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Revision as of 22:10, 31 March 2012


King of Fighters XIII is the latest entry in the KOF series. While it resembles XII graphically, all of XII's new systems (clash, critical counter, guard attack) have been removed. The developers stated that their concept for the game was "KOF-ism," so many classic KOF systems return, such as guard cancel rolls and guard cancel attacks. Hyperdrive mode is modeled on 2002's BC mode, while Max Cancels resemble XI's Dream Cancels. Finally, new to the series are EX moves (more powerful special moves costing one bar) and Drive Cancels (canceling from one special to another.)

Atlus published King of Fighters XIII in NA on Nov. 22, 2011.



A - Light Punch

B - Light Kick

C - Strong Punch

D - Strong Kick

CD - Blowback Attack

P - With either Light Punch or Strong Punch

K - With either Light Kick or Strong Kick

AB - Evasive Roll, neutral or forward Ab while make the character roll forward, pressing it in the backward direction will make the character roll backward

GCAB - Guard Cancel Roll, press AB when guarding an attack, can also be done while using a normal, costs one meter

GCCD - Guard Cancel Blowback Attack, press CD when guarding an attack, costs one meter. Often referred as CD Counter

s.C - Standing close hit strong punch. Since most far hits are non-cancelable, standing attacks such as s.C are always the close version

Far D - Standing far D

d.B - Crouching or down B


                  up (u)
 (ub)  up left - 7 8 9 - up right (uf)
     (b)   left - 4 5 6 - right (f)

(db) down left - 1 2 3 - down right (df)
                  down (d)

j. - Jump/jumping - Press and hold up-back/up/up-forward

Hyperjump - Press down-back/down/down-forward, then quickly press and hold up-back/up/up-forward

Hop - Tap up-back/up/up-forward

Hyperhop - Tap down-back/down/down-forward, then quickly tap up-back/up-forward

cl. – Close – Close standing attack (e.g. cl.C)

cr. – Crouch – Crouching attack (e.g. cr.B)

st. – Stand – Standing attack (e.g. st.B)

bb. – Backdash – Tap back twice quickly

“x”~“y” – Input “x”, then quickly afterwards input “y” (e.g. K’’s Second Shoot, qcf+P~f+B)

Attack Motions

qcf - 236 - d/df/f - Quarter circle forward

qcb - 214 - d/db/b - Quarter circle backward

hcf - 41236 - b/db/d/df/f - Half circle forward

hcb - 63214 - f/df/d/db/d - Half circle backward

dp - 623 - f/d/df - Dragon Punch motion

rdp - 421 - b/d/db - Reverse Dragon Punch motion

charge - [4]6 or [2]8 - b~f or d~u - Hold in one direction then shift to the designated direction

tk - 2369 - d/df/f/uf - Tiger Knee Motion

hcb f - 632146 - f/df/d/db/b/f - Half circle back forward motion

b~f - [4]6 - Hold back then press forward

d~u - [2]8 - Hold down then press up

db/f - 1,6 - press down back then forward

d/u - 2,8 - press down then up

d,d - 2,2 - press down twice

f/b/f - 6,4,6 - press forward back forward

qcb hcf - 2141236 - Quarter circle back half circle forward

qcb hcf – 2141236 – d/db/b/db/d/df/f – Quarter circle back half circle forward

qcf hcb – 2363214 – d/df/f/df/d/db/b – Quarter circle forward half circle back

f/f~d/f – 66[3] – Running charge

Other Terminology

[DC] – Drive Cancel

[SC] – Super Cancel

[HD] – Hyperdrive activation

[HDB] - Hyperdrive Bypass

[HDC] – Hyperdrive Cancel

[MC] – Max Cancel

Shortcuts/Sequential Buffering

- All qcf~hcb motions --> qcf x2~back + button

- Similarly, qcb~hcf --> qcb x2~f

- qcb~hcf --> qcb~db~f

- qcf~hcb --> qcf~df~b

- dp --> hcb~f

- Dash hcb x2 command throws (e.g Clark's DM)--> (somewhat close) hcb~f x2~hcb + button

- Canceling qcf into qcf x2 (e.g Shen's qcf+P, [DC] qcf x2+P) --> qcf + button, qcf+ button

- Canceling qcf into qcf~hcb (e.g Liz's qcf+P, [DC] qcf~hcb+P) --> qcf + button, hcb + button

- Canceling dp into qcf~hcb (e.g Yuri's dp+P, [DC] qcf~hcb+K DM) --> dp + button, hcb + button

- Canceling c.d~u into c.b~f (e.g Leona's c.d~u+P, [DC] c.b~f+K) --> c.db/d~ub + button, [DC] uf (or f)+ button

- Canceling dp into qcf inside HD mode only (e.g Kyo's dp+P [1hit], [DC] qcf+P...) --> dp+P, f+P (Liz seems to be the only character that can do this outside of HD)

- Canceling dp into qcf for K', outside of HD --> hcb~f+P, qcf+P

- Tricky motions like Shen's CABC can be hard to buffer. You can start buffering it while getting up, in the air, during the ending frames of a move or even off a s.C itself. A useful trick is to tap in this order (just hold the down motion the whole time): d.A, d.C, d.A, d.B (this will buffer the first 3 inputs) and press C when you want to activate the DM. By doing this technique, Shen appears to only do two d.As (since neither d.C or d.B link off of d.As), as soon as the opponent jumps, press C.

Kane317's original post

Hit detection notes

Hit detection is defined by the following:

Overhead - An attack that must be blocked high.

Mid - An attack that can be blocked either high or low.

Low - An attack that must be blocked low.


Single Entry

Team Japan

Team Elisabeth

Fatal Fury Team

Kim Team

Women Fighters Team

Art of Fighting Team

Yagami Team

Ikari Warriors Team

Psycho Soldier Team

K' Team

EX Characters



Tap the forward direction, return to neutral, then quickly press and hold the forward direction to make the character run. Once the run animation has started, it is possible to continue it by holding down-forward in order to also charge downwards while running. It is possible to immediately cancel the run into a crouch, jump (which will automatically be a forward superjump), hop (which will automatically be a forward hyperhop), normal attack, special move, or roll. It is not possible to immediate cancel the run into a block. If the forward direction is released (other than to crouch or jump/hop), there will be a short recovery animation before any other action can be taken.


Tap the back direction twice to make the character backdash. The character is considered airborne after 1 frame (approximately 1/60th of a second), so the character will be unthrowable (except by certain antiair command throws) and any hits taken will either put the character in a juggleable state or an aerial reset state. Distance traveled, duration, and recovery time vary by character. During a backdash, it is possible to execute some command normals and special moves that can be done in the air. These can alter the distance traveled and backdash duration (e.g. a common tactic with Iori is to backdash and immediately execute a j.b+B to travel a significantly farther distance).

Jumps and Hops

In KOF XIII, there are 4 different types of jumps:

  • Normal Jump - This is the basic type of jump seen in most fighting games. Normal jumps have a short startup time on the ground during which the character is unthrowable but is otherwise completely vulnerable. Many characters have at least one normal move with a different animation and/or different properties when executed from a neutral normal jump (i.e. by holding up) than from a diagonal normal jump or other jump types.
  • Hyperjump - Done by either tapping any downward direction followed quickly by holding either up-forward or up-back, or by canceling a run by holding up-forward. This has the same height as a normal jump but moves faster and travels a significantly longer distance. Note that the startup time of a superjump is throwable.
  • Hop - Done by tapping any upward direction. The height and travel distance of a hop are significantly shorter than a normal jump, and the overall animation time is also shorter. Note that normals done from a hop (or hyperhop, detailed below) often cause a slightly different amount of damage from normals done during a normal jump or superjump.
  • Hyperhop - Done by either tapping any downward direction followed quickly by tapping either up-forward or up-back, or by canceling a run by tapping up-forward. This has the same height as a hop but moves faster and travels a significantly longer distance. As with superjumps, the startup time of a hyperhop is throwable.


While standing, press A+B or f+A+B to roll forward, or press b+A+B to roll backward. Rolls are immediately invincible to attacks throughout their traveling animation. However, they are completely vulnerable to throws, and there is a short recovery animation at the end of a roll before any other action can be taken. Rolling can be used defensively (e.g. to avoid projectiles by rolling through them) or offensively (e.g. rolling to end up approximately at the same spot as an opponent rising from a knockdown to make it difficult for the opponent to see which way to block), but as with jumps and hops, they are vulnerable to punishment if used poorly. Distance traveled, duration, and recovery time vary by character, and can also be altered by canceling a run into a roll, which generally increases both distance traveled and duration.

Character Wake Speeds


  • Tier A

Iori Yagami

  • Tier B

Raiden, Kyo, Benimaru, Goro Daimon, Terry, Joe, Andy, Billy, Ash, Saiki, Ryo, Robert, Takuma, Mature, Vice, Elisabeth, Duo Lon, Shen, Kim, K', Kula, Maxima, Athena Chin, Ralf, Clark, Leona

  • Tier C

Hwa Jai, King, Yuri, Kensou

Kirah's original post

Defensive Systems

Guard Cancel Roll (GCAB)

It is possible to cancel blockstun into a roll at the expense of 1 stock of super meter. To do this, simply press A+B or b+A+B after blocking an attack but before blockstun has finished. Unlike a normal roll, a Guard Cancel Roll is completely invincible, unthrowable, and has no recovery time. This can be used to punish attacks that would normally be safe if blocked, such as multiple hit attacks that knock the defender back a far distance if blocked normally (e.g. Andy’s hcf+K).

Guard Cancel CD (GCCD)

It is also possible to cancel blockstun into a CD attack at the expense of 1 stock of super meter. To do this, simply press C+D after blocking an attack but before blockstun has finished. Unlike a normal CD attack, this will have some invincibility during the startup but also does much less damage. If the opponent avoids getting hit (either by using a quick-recovering attack that would allow them to block before the Guard Cancel CD hits or by using an attack with enough invincibility to avoid the Guard Cancel CD hit), it is possible to be punished during the recovery time, although as with a normal standing CD, a Guard Cancel CD may be canceled into a special move. Guard Cancel CD attacks are also vulnerable to command counters, such as Elizabeth’s qcb+AC.

Recovery Roll (also known as Tech Roll)

Pressing A+B as the character touches the ground during a knockdown allows the character to perform an immediate recovery roll. This allows the character to rise faster than normal, and also moves the character to a different location unless cornered. The rolling animation is completely invincible and has no recovery time, but the character is immediately throwable, unlike after rising normally. A recovery roll will also avoid attacks with OTG property. Note that certain attacks have the property “hard knockdown”, which prevents the use of a recovery roll.

Offensive Systems

Counter Hit

A counter hit happens when a character is hit during the startup or active animations of an attack, as well as during the recovery animations of certain attacks. This causes the word “Counter” to appear on screen. A counter hit causes slightly more damage than a regular hit. Also, attacks that normally knock down will put the opponent into a juggleable state, allowing for attacks to land than would otherwise be possible (e.g. after a counter hit j.CD, it is often possible to immediately jump again with another j.CD for more damage). Additionally, counter hits can also trigger the counter wire property of certain attacks, as detailed below.

Counter Wire and Critical Wire

Certain attacks have the properties “counter wire” and “critical wire”, such as Maxima’s qcb+P. Landing a counter hit with a counter wire attack or any hit with a critical wire attack will cause the opponent to bounce off the edge of the screen, after which they will be in a juggleable state.

Normal Throw

Normal throws are done by standing close to the opponent and pressing f+C, b+C, f+D, or b+D. The opponent will be thrown towards the side of the direction input.

In general, normal throws can be broken by pressing C or D (whichever the attacker used) during a brief window of time after the throw has been started. Quickly pressing both buttons after one another (C~D or D~C but not C+D) is a common technique to break throws without needing to guess which button the attacker used. However, note that it is impossible to break throws if thrown during a roll or while in a counter hit state.

Air Throw

Certain characters are able to throw opponents in the air as well. This is done by pressing any non-up direction together with the C button while jumping and in air throw range. It is usually easiest to trigger an air throw from slightly below the opponent. Note that air throws can never be broken.

Command Throw (also known as Command Grab)

Certain characters have special move versions of throws as well (e.g. Clark’s hcf+K). If done while out of range or while the opponent is unthrowable, these will have a vulnerable whiff animation, and for desperation move command throws, will cost the appropriate number of super meter stocks. The common types of command throws are:

  • Instant throw - These command throws have no startup, making them the fastest attacks in KOF XIII and the other attacks guaranteed to punish certain moves, such as Kula’s qcb+B. Desperation move instant throws and EX instant throws typically have invincibility as well, allowing them to always grab a throwable opponent if timed correctly, even if the opponent was using a meaty attack.
  • Delayed throw - These command throws have a startup time longer than a normal throw but are also partially or wholly invincible and unthrowable. They are typically used in situations where the opponent may be using quick attacks that are difficult to punish otherwise after blocking (such as Kula pressuring with cr.B’s from maximum range) or as a mixup option (particularly for characters like Shen Woo who lack a meterless instant throw).
  • Other - These are command throws that have a unique mixture of properties and do not follow any set pattern. One example is Takuma’s hcb+K, which is a delayed throw that has no invincibility and deals no damage but leaves the opponent vulnerable briefly after connecting.

Unlike in previous KOF games, proximity unblockables in KOF XIII do have whiff animations and so are used in essentially the same ways as other command throws.

On The Ground (OTG)

Certain special moves have the property “OTG”, such as Goro’s hcf+C. These attacks are able to connect against an opponent that has been knocked down, although they are only guaranteed if the previous attack had the “hard knockdown” property to prevent a recovery roll.

Instant Overhead

Jump/hop attacks with very fast startup and good downward reach can be done immediately after leaving the ground to hit an opponent trying to block low. The most threatening of these instant overheads can be canceled into further attacks as well for much more damage, such as Leona doing an instant nj.D and canceling into qcf hcb+P. Note that some characters with taller crouching hitboxes (such as Maxima) may be vulnerable to more instant overheads than others (such as Iori). Also, keep in mind that instant overheads are usually punishable if not canceled into a special move, even on hit, so they are best used for finishing off an opponent rather than as a regular mixup.

Running Charge

By holding down-forward after starting a run, a character is able to continue running while also storing a down charge for special moves. This is useful when you want to have the option of canceling a run immediately into a move with a d~u input motion. It can also be used to cancel a run into an immediate crouching attack, i.e. f,f~d/f~cr.B.

Super Meter and Drive Gauge

Super Meter Stocks

At the bottom of the screen is a number next to a meter that can gradually fill up over the course of a round. This is the super meter, and the number represents how many stocks of super meter the character currently has stored. As the number of stocks increases, certain additional actions become available to the character:

1 stock: Can perform EX special moves, desperation moves, GCAB, and GCCD

2 stocks: Can perform EX desperation moves and a Neomax while in HD mode

3 stocks: Can Max Cancel a desperation move and perform a Neomax outside of HD mode (with a full drive gauge)

4 stocks: Can Max Cancel an EX desperation move

The maximum number of stocks available to a character depends on the character’s position in the team order. The first character may store up to 3 stocks, the second may store up to 4, and the final character may store up to 5 stocks of super meter. Super meter accumulated by a character who was knocked out will carry over to the next character. Super meter can be gained by:

Hitting with any attacks aside from normal throws and air throws

Having any attacks blocked

Performing special move, regardless of whether they were hit, blocked, or whiffed (with some exceptions)

Note that super meter cannot be gained while in HD mode or during certain special states (e.g. Ash cannot gain any super meter while his Sans Culotte is active)

Drive Gauge and Hyperdrive (HD) Mode

Located immediately above the super meter is another meter known as the drive gauge. Having at least half of the drive gauge filled allows the character to perform a Drive Cancel (canceling one special move into another, abbreviated [DC]) or a Super Cancel (canceling a special move into a desperation move, abbreviated [SC]), both at the cost of 50% of the drive gauge. Which special moves are eligible for Drive Cancels and/or Super Cancels varies for each character. Note that Drive Cancels cannot be performed unless the first special move hit, whereas Super Cancels can be performed on hit. Also, it is not possible to Super Cancel into a Neomax.

Having the drive gauge completely filled allows the character to perform a Neomax outside of HD mode (at the cost of 100% of the drive gauge and 3 stocks of super meter) or to enter into HD mode. Activating HD mode causes the character to begin glowing and the drive gauge to begin gradually depleting. The following benefits are gained:

  • All normal moves and command normals become cancelable on all hits
  • Hyperdrive Cancels (abbreviated [HDC]) become available. These are similar to Drive Cancels, except they can also be done if the first special move was blocked. Each HDC will consume a portion of the drive gauge, usually around 10%.
  • Max Cancels become available, which is when a character cancels a desperation move into a Neomax. Which desperation moves can be Max Canceled as well as the timing varies for each character.
  • Performing a Neomax while in HD mode only costs 2 stocks of meter. Note that performing a Neomax (whether by itself, canceled from a normal move, or Max Canceled) will immediately deplete all remaining drive gauge and end HD mode.

Online Matchmaking

For online matchmaking, check out these threads at Dream Cancel: PS3 and Xbox360

Frame Data

KOFXIII Console Frame Data

Links & References


The King of Fighters XIII

FAQControlsMovementOffenseDefenseMeters and GaugesHitboxes
