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The King of Fighters XIII/Terry Bogard/Combos

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The King of Fighters XIII



Note: Below are a list of example combos that you can use with Terry. Terry has a numerous amount of starters and combo enders with a varying levels of uses.


(___) = Can be omitted

[DC] = Drive Cancel/ Super Cancel

[HDC] = Hyperdrive Cancel

(MC) = Max cancel

x~y = Charge x for 2 seconds, then y

delay = Wait a moment before doing the next action


  • st.C, (df+C) => Clean 3 hit combo and easy hit confirm into any special/combo. You can omit the df+C if you're too far away when you hit with st.C
  • st.D, (df+C) => Terry's 2 hit combo. It's not as easy to hit confirm, but is the most damaging. You can actually delay the df+C for a slight bit and still combo.
  • (d.B), d.A, d.C => A new chain in KOFXIII for Terry is being able to chain d.A into d.C. Add d.B to make it a very threatening low combo.
  • d.B x1~3, st.B => Terry's second low chain combo. This is a fairly easy hit confirm for lows, but doesn't do much damage. The draw is that you can do qcf/qcb+B after d.B and it will come out as st.B. This allows you to cancel much easier into super moves for extra damage. Only EX moves and supers can combo from this.
  • (qcb+D), any starter => Hitting a crouching opponent with D crackshoot allows you enough frame advantage to chain st.D, st.C, d.A, and d.B which means you can do any combo after this. The link is 1~2F, but allows you to get more damage than you normally could.


  • qcf+A/C - Ending with A powerwave leaves them standing, ending with C power puts them in a soft knockdown. Pretty basic if you have no meter, but only useful if you're not hitconfirming.
  • qcb+A - Best non-meter ender. You get a soft knockdown and you are closer to them. You recover faster than them if they don't tech.
  • qcb+B/D or +BD - This non-meter ender puts you on even frames on hit. It's usually to do if your combo was blocked or your opponent is already in the air (anti-air df+C). You can end a combo with
  • (qcb+P, [DC]) qcb,hcf+P or qcfx2 +K - You get decent damage from super canceling, but you don't have to. Almost all of Terry's normals are free super cancel-able so you can do a super to end your combo to save yourself some drive at the cost of a little less damage.
  • qcb+A, [DC] qcb+B, (st.C, (EX) Rising Tackle, EX Crackshoot) Buster Wolf) - This is your basic bread and butter ender. Depending on your meter and your positioning, you can do any of these three things. You can do Buster Wolf and carry an opponent to the corner. Do st.C to reset someone when you have no meter, or do EX Rising Tackle for a bit more damage. You can also do EX Crackshoot for a hard knockdown and give yourself the ability to set up a safe jump/ ambiguous roll set up
  • qcb+AC, delay [DC] qcb+B, st.C - This actually does more damage then your basic bread and butter ender. This is an advanced BnB because it's very difficult. You have to do B crackshoot the OTHER WAY after Terry's EX Burn Knuckle at the right moment. If you miss, you whiff and waste a drive cancel. If you do it right, you end up behind them and juggle them with crackshoot. If you air reset them, they'll land facing forward.

-Note about above combo- A little side tidbit: If you do EX Crackshoot or Buster Wolf, and they don't tech, you will be able to set them up for a back-turned cross up every time!


0 Stock

0 Stock or Drive Gauge

cl. C, df+C, qcb+P = 195 dmg

cr. Bx2, st. B, qcb+B = 151 dmg

qcb+D, st. C = 114 dmg

  • works on crouching opponents only

0 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

cl. C, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) d~u+C = 289 dmg

cl. D, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) d~u+C = 295 dmg

cl. C, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) qcb+B, st. C = 313 dmg

cl. D, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) qcb+B, st. C = 320 dmg

cl. C, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) qcb+B, d~u+C = 337 dmg

  • must be start near the corner

qcb+D, cl. C, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) d~u+C = 311 dmg

qcb+D, cl. D, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) d~u+C = 317 dmg

qcb+D, cl. C, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) qcb+B, st. C = 335 dmg

qcb+D, cl. D, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) qcb+B, st. C = 342 dmg

  • qcb+D starters only work on crouching opponents

1 Stock

1 Stock, 0 Drive Gauge

cr. Bx1~3, st. B, qcb+AC = 238 dmg

cr. Bx1~3, st. B, qcfx2+K = 254 dmg

st. D, df+C, qcb hcf+P = 316 dmg

1 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge

st. C, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) qcb+B, d~u+AC = 384 dmg

st. C, df+C, qcb+AC, (DC) d~u+C = 338 dmg

cr. Bx1~3, st. B, qcb+AC, (DC) d~u+C = 324 dmg

  • corner only

st. C, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) qcb+D, qcfx2+K = 383 dmg

1 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge

st. C, df+C, qcb+A, (DC) d~u+C, (DC) qcb+AC, qcb+D, d~u+C

2 Stocks

2 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge

(back to corner) st. X df+C / cr. X1~3 st. B, qcb+AC, (DC) d~u+C, (DC) qcb+AC, qcb+D, d~u+C

HD Combos

0 stock

(1) st. C, f+A, (HD) st. D, f+A, qcb+A, [(HDC) d~u+C, (HDC) qcb+C]x3

(2) st. C, f+A, (HD) st. D, f+A, qcb+A, (HDC) qcb+K, [d~u+C, (HDC) qcb+C, (HDC) qcb+D]x2, d~u+C

1 Stock

(3) st. C, f+A, (HD) st. D, f+A, qcb+A, [(HDC) d~u+C, (HDC) qcb+C]x2, qcb+D, qcfx2+K

(4) st. C, f+A, (HD) st. D, f+A, qcb+A, [(HDC) d~u+C, (HDC) qcb+C]x2, qcb+D, qcb, db, f+P

(5) st. C, f+A, (HD) st. D, f+A, qcb+A, (HDC) qcb+K, [d~u+C, (HDC) qcb+C, (HDC) qcb+D]x2, qcfx2+K

(6) (j.D) cl.D, f+A, [HDA] cl.D, f+A, qcb+A, [HDC] qcb+AC, ([HDC] qcb+B, d~u+C, [HDC] qcb+C)x2, [HDC] qcb+B, d~u+C = 732 dmg

(7) cr.B, cr.A, cr.C [HDA] cl.D, f+A, qcb+A [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] qcb+C, (cross up) [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] qcb+C (cross up) [HDC] qcb+D, d~u+AC = 601~612 dmg

2 Stocks

(1) j.D, cl.D, df+C, [HDA] cl.D, df+C, qcf+A, [HDC] qcfX2+AC -delay- qcb+A = 696 dmg

(2) j.D, cl.D, df+C, [HDA] cl.D, df+C, qcf+C, [HDC] qcfX2+AC -delay- qcb+A, d~u+C = 750 dmg

  • must be done near a corner

(3) cr.B, cr.A, cr.C [HDA] cl.D, f+A, qcb+A [HDC] d~u+C [HDC] qcb+C (cross up)[HDC] d~u+C [HDC] qcb+C (cross up) d~u+C [HDC] qcfx2+AC = 709 dmg

  • works full screen

(4) (corner) cl. D, f+A, BC [HDA], cr. A, cr. C, qcf+A, [HDC] qcf(x2)+AC (3 hits), qcb+B, d~u+C. = 701 dmg

3 Stocks

(1) cl.C, df+C, qcb~hcf+CB {HD BYPASS}, [MC] qcfx2+AC, run up qcb+A, d~u+C = 805 dmg

(2) (corner) cr. B, cr. A, cr. C, BC [HDA], cr. C, qcf+A,[HDC] qcb hcf+A/C, [Max Cancel] qcf(x2)+AC (3 hits), qcb+A, qcb+B, d~u+C = 840 dmg

(3) (corner) cl. D, f+A, BC [HDA], cr. A, cr. C, qcf+A,[HDC] qcb hcf+A/C, [Max Cancel] qcf(x2)+AC (3 hits), qcb+A, qcb+B, d~u+C = 882 dmg

The King of Fighters XIII



The King of Fighters XIII

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