-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters XI/Adelheid Bernstein

Drucken - Near opponent, press back or forward + C or D
Unique Moves
Adelheid Kunst Ein - Press down-forward + A
Adelheid Kunst Zwei - Press forward + B
Adelheid Kunst Vier - Press back + B
Special Moves
Grosse Kicken - qcf + B(SC) or D
Grosee Drucken - hcb + A or C
Grosse Wand - qcf + A or C
Grosse Prinzessin - qcf + taunt
Super Desperation Moves
Grosse Kreis - qcfx2 + B or D(DC)
Grosse Kronprinz - forward, hcf + A or C (hold A or C to delay)
Leader Desperation Moves
Grosse Sklaven - qcf,hcb + E or qcb,hcf + E
Jumping deep D, crouching Bx2, Adelheid Kunst Zwei (1 hit), Grosse Kicken (D)
Jumping deeo D, crouching Bx2, Adelheid Kunst Zwei (1 hit), Grosse Kicken (B), SC, Grosse Kreis (B)
Jumping deep D, crouching Bx2, Adelheid Kunst Zwei (1 hit), Grosse Kreis (D), DC, Grosse Sklaven
Jumping deep D, standing close C, Adelheid Kunst Vier (4 hits), Grosse Kicken (D)
Jumping deep D, standing close C, Adelheid Kunst Vier (4 hits), Grosse Drucken
Jumping deep D, standing close C, Adelheid Kunst Vier (4 hits), Grosse Kronprinz
Jumping deep D, standing close C, Adelheid Kunst Vier (4 hits), Grosse Kicken (B), SC, Grosse Kreis (B)
Jumping deep D, standing close C, Adelheid Kunst Vier (4 hits), Grosse Kreis (D), DC, Grosse Sklaven
Anti-Air Adelheid Kunst Ein, Grosse Kicken (D)
Anti-Air Adelheid Kunst Ein, Grosse Kronprinz (A)
Anti-Air Adelheid Kunst Ein, Grosse Kicken (B), SC, Grosse Kreis (B)
Anti-Air Adelheid Kunst Ein, Grosse Kicken (B), SC, Grosse Sklaven
Standing E (counter hit), Grosse Kronprinz (A)
Standing E (counter hit), Grosse Sklaven
NOTE: You can also substitute jumping deep D with jumping deep B (cross-up) or jumping C
King of Fighters 2003 Differences
- Overall movement speed has been slightly reduced.
- The gap between the 2nd & 3rd hit of the Adelheid Kunst Vier is gone. Now all hits combo.
- Grosse Kicken suffers from longer start-up and recovery. Due to this, he loses access to his slow fireball combos. Grosse Kicken (D) 2nd hit is no longer an over-head and whiffs on a cornered opponent.
- Grosse Drucken no longer has full-screen range. Also it is still unblockable, except when the opponent is in block-stun. In that case, the Grosse Drucken will stop short. Has more start-up & recovery as well.
- New Grosse Prinzennsin. A command taunt
- Grosse Kreis has a new motion. The B version doesn't allow for juggles afterwards. Due to this, he no longer has 100% damage corner combo. The D version doesn't have full-screen range on the slide (1st hit). In addition, the Grosse Kreis has a smaller hit-box. Allowing it to not hit opponents jumping behind him.
- Has the new Super Desperation Move, Grosse Kronprinz also known as Kaiser Wave to some players.
- Grosse Sklaven has 2 different commands. For the qcb, hcf motion Adel's sister Rose will walk on screen. While she's on screen you cannot perform a LDM. The qcf, hcb motion suffers from no lower body invinicibility frames.
Mix-up's, throw set-up's and poke strings
- From max range, Grosse Kicken (B) (blocked), Grosse Drucken (C)
Standing close C (blocked)
- run-up Drucken
- Crouching D (blocked), Grosse Kicken (B)
- Adelheid Kunst Vier (2 hits)(blocked), Grosse Kicken (B) (blocked)
- wait and counter with Grosse Drucken (C) or Grosse Kreis (B) or Grosse Sklaven
Jumping B or D (blocked)
- Crouching Bx2 (blocked), short jump B (blocked), crouching Bx2 (blocked) and continue any of the following poke strings
- Crocuhing Bx2 (blocked), empty short jump, Drucken or any crouching B combo or mix-up of your choice
- Crouching B (blocked), crouching D (blocked), Grosse Kicken (B)
- Crouching B (blocked), Adelheid Kunst Zwei (1 hit)(blocked), Grosse Kicken (B)
- Crouching Bx2 (blocked), run-up Drucken
- Crouching Bx2 (blocked), pause and counter with Grosse Drucken or Grosse Kreis (B) or Grosse Sklaven
NOTE: All of the following crouching B (1 hit blocked), can be substitued with crouching Bx2 (blocked) minus the jump-in.
NOTE: Grosse Kronprinz (either strength) also works after a full-screen Grosse Kicken (blocked) or a corner combo ending with Grosse Drucken.
Team Placement & Leader Recomendations
Adelheid has excellent supers and a high damaging leader at his disposal. The only problem is that his overall game revolves around his supers. The Grosse Kreis (B) is his main tool to use to get opponents off of him, since Adel has no real defensive options and can take alot of damage. With this said, Adel should be placed 2nd place on your team. Install someone like Gato, Ash or someone who can build up bar fast without exactly using any bar. Once Adel has bar, he can be quite intimidating. One mistake can lead to at least 50%+ of your opponent's life being diminished. Adelheid definetly has a top tier LDM. Priority over almost everything, invicibility frames on start-up allowing him to pass through some projectiles, anti-air and most of all losts of damage. The Grosse Sklaven also has a large amount of active frames to catch an opponent, allowing it to be used on waking up opponents in the corner. This bonus can also be used for an easy unblockable. Once you K.O. an opponent, activate the LDM to catch the next incoming opponent. This works since the Grosse Sklaven catch airborne opponents and the opponent cannot block when team-mates are swapping out. In addition, the Grosse Sklaven can be substituted for the Grosse Kreis (B). The Grosse Sklaven can also counter Save Shifts. There is almost little to no reason to not use his super (exempting Oswald & Kula). The only thing that doesn't help his LDM is his Dream Cancel. His Dream Cancel is somewhat difficult to get off, and suffers from damage scaling as well. Though the Grosse Kreis (D) hits low, you can easily do crouching Bx2 to LDM. And in the end, it's not worth the skill stock, because once Adel is locked down with no bar you're going to need that skill stock for a Save Shift.