-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters XI/Ralf Jones
(Redirected from Ralf Jones (KOF:XI))

Dynamite Headbutt - (near opponent) f/b + C or D
Special Moves
Vuclan Punch - tap A or C repeatedly
Gatling Attack - chrage b, f + A/C
Kyukohka Bakudan Punch - charge d, u + A/C or qcf + A/C in the air
Unblock - dp + A/C
Teikuu Ralf Kick - hcb + B
Ralf Kick - hcb + D
Super Argentine Backbreaker - hcf + B/D (close)
Desperation Moves
Umanori Vulcan Punch - qcb, hcf + B/D
Baribari Vulcan Punch - qcf, hcf + A/C
Leader Desperation Move
Galactica Phantom - qcfx2 + E