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KOF XIII 6th General Thread: Console Released edition

Started by Kane317, November 22, 2011, 12:38:15 PM

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Mr Bakaboy

Quote from: robisntdrunk on December 30, 2011, 03:08:23 AM
Zoning and spamming are the same thing in my book, "zoning" just meaning that your doing it right.

Spamming is just throwing fireballs as fast as you can to keep distance from your opponent. Zoning is using fireballs to move your opponent into a position that is advantageous to you. For example throwing fireballs to make a defensive opponent move or getting a opponent to jump or roll to an unsafe position so you can punish him without overextending your positioning.

Spamming is next to impossible to pull on an experienced KOF player cause there are many ways to get around fireballs. Zoning on the other hand is used quite a bit.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on December 29, 2011, 05:07:12 AM
yet again, it's unlikely a netcode patch.  It's gonna be a Matchmaking Patch, nothing more, nothing less.

If they're taking this long, I doubt it's a simple matchmaking patch. One could hope.


Seems like some people never played against athena on 98 or 2002 *shrugs*

Waifu Material


Quote from: DarKaoZ on December 30, 2011, 09:31:12 AM
I spam fireballs with King. =)

I also use King and her fireballs are a vital part of her game.

Man, canĀ“t wait for Tuesday, I wanna make sure KOF will be at EVO so I can start with the visa paperwork and flight reservation.

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: Proto Cloud on December 30, 2011, 11:31:26 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on December 29, 2011, 05:07:12 AM
yet again, it's unlikely a netcode patch.  It's gonna be a Matchmaking Patch, nothing more, nothing less.

If they're taking this long, I doubt it's a simple matchmaking patch. One could hope.

You gotta keep in mind that SNK has like one person working on their games so nothing would surprise me with them.

Proto Cloud

They need to fire GSS. They're an awful networking company that specializes primarily on Japanese networking. It also doesn't help when some Japanese actually believe that the US is approximately 2-3 Japans in square mileage and that we also even have good internet around here. (Trust me when I say this is real.)


Quote from: Gimnbo on December 30, 2011, 09:11:15 AM
If you're "doing it right" you're probably not unleashing the incessant barrage most people think of when they think "spam," since that stuff don't work in KOF.

Alright, you have a good point.

Also >___> wait it might not be a netcode patch? I really should learn by now to stop getting hype after hearing things like that...and telling other people on top of that
I play fighting games much more than I train in real life, yet i'm still a better fighter in real life, guess I can't complain though.


What's wrong with the netcode? (haven't touched online yet).

So a friend asked me to get him KoF as a late christmas present (since he does really want kof). However since he didn't specify WHICH KoF, you guys think it might be a bit evil if he found out that I did get him KoF...12?

Right now, sounds like it's worth the prank


Anything lower than 4 bars tends to mediocre, though random times it could be decent.  But it's susceptible to heavy input delay, and when it lag spikes...hell ensues.

As for the Prank...normally, for other series, it'd be funny.  Giving someone KOF12 is a declaration of WAR!
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: MyvTeddy on December 31, 2011, 07:17:30 AM
What's wrong with the netcode? (haven't touched online yet).

So a friend asked me to get him KoF as a late christmas present (since he does really want kof). However since he didn't specify WHICH KoF, you guys think it might be a bit evil if he found out that I did get him KoF...12?

Right now, sounds like it's worth the prank

If you have enough money, buy both (or just a really old KOF, though 12 should be cheap) and give the older version to him. Then leave the new one somewhere he wont notice until you leave...and do a lot of searching.
I play fighting games much more than I train in real life, yet i'm still a better fighter in real life, guess I can't complain though.


Quote from: MyvTeddy on December 31, 2011, 07:17:30 AM
What's wrong with the netcode? (haven't touched online yet).

So a friend asked me to get him KoF as a late christmas present (since he does really want kof). However since he didn't specify WHICH KoF, you guys think it might be a bit evil if he found out that I did get him KoF...12?

Right now, sounds like it's worth the prank

Is he new to the series? XIII might make him love it and continue on playing it, XII very well might to the opposite.

As for the netcode, I stick with 3 bars and above. 3 bars is good and very playable and the few times I experienced 4 bars it was near offline quality.


Finally thought i play online since i learnt all my combos and stuff for my characters, i know this has already been said but online is awful and it makes it worse with everyone playing mindlessly spamming random moves and your trying to play the game properly and can't punish anything if the patch only improves the match making and not the netcode itself, snk can go f*** themselves, i'll drop this game.


Drop the game then.  SNKP already has your money, I'll doubt they'll care. 

We all knew the risks from the start, I figured from the beginning the netcode would be awful.  If you don't have a scene near you for the game, then you have no reason to keep it.

I'm not trying to sound like a douche or anything but if you can't play the game as you want, there's no reason to torture yourself and keep it.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on December 31, 2011, 11:36:12 PM
Drop the game then.  SNKP already has your money, I'll doubt they'll care. 

We all knew the risks from the start, I figured from the beginning the netcode would be awful.  If you don't have a scene near you for the game, then you have no reason to keep it.

I'm not trying to sound like a douche or anything but if you can't play the game as you want, there's no reason to torture yourself and keep it.

yeah I know what you mean since T6 is one of my favorite fighting games and the horid online really ended up killing it for myself and many others who now can only consider themselves "enthusiasts" opposed to genuine players of the game.

Also for all the fireball spamming talk outside the online I really don't get the complaints since it's a game and you do what you can within the rules to win and in KOF you tend to have a lot more options then in other FGs to outright avoid them, so to me it's really just a matter of adapting to your opponent.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


You are telling the cold truth Saitsu, i can't play online, and was hoping for some good story mode to spend my time, but the mode was "meh" at best.
I must be the only one with this game here, and that's one reason i left it long ago and haven't played again since then.

The game is excellent, but if you have no one to play against, be it offline or online, it's going to bore you quickly.