of your conexion. Maybe nilcam has an excelent online conexion. Mine sucks... (I will change it in september, but for now is horrible). On the other hand, I have the feeling now that KBN is arguing that KOF XII sucks because of its online. And, even of course is something that could sink a game, is not a good argument when we talk about good or bad game, as game itself, I mean.

Hello? Ok, I'm going to sleep. It's 3.30 AM here... We could do that record tomorrow
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Xxenace on June 13, 2011, 04:33:51 AM
cant wait to see how this turns out
Title: Re: The King of Fighters XIII 2ND |OT| Thread: Final Edition
Post by: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 04:41:05 AM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 13, 2011, 02:42:42 AMOk, after reading your blunt force stupidity, I think I can answer you.

Anyone that says Capcom's netcode in Marvel OR Street Fighter 4 is decent should have NO say in netcode PERIOD.

Marvel and SF4's netcode is at least playable. I rarely have laggy matches in either game, especially in SF4, plays flawlessly for me.

Even MK's netcode is better than KOF12's. I can play my buddy all the way from Texas in MK, no problems. And that game is supposed to have shit netcode.

Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 13, 2011, 02:42:42 AMYou played a fighting game for two days than say it sucks.  How the hell do you get a good feel for a fighting game in two days.  How much of the game have you actually learned in those two days of playing KOF XII?  Very little.

Two days was all it took for me to get bored of the game because there is nothing to do and the fighting is extremely boring as hell, made worse by the horrible netcode. My local offline scene had no interest in the game because it was so bad. There was only 1 player I could play with online without any input lag, and it just got boring because this game lacks the technical depth of previous KOF games. Nothing to learn in this game. You learn a damaging critical counter you'll never use. What else is there? The game is barebones as hell and has absolutely nothing to offer KOF fans that played 98, 2k2, XI, etc. The new gameplay features like the clashing, critical counters, guard attack, all of them are terribly flawed, stupid gimmicks, and horribly implemented. Why do you think they were all taken out of 13? Because nobody liked that shit.

13 is everything 12 should of been.

Nuff said.

12 should of never of been released.

Now get over yourself. You're making yourself look like a fanatical SNK fanboy defending this crap game.

Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on June 13, 2011, 04:02:20 AMThis is the most unrespectful and annoying comment in this thread. More than KBlackNoah calling fanboys people who defend KOF XII... Yes, Running Wild, and SNKP could kept doing KOFs with the same shit graphics of 2002UM. That could meant lots of more characters, 20 moves per character and about 8 or 9 Dms... ¬_¬

Run that back.

I never said SNK should keep using the same old graphics.

I'm saying that should of taken it easy with that shading style on the sprites. They use way too big of a color palette. They spend so much time on the shading, they can't do more work on animating more moves and other animations, characters, etc.

If they used a simpler shading style while working at a higher resolution, they can still create sprites that look very nice (TRUE High Definition), animate nicely, and have a wider variety of moves.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on June 13, 2011, 04:44:30 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 12, 2011, 11:28:48 PM
(http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n504/RunningWild1984/terry-12s.gif) (http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n504/RunningWild1984/ragna-stance.gif)

When I see this two sprites together. Or these two


For me it's perfectly clear which game has better sprites. Yes, BB has bigger sprites, but that's all. (never realized before that Litchi looks like a fan made sprite).

Oh, and BB is not that HD game everybody is saying... Maybe pixels look smaller than 12's ones, but when I played 13 in Arcade Street, I had BBCS2 at my side, and when you see BB screen you do see PIXELS too. Because, as nilcam said, is made of pixels  (well, backgrounds don't, they are in 3D. I guess Running Wild thinks that XIII's backgrounds should be in 3D too, because in that way they could do more moves and more characters..)
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 04:54:33 AM
Oki doky.

And i say kof xii is a bad game because there is nothing interesting to do in it (the mechanics and combo system are sf2 like hit hit special move for many characters, no normal hits link like in other kofs except for terry i think - it was plain old boring - even frionel mentioned in that interview that he had with orochinagi that and i quote "When they were working on XII, which wasn’t finished, they released it because there were commercial issues at stake with another game company resurrecting a huge fighting game saga (which I forget the name of  ). he was talking about sf4 and how playmore wanted to make some quick cash"), and most characters are a joke (just take a look at the strategy guide for it and you will laugh your ass off, not because of those who made it but because they tried so hard to make a guide after this pile of shit ).it would have had a longer life if the online was at least decent.If it had at least MVC3 netcode (which is playable and 1 out of 3 matches is flawless for me, i think is because many people have garbage wireless ) there would have been people online.
Also i played yesterday ssf4 with shiranui and he had like 1 bar and we had decent games.There was some lag..strangely just at the end of the round or game, in game rarely.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: desmond_kof on June 13, 2011, 05:06:46 AM
Quote from: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 04:04:29 AM
I don't have a good video recorder. Do you? I have a point and shoot that can get the job done. If we can work out the logistics, I'm down.

Actually some of the combos you did in our game prove that the game was pretty lagless.

I will just use my flip camera to show myself pressing the buttons and the screen, and I will record a direct input into my capture card. If you can show yourself pressing the buttons and screen too, that will work. Wanna do this sometime this upcoming week? Maybe tomorrow?

Also, me and Nilcam has very so-so broadband connections too, we can even post up our download and upload speeds.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 05:10:14 AM
The lag seems to be related to connection speeds. Both Desmond and I have similar connections(16 down/4 up).

Desmond, I'm available tomorrow after 5:30pm.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 05:17:15 AM
I hope you are at least 1-2 states away and not locally which it might work - still i want to see it.I tried to play with people from france, england, portugal, spain, poland i am located in romania.I can play with those states fine ssf4 and mvc3 sometimes even with 1 bar if the other player had bad internet
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 05:22:49 AM
@Shiranui_ninja - BlazBlue sprites are made at 720p resolution. That's HD. KOF12/13's are 480.

BTW - Fun fact. KOF12's characters use about +500 sprites per character. About the same amount old school KOF uses.

BlazBlue uses about +1,000 per character.

Street Fighter 3 uses over +1,200 per character.

Also, how can you say Litchi looks like a fanmade sprite? That's a really good sprite, I think Litchi has some of the best animations in BB. Mai in KOF13 on the other hand, IMO, one of the worst new sprites in the game. Her posture is horrible, her face looks bad. The only thing eye catching about her sprites is her bounce, which is clearly what SNK spent all of their time on.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Delta on June 13, 2011, 05:46:10 AM

Seriously, all these flames for a game?. Oh well don't mind me, i was just passing by.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 13, 2011, 05:51:43 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 05:22:49 AM
@Shiranui_ninja - BlazBlue sprites are made at 720p resolution. That's HD. KOF12/13's are 480.

BTW - Fun fact. KOF12's characters use about +500 sprites per character. About the same amount old school KOF uses.

BlazBlue uses about +1,000 per character.

Street Fighter 3 uses over +1,200 per character.

Also, how can you say Litchi looks like a fanmade sprite? That's a really good sprite, I think Litchi has some of the best animations in BB. Mai in KOF13 on the other hand, IMO, one of the worst new sprites in the game. Her posture is horrible, her face looks bad. The only thing eye catching about her sprites is her bounce, which is clearly what SNK spent all of their time on.

That's easy enough to answer.  That's because Litchi is one of the most generic designs in a video game ever.  The only people MORE generic than Litchi is Ragna and Jin.  Tager is pretty good though.  Same with Taokaka.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 06:06:34 AM
There's nothing generic about Litchi. Litchi is classy. One of the best china girl designs I've seen in a fighting game.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 13, 2011, 06:10:58 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 06:06:34 AM
There's nothing generic about Litchi. Litchi is classy. One of the best china girl designs I've seen in a fighting game.

Saying that with such a straight face.  You earn one of these.

Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 06:12:22 AM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 05:17:15 AM
I hope you are at least 1-2 states away and not locally which it might work - still i want to see it.I tried to play with people from france, england, portugal, spain, poland i am located in romania.I can play with those states fine ssf4 and mvc3 sometimes even with 1 bar if the other player had bad internet

Desmond is roughly 800 miles away from me. For the record, I've played people in Florida (1100 miles away) with minimal lag.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 13, 2011, 06:18:42 AM
Quote from: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 06:12:22 AM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 05:17:15 AM
I hope you are at least 1-2 states away and not locally which it might work - still i want to see it.I tried to play with people from france, england, portugal, spain, poland i am located in romania.I can play with those states fine ssf4 and mvc3 sometimes even with 1 bar if the other player had bad internet

Desmond is roughly 800 miles away from me. For the record, I've played people in Florida (1100 miles away) with minimal lag.

Hell I'm bored.  You wanna play Nilcam?  I'm at least 800 miles away from you too.  My connection isn't quite the same but it's close enough.  Got everything properly configured too.  I wanna be a part of this.  I've played a lot with HDcloudstrife and he's at least 1000 miles from me and it's nearly lagless.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on June 13, 2011, 06:40:33 AM
Quote from: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 05:10:14 AM
Both Desmond and I have similar connections(16 down/4 up).
lol I can understand why you don't have lag... My connection speed is about 5-6 down... Yes, I know. Awful... Can't wait to change it.

Quote from: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 05:22:49 AM
@Shiranui_ninja - BlazBlue sprites are made at 720p resolution. That's HD. KOF12/13's are 480.
I'm pixel character artist who works in a videogame company. This stupid thing you write here it only means what I say before and what anyone can see watching the sprites. The BB ones are bigger than XII/XIII ones.

Quote from: Running Wild on June 13, 2011, 05:22:49 AMBTW - Fun fact. KOF12's characters use about +500 sprites per character. About the same amount old school KOF uses.

BlazBlue uses about +1,000 per character.

Street Fighter 3 uses over +1,200 per character.
One character is a sprite. One sprite has frames in its animations. If BlazBlue really uses about 1000 frames per character, then those are the most useless frames in this world. Characters move horribly . Probably such a number of frames per char in BB is because its chars have more moves... That was a very tricky way to prove that XIII is poorly animated, what is not true, my friend.

Quote from: nilcam on June 13, 2011, 05:10:14 AMAlso, how can you say Litchi looks like a fanmade sprite? That's a really good sprite, I think Litchi has some of the best animations in BB. Mai in KOF13 on the other hand, IMO, one of the worst new sprites in the game. Her posture is horrible, her face looks bad. The only thing eye catching about her sprites is her bounce, which is clearly what SNK spent all of their time on.
LOL I have seen better fan mades than that Litchi sprite... Mai one of the worsts sprites of the game?? LOL!!
Ok, Running Wild. I'm done with you. It's obvious that our thoughts are totally opposites about these two games. For me BB is vulgar, generic, gaudy and awful in terms of graphics. And I don't like its gameplay at all (nerver liked GG) So, this discussion doesn't go anywhere. Enjoy BlazBlue and I will enjoy KOF XIII. But I don't see what's the point enter here just to say that you think KOF XIII is shit and BB is better. I've never entered in a forum related to BB to say that I don't like it. And I never will, because is ridiculous do such thing.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 01:57:19 PM
(My location iasi, romania)Tested with Germany
(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339085175.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)

(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339090288.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)

(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339091878.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)

(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339093321.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)

At night i have slightly better internet, also i think it depends on the servers too i don't think this numbers are very accurate but will do (normally i get 88/ms with spain and uk, maybe it's also because at this hour there is a lot of traffic).

I didn't had 1 single match without big imput lag.I can play BBCT, ssf4 and mvc 3 with no problems.Later i will post a vid with shiranui if we can connect at XII (i say if because he has kinda bad internet conexion BUT we were able to play ssf4 with no problems)

Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 08:58:37 PM
here is the vid - at the moment it's being processed by youtube for shit (fucxk..this game is so bad even youtube refuses to process it...uploading again ...pffff)

new link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFj4jzTKbco

(imput lag is variable - sometimes is bigger sometimes not so much but still there)

The servers were empty only me and him "playing".

Coming up next - me and shiranui playing ssf4 with no lag

the conexion ATM looks like this

(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339467299.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)
(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339469235.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)
(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339470956.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)
i made 3 test just to be sure

LE: Quick match with shiranui in ssf4.No imput lag or any lag whatsoever with 1 red bar conexion.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: solidshark on June 13, 2011, 10:59:48 PM
Such high emotions over this game.

I can say for myself I do like XII. It's unfortunate for all the things it missed in terms of being complete (a boss, story, etc). I could probably name more cons than pros to this game (most of today's fighters I can do that with too), but the pros outweigh the cons for me. What it did have made it worth playing in my opinion though, which subjectively includes gameplay, graphics, and overall balance. What still makes it fun to play is really how unlike all the other KOF it is. It was experimental, and we all know the results, as well as measure them differently. Chargable and comboable CD, Clash, zooming, the risk/reward blowback. If XIII had the same systems, or gave the option of them, then maybe I'd never play XII again (something I consistenly question in SF, minus the ability to patch today).

The sprite work and detail of the characters to me are awesome and better than other fighters because not only of how smooth the animation looked, but it seems like there was more personality in everyone in XII. The different stances, taunts (animations often part of their special moves), and even moves reminiscent of older games. As many as older KOFs, no, but still pleasing in the new format. And somebody somewhere once described XII's character sprites as unbelievably balanced in terms of their bigger size, yet how fluid they moved and could combo, which I agree with every time I go back to play it.

In terms of music, I really don't like when the bgm's are stage specific (some of the remixes for the stages were nice), but I do prefer character-specific. However, custom soundtracks are the next best thing, especially when you don't like what's fixed on the disc. And I will miss the VA for XII's Raiden (who also has done Heihachi for most of Tekken).

Online, yes it was bad. Playable at one point for me, maybe before it became input lag, but bad a lot. Oddly enough playing a lot of latin players in lag who were pulling off combos easily made me get better in input lag, even helped me to correct things I'm doing offline (that ever happen to anyone else?). I'd join the rest of the people complaining about how unacceptable it is if every other fighter had good netcode. If only online could be just as good as offline; maybe someday.

And correct me if I'm wrong (seriously, and with evidence), but if not for XII, would we be getting what we know is XIII this October? They needed capital to eventually give us what what XIII is, they gave us a game completely experimental, in sprite-work, graphics, gameplay, and on next-gen systems. We as fans said keep the sprite work and graphics, and nix the rest; in-fact, how about a game based off an old and popular game like 98 or 02? Our feedback gave birth to XIII, and I think it was worth it.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 11:10:48 PM
QuoteThey needed capital to eventually give us what what XIII is
That is a lame excuse everyone was pulling..even with that neo geo station (which actually some chinese corp is doing).Playmore got some money because the game did fairly good compared to it's quality.Look back one page and read the bolded quote from frionel i put in one post.It was released so early because of sf4 and to capitalize on it.I do not question this game's quality as in graphics or music but as a product is mediocre, incomplete and unplayable.I played it a few hours and sold it quick (60 + bucks [because i ordered from amazon.us] are a lot of money for a demo).Later i bought it again dirt cheap just for my collection.

my version of how XII came to be
They were working on the actual XIII and saw that capcom will have a blockbuster and asked ...when is this shit XII gonna be done.They said 2010.Fuck that take some sprites that are almost finished and make a small team to develop a quick game.Even that programmer that twitted about the working conditions when working for XII said that even the console port was made using 5 people.the end
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: nilcam on June 14, 2011, 12:30:30 AM
Man, that input lag was horrible. I can honestly say I've never had an experience like that with XII. I've had a few matches that felt like it was running slow.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 14, 2011, 12:42:32 AM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 13, 2011, 08:58:37 PM
here is the vid - at the moment it's being processed by youtube for shit (fucxk..this game is so bad even youtube refuses to process it...uploading again ...pffff)

new link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFj4jzTKbco

(imput lag is variable - sometimes is bigger sometimes not so much but still there)

The servers were empty only me and him "playing".

Coming up next - me and shiranui playing ssf4 with no lag

the conexion ATM looks like this

(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339467299.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)
(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339469235.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)
(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339470956.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)
i made 3 test just to be sure

LE: Quick match with shiranui in ssf4.No imput lag or any lag whatsoever with 1 red bar conexion.

Is that MASHING that I hear?  Sounds like you're abusing the hell out of that stick.  Are you using HAPP or are you MASHING LIKE KRAZY?  And it sounds like you're pressing it multiple times to try to counteract the shitty netcode.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 14, 2011, 01:44:51 AM
No it's a madcatz te with sanwa parts (i play gently because i care about it but the sound from the buttons is very high)..i was pretty close to the camera and the mic is pretty loud and yes i like to press buttons a lot because buttons are cool.i am addicted to that sound :)) you should record yourself playing i am sure everybody mashes with no reason :)), for me it's also a way to think quick because i play rushdown mostly (and when i make stupid mistakes - watch the vid again and see i don't mash all the time).The code is ok no joke..sometimes there is lag but you can ask Shiranui that the match was smooth.It's just the way i play. It still has the buttons it came with and works fine, i changed the stick because it was a bit loose.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 14, 2011, 01:59:13 AM
Seems fine for me and Nilcam.  He's in OK and I'm from California.  Good distance there.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 14, 2011, 02:03:49 AM
I want to see a video demonstation like i did 1-2 min...just press buttons and jump while online.With the stick or controller in front of the screen.Like i said i do not know anyone that has been able to play this online without imput lag if i see it i will believe it :) .Quality of the video doesn't matter
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: MUSOLINI on June 14, 2011, 02:28:28 AM
BB animates like crap compared to aof3, motw, sf3 & kf12/13. kof 12 characters have 3 to 4 moves and 1 super, no command normals whatsoever and still has 500 per chara. BB only a 1000 with 10 moves per chara and all those supers. whats more you can look at the animations and notice the difference. BB is ass.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 14, 2011, 02:48:01 AM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 14, 2011, 02:03:49 AM
I want to see a video demonstation like i did 1-2 min...just press buttons and jump while online.With the stick or controller in front of the screen.Like i said i do not know anyone that has been able to play this online without imput lag if i see it i will believe it :) .Quality of the video doesn't matter

I played with Nilcam and he recorded it.  It should be up later I believe.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: desmond_kof on June 14, 2011, 03:38:29 AM
(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339920282.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)


Not bad but not lagless by any means.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 14, 2011, 06:26:29 AM
Just ignore Black Noah I beat him in KOF XII so badly that it physically hurt him in the butt.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: solidshark on June 14, 2011, 08:35:46 AM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 14, 2011, 06:26:29 AM
Just ignore Black Noah I beat him in KOF XII so badly that it physically hurt him in the butt.

Can we be a little nicer than that?
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Homies Over Shotos on June 14, 2011, 09:42:24 AM
Quote from: solidshark on June 14, 2011, 08:35:46 AM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 14, 2011, 06:26:29 AM
Just ignore Black Noah I beat him in KOF XII so badly that it physically hurt him in the butt.

Can we be a little nicer than that?

I don't know.  He seems to hate anyone that got any enjoyment out of KOF XII and seems to flagrantly talk about how their opinions are wrong and they're idiots.

If he can dish it out, I believe he should be able to take it too. 
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: solidshark on June 14, 2011, 10:03:06 AM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 14, 2011, 09:42:24 AM
Quote from: solidshark on June 14, 2011, 08:35:46 AM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 14, 2011, 06:26:29 AM
Just ignore Black Noah I beat him in KOF XII so badly that it physically hurt him in the butt.

Can we be a little nicer than that?

I don't know.  He seems to hate anyone that got any enjoyment out of KOF XII and seems to flagrantly talk about how their opinions are wrong and they're idiots.

If he can dish it out, I believe he should be able to take it too.  

Nothing should have to be dished out to anyone, anything might be a different story. I think we can agree that we can argue points without things getting personal, not to mention that in the end, it's just a matter of preference. When all else fails, just agree to disagree.

If you guys really have to dish it out against each other, save it for a fighter you both like to play, cause I really doubt anyone is going to be swayed on their position about this game. If it does happen though, cool.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: Dark Chaotix on June 14, 2011, 03:16:21 PM
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on June 14, 2011, 03:38:29 AM
(http://www.speedtest.net/result/1339920282.png) (http://www.speedtest.net)


Not bad but not lagless by any means.

Thats so playable. Wish I got anything like that.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 14, 2011, 03:20:40 PM
@Homies Over Shotos

You are brain dead ....I never played KOF XII because it was impossible also i am not from us.We might try 98 if we can connect on ggpo (tho i haven't played it for almost 1 year) if you really wanna see how i play....tho e think you are a noob who can't play shit and has a big mouth.First to 10 in 98 and then talk.Again what does this have to do with our "discussion"?
I never called anyone an idiot, but i see you feel this way so i feel sorry for your lack of self esteem.Your opinions about the online contradict reality.
Example - i do not like classic 2002 for various reasons but i never say it's a bad game and even defend it!That is preference.KOF XII has nothing to do with kof it's just a water downed version of kof with sf elements, it cannot be played competitive or online, overall is a joke compared with all the other kofs - even the ngpc KOF-R2 mechanics are more advanced than this - fact again.

If you see my distance from shiranui is double than you and nilcam.I think the code is fucked up because that imput lag is always there.In sf4 if the game lags you are done... in XII the game doesn't lag but it has a very obnoxious imput lag which varies...sometimes is like 1-2 sec sometimes 30ms.That is the reason i am very pissed of they are still going with that code - i do not think that whatever thing that code is based on is any good.

As a side note for those doubting (you can just try it for yourselves) the smooth playability of ssf4 - a lot of good players practice online and the best example is Wolfkrone which at the moment i think is the best in the US.He mostly plays online - FACT

Last post on this topic - as i see it i proved my point.Those who really want to play me at kof can send a pm and challenge me at a first to 10, i only played and play 98 online on ggpo - mostly i can play east coast, a part of canada and europe fine.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: MUSOLINI on June 14, 2011, 04:07:17 PM
i gotta comment on somethings like liking a game and a game actually being good. just cause somebody likes a game doesnt mean its good. people might like ff1 or 2, but their shit games. others might like aof1 or 2, but both are shit. sf1? shit. savage reign? shit. world heroes? shit.

also im exagerating on some games here, whp is actually almost decent. so shit is too hard, but when you compare it to actual good games like rb2 or kof 98, its shit. people might enjoy it for the sake of variety or whatever, but again enjoying a game doersnt mean its good. everybody can enjoy kof 12 all they want, its still a shit game. i think the only shit kof thats worse than 12 is 94, and thats the first fucking kof ever. even the terrible games like kof 96 and 99 are better than 12 imo, and these games are defenitelly not good, lol.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: desmond_kof on June 14, 2011, 04:37:44 PM
Quote from: KBlackNoah on June 14, 2011, 03:20:40 PM
That is the reason i am very pissed of they are still going with that code - i do not think that whatever thing that code is based on is any good.

I do agree that they should use something different, but since they are, why is it expect that SNKP cannot improve upon it? How come people think they are just going to use a 2 year old netcode on a game that didn't do them very well? It wouldn't be a very smart idea.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: KBlackNoah on June 14, 2011, 04:40:50 PM
I don't think they are going to use the same code..i wanted to say that having XII netcode as a base for your future netcode is not good news.We'll just have to wait and see but i won't be preordering after hearing that.
Title: Re: The I love or hate XII
Post by: nilcam on June 14, 2011, 04:41:11 PM
It's too flamey in here. This conversation is over.