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Chin Gentsai (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:42:01 AM

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Quote from: Diavle on March 23, 2012, 02:34:13 PM
Do you know if canceling a QP via dwnx2 BD on block leaves you at a frame advantage? Like if I cancel and immediately go into an sC or sA or cr.B, will it be a true block string?

Yup, supposedly.

Quote from: Diavle on March 23, 2012, 02:34:13 PM
What? I think its easily the deepest one, I can barely even watch match vids for the previous ones these days.

Its the type of fighter where ppl will be discovering things for years to come imo.

Oops I meant the execution isn't has hard as the older ones.  You're right, this game has variety and depth.


Lots of great info here guys. I was wondering when do you guys usually get an opportunity to take a drink during a match for more damage??


Quote from: topdawg122 on March 23, 2012, 10:50:44 PM
Lots of great info here guys. I was wondering when do you guys usually get an opportunity to take a drink during a match for more damage??

There's a lot opportunity actually, and it works well with his counters mind games as well--just be very careful if your opponent catches on to your drinking habits.

The two easiest ways to land drinks are after j.CDs and if you're mid screen, 90% of the time you can sneak 2 drinks in and after his qcb P. 

After drinking it prompts the opponent to come in to attack you and that's when you land carefully timed counter and then you can drink again.


Quote from: Kane317 on March 23, 2012, 11:35:20 PM
Quote from: topdawg122 on March 23, 2012, 10:50:44 PM
Lots of great info here guys. I was wondering when do you guys usually get an opportunity to take a drink during a match for more damage??

There's a lot opportunity actually, and it works well with his counters mind games as well--just be very careful if your opponent catches on to your drinking habits.

The two easiest ways to land drinks are after j.CDs and if you're mid screen, 90% of the time you can sneak 2 drinks in and after his qcb P. 

After drinking it prompts the opponent to come in to attack you and that's when you land carefully timed counter and then you can drink again.

Thanks for the info. I've seen your Chin man, you're really good.


Watched yesterday's level up stream and was so excited that I would see some Chin action but man, Mr. KOF just had to ruin the party.

Kane, were you trolling or do you always take two drinks like that after a knockdown? Seemed to be extremely risky and let the opponent get an advantage in terms of positioning/pressure.

I'd like to say more about the matches but all I remember is Kim zipping all over the screen lol.


Quote from: Diavle on March 30, 2012, 07:04:36 PM
Watched yesterday's level up stream and was so excited that I would see some Chin action but man, Mr. KOF just had to ruin the party.

Kane, were you trolling or do you always take two drinks like that after a knockdown? Seemed to be extremely risky and let the opponent get an advantage in terms of positioning/pressure.

I'd like to say more about the matches but all I remember is Kim zipping all over the screen lol.

Hah, Mr Kof is crazy.  I learn a lot when I lose to him.

Yeah, I sneak in drinks and try to bait people to try to punish my drinking problem I have lol.  I'll do better next time.


Ah, I'll try that too. I don't think I drink enough to be honest.

Looking forward to more of your matches, needs me some inspiration. Don't think its a good idea to put Chin anchor though, just from a psychological standpoint I think a player will do better with a character like him in 1st or 2nd position.


Quote from: Diavle on March 31, 2012, 08:03:12 PM
Ah, I'll try that too. I don't think I drink enough to be honest.

Looking forward to more of your matches, needs me some inspiration. Don't think its a good idea to put Chin anchor though, just from a psychological standpoint I think a player will do better with a character like him in 1st or 2nd position.

I play him 3rd or 2nd 90% of the time.  If I play him first you know he's going to get his drink on.  I might just be a tad meter heavy with him but certainly does a lot of damage with just 1 drive and stock from basically anywhere; too good to pass up.


Quote from: Kane317 on March 31, 2012, 10:03:55 PM
I play him 3rd or 2nd 90% of the time.  If I play him first you know he's going to get his drink on.  I might just be a tad meter heavy with him but certainly does a lot of damage with just 1 drive and stock from basically anywhere; too good to pass up.

Fair enough.

Not a fan of over-reliance on meter though and often run my characters in every position, trying to make sure I can play them with and without meter.

Like you said, Chin needs little meter to do big damage so 1st and 2nd is where I use him most. The fact that he isn't anchor puts my mind at ease and lets me play in a more carefree manner, which I find to be a huge plus.

His style of play and combos uses meter but at the same time builds meter really well as well so characters that come after him often have some to work with.


Quote from: Diavle on March 31, 2012, 10:14:00 PM
Quote from: Kane317 on March 31, 2012, 10:03:55 PM
I play him 3rd or 2nd 90% of the time.  If I play him first you know he's going to get his drink on.  I might just be a tad meter heavy with him but certainly does a lot of damage with just 1 drive and stock from basically anywhere; too good to pass up.

Fair enough.

Not a fan of over-reliance on meter though and often run my characters in every position, trying to make sure I can play them with and without meter.

Like you said, Chin needs little meter to do big damage so 1st and 2nd is where I use him most. The fact that he isn't anchor puts my mind at ease and lets me play in a more carefree manner, which I find to be a huge plus.

His style of play and combos uses meter but at the same time builds meter really well as well so characters that come after him often have some to work with.

You know you got me thinking, especially after some tourney experience I might just move him to the first position for 2 reasons:  a) it forces me not to fall back on too much Ex meter spam b) 1st position is less susceptible a one-mistake-eat-full-HD-combo situation.  I'll run him first for this Thursday's #TheRunBack and see how it goes.

Updated his wiki a little today: http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Chin_Gentsai_(XIII)

Take a gander and how point out anything I missed out or any constructive suggestions in general.



Kane, if you don't mind, I added a section for Character Matchups in Chin's wiki that you can fill at your leisure.  Same with Duo Lon...and pretty much everyone.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on April 04, 2012, 02:44:50 AM
Kane, if you don't mind, I added a section for Character Matchups in Chin's wiki that you can fill at your leisure.  Same with Duo Lon...and pretty much everyone.

You're welcome to add it but I dunno who's going to fill everything up as that's a lot of work lol.


Quote from: Kane317 on April 04, 2012, 01:19:20 PM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on April 04, 2012, 02:44:50 AM
Kane, if you don't mind, I added a section for Character Matchups in Chin's wiki that you can fill at your leisure.  Same with Duo Lon...and pretty much everyone.

You're welcome to add it but I dunno who's going to fill everything up as that's a lot of work lol.

Yeah, I will probably just add some small stuff...Maybe like what moves can be punished, or certain moves to look out for.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Kane317 on April 03, 2012, 01:03:55 AM
You know you got me thinking, especially after some tourney experience I might just move him to the first position for 2 reasons:  a) it forces me not to fall back on too much Ex meter spam b) 1st position is less susceptible a one-mistake-eat-full-HD-combo situation.  I'll run him first for this Thursday's #TheRunBack and see how it goes.

Yeah I've done it myself recently and to great success. Looking forward to your performance, if nothing else I'm sure you will apprecaite the character in a new way.

QuoteUpdated his wiki a little today: http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Chin_Gentsai_(XIII)

Take a gander and how point out anything I missed out or any constructive suggestions in general.

Had a quick look, here's some little stuff (sorry if its in there and I missed/misread it) you may or may not want to add/edit/consider:

- The move description for the drinking at the top of the page still has the arcade info (mentions decrease in defense for every drink taken).
- The Non-Drive combo section has a DC combo under 1 bar.
- May want to stress ducking as a very viable anti-air and defense tool. Its not even funny how many things you can duck under and punish, from normals to jumpins and specials. Even if they start jumping in deep or whatever you are still at an advantage since you can just go straight into a counter, or escape via HCF+K.
- HCF+D should be pointed to as the anti-mid fireball one. The B version isn't consistent, haven't tried it against all characters but it doesn't go under Athena's fireballs for sure.
- Wouldn't say low fireballs are a big problem for him, thanks to B counter and kick stance hopping. With kick stance hopping you don't even have to give up position to avoid fireballs since you can just hop into the corner and still avoid the fireball.
- Df+B is anti-low mashers. I noticed this during a match by mistake and went into practice to test. Set Iori to mash cr.Bs and Df+B beat them clean every time.
- Mention the  respectable amount of invincibility on EX QCB+P and it being Chin's best, and very safe, "get-off me" move. It also leaves the opponent in a free juggle state if done in the corner.
- B counter being free cancleable into anything after a fireball counter.
- The crazy amount of invincibility on QCB HCF+C super.
- In your analysis you mention Chin as having average damage output at best, I would have to disagree. His combos do too much damage for that to be true, especially for the amount of meter they use.

Thanks for the frame data, yeah I think I'm gonna start/stop abusing certain moves lol.