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SNK vs Capcom Chaos (SvC)

Started by jinxhand, February 08, 2011, 05:28:51 PM

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Running Wild

Mars People... what a rage inducing and retarded character.

Dark Geese

Mars Peep is there now B Class..

Running Wild

Only B?

I think he's retarded enough to be almost ban worthy lol.

Dark Geese

Quote from: Running Wild on July 30, 2011, 05:41:20 PM
Only B?

I think he's retarded enough to be almost ban worthy lol.

I'll revisit him again...


I don't about Mars People. He (or she) feels so awkward to play. He (or she) has good supers though.
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

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Quote from: Dark Geese on July 31, 2011, 04:20:10 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on July 30, 2011, 05:41:20 PM
Only B?

I think he's retarded enough to be almost ban worthy lol.

I'll revisit him again...

lol 666 posts by DG at the time he posted this :P

I think the whole tier list should be revisited. There are many things I disagree with on it.

Dark Geese

Quote from: marchefelix on August 01, 2011, 03:08:32 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on July 31, 2011, 04:20:10 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on July 30, 2011, 05:41:20 PM
Only B?

I think he's retarded enough to be almost ban worthy lol.

I'll revisit him again...

lol 666 posts by DG at the time he posted this :P

I think the whole tier list should be revisited. There are many things I disagree with on it.

But it's Ciudad Juarez, Mexico..it's not the USA..that's the thing here...Tiers are different in different countries... I wanna see a US Tier list posted by someone, because this is for Juarez. Tier lists may even be different in different cities people need to understand that..every country and city has its own identity..

Sanji's Birthday Bash '11 SvC Chaos Cas: Dark Geese vs. Sanji H.
Sanji's Birthday Bash '11 SvC Chaos Cas: Dark Geese vs. Sanji H. #2
Sanji's Birthday Bash '11 SvC Chaos Cas: Dark Geese vs. Sanji H. #3
Sanji's Birthday Bash '11 SvC Chaos Cas: Dark Geese vs. Sanji H. #2

Yes the ratings are disabled for a reason....I'm sure you all can figure that out..and yes my style of play with Akuma is quite different....


By the way DarkGeese, which version of SVC Chaos you are using? it seems it is PS2 and PAL, right?
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

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Quote from: Custle on August 01, 2011, 09:06:03 PM
By the way DarkGeese, which version of SVC Chaos you are using? it seems it is PS2 and PAL, right?
Looks like PS2 after you see him go into the controls. Sure aint the xbox version for sure. I dunno if the PAL version was any diff then the NTSC one.. if there is one at all..


Quote from: AcidGlow on August 02, 2011, 07:59:19 AM
Quote from: Custle on August 01, 2011, 09:06:03 PM
By the way DarkGeese, which version of SVC Chaos you are using? it seems it is PS2 and PAL, right?
Looks like PS2 after you see him go into the controls. Sure aint the xbox version for sure. I dunno if the PAL version was any diff then the NTSC one.. if there is one at all..
To my knowledge, there is no PS2 NTSC version at all. I remember that SCEA had somekind of policy, that didn't allow direct ports of 2D games.
"Look, game over. Beat it, or I'll boot you into space!"

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What about having a standard, non-region based, but system based tier list??? Chun's gotta be higher than A just on her linking ability that leads to massive damage alone... She's at least A+ if not S-... And I'm not even a Chun Li player... I was mainly a Guile/V.Ken/Genjyuro player...

I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese

Quote from: jinxhand on August 02, 2011, 09:53:45 AM
What about having a standard, non-region based, but system based tier list??? Chun's gotta be higher than A just on her linking ability that leads to massive damage alone... She's at least A+ if not S-... And I'm not even a Chun Li player... I was mainly a Guile/V.Ken/Genjyuro player...

I played with her the other day and yeah I think she's S-.

It's hard to have a non region tier list because people are only going to be limited by what they know, which again doesn't take into account what others may know from different regions, and those with different styles etc. For example, there may be something we don't know or a style of play with Bison that may make him better than bottom tier, so again it's hard for a tier list to NOT be region-based..it's only based off what WE KNOW..it's like I said about the whole PhD argument...

All a PhD is is an expert in their field in their region..all a Tier list is is a Ranking of the best to worst characters based off what the experts/PhDs in that particular REGION say...it's going to differ from region to region!! No two regions will be exactly the same for the most part! The Juarez Tier List may not be the same as the Mexico City Tier List!!!! It's damn near impossible to be a PhD with every character, that takes years and years, so bottom line is each region is going to have PhDs more or less with a certain number of characters!!!!

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico August 2011 Tier List:

SSS and Banned:
Red Arremer, Goddess Athena

SS and Banned:
ROB Iori, Shin Akuma, Serious Mr. Karate

Zero, Geese

Tabasa, Demitri, Guile, Goenitz, Chun Li, Mars Peep

Akuma, Sagat, Violent Ken, Kyo, Iori, Shiki, Mr. Karate, Earthquake,

Ryu, Ken, Terry, Hugo, Dhalsim, Kim, Ryo, Mai, Kasumi, Choi

Genjuro, Balrog, Vega,

Dan, Bison


So knowing what we know, regardless of region, can't we just "compile" this information, and simply make a strength chart based on that collected data??? I'm sure there are things that we know in this region versus some other region, but that's where threads like these come into play, where we from all regions come together to share knowledge about Violent Ken for example. It's not like one cat is writing up a tier list. Things like these involve community effort, and while it does take time and dedication (testing, actual match info, etc), it's one of those things that can truly be rewarding in the sense of knowing that 1 community of players broke each character down unraveling all the ins and outs and knowing pretty much the majority of the game (I say majority because there's still room for new discoveries within a game [i.e.- MvC2, SFEX2, 02UM, MoTW]).

This also doesn't mean that this non-region tier list can't change, which in this case, should very well change with the wealth of info shared; it might even evolve moreso than that of a region-based tier list. I take SF4AEOMGBBQ for instance. It's without a doubt that on any region or non-region tier list, its agreed that Yun is tops... Just on what he can do alone combo-wise, he's top (but beatable!!!). But I feel that the SF community goes by something that's less region based, and more based on matchups and what 'X' character can/can't do. I feel that's the best way to look at things, because quite honestly, a top tier player can make a low tier character look unbeatable, even with the worst of matchups. That doesn't mean that anyone can easily pick that said character up and crush in an instant. However, it just merely means that though this character is weak based on what he/she can/can't do, the player themselves put their skills toward winning with that character. That doesn't mean that character becomes top tier all of a sudden though. I feel like region tiers tend to put the player on the tier list and not the character themselves, but I digress...

I haven't played this game in months, and I'm planning on getting back into this, and a bunch of other games... Why is Red Arremer banned??? I know about Athena (oh mierda!!) but R.A., I don't remember him being so-- "banned tier"...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Dark Geese

Quote from: jinxhand on August 02, 2011, 07:41:02 PM
So knowing what we know, regardless of region, can't we just "compile" this information, and simply make a strength chart based on that collected data??? I'm sure there are things that we know in this region versus some other region, but that's where threads like these come into play, where we from all regions come together to share knowledge about Violent Ken for example. It's not like one cat is writing up a tier list. Things like these involve community effort, and while it does take time and dedication (testing, actual match info, etc), it's one of those things that can truly be rewarding in the sense of knowing that 1 community of players broke each character down unraveling all the ins and outs and knowing pretty much the majority of the game (I say majority because there's still room for new discoveries within a game [i.e.- MvC2, SFEX2, 02UM, MoTW]).

This also doesn't mean that this non-region tier list can't change, which in this case, should very well change with the wealth of info shared; it might even evolve moreso than that of a region-based tier list. I take SF4AEOMGBBQ for instance. It's without a doubt that on any region or non-region tier list, its agreed that Yun is tops... Just on what he can do alone combo-wise, he's top (but beatable!!!). But I feel that the SF community goes by something that's less region based, and more based on matchups and what 'X' character can/can't do. I feel that's the best way to look at things, because quite honestly, a top tier player can make a low tier character look unbeatable, even with the worst of matchups. That doesn't mean that anyone can easily pick that said character up and crush in an instant. However, it just merely means that though this character is weak based on what he/she can/can't do, the player themselves put their skills toward winning with that character. That doesn't mean that character becomes top tier all of a sudden though. I feel like region tiers tend to put the player on the tier list and not the character themselves, but I digress...

I haven't played this game in months, and I'm planning on getting back into this, and a bunch of other games... Why is Red Arremer banned??? I know about Athena (oh mierda!!) but R.A., I don't remember him being so-- "banned tier"...

If a Universal Tier list is one in which for roughly 95% of places the same characters would be in the same Tier List, then

The Universal Tier List would look like this then:


Shin Akuma, Red Arremer, Goddess Athena

ROB Iori, Serious Mr. Karate

S: Zero, Geese

The rest  would be for debate.... and become Regionalized..

R.A. is stronger than Goddess Athena..G.A. has a lot of openings for punish...

As far as traditional SvC Chaos tournaments, it was a free for all...meaning everyone was legal..but that also led to the games premature doom early...

So with the SvC Revival, trying to add some structure back to things to encourage more diversity...


Quote from: Dark Geese on August 02, 2011, 08:28:40 PM
The rest  would be for debate.... and become Regionalized..

As far as characters lower than S tier being reigionalized, I feel that though there might be stronger characters per region, there's just some things everyone eventually has to agree on. Like there's no way anyone is gonna tell me that system-wise, Ken is better than V.Ken... There's just no way on earth anyone can convince me that. Teleport option alone allows for better oki, you can bait a bunch of moves and punish quickly. Not only that, he can combo with both supers, and has the option to just simply shoryuken off of his ranbu super. You can combo his exceed as well. He might take more damage than Ken (I'm not too certain of this), but he makes up for it alot if that's the case!!! However, if these's something that the community overall finds that does make Ken indeed stronger than V.Ken, I'll do testing as well, and come to an agreement based on facts and actual data, so to a community of theory fighters, meh. But again, if the community is dedicated and actually willing to break characters down, then so be it...

Maybe doing a point system might work best for tier placing imo... Something based on max hp, how long it takes to dizzy, offense (combos, mixups, dmg output), defense (anti-airs, reversals, etc) and perhaps a few other areas. Add up the total and rank accordingly. I know this has worked for several scenes, but it took time and community effort...

Quote from: Dark Geese on August 02, 2011, 08:28:40 PM
As far as traditional SvC Chaos tournaments, it was a free for all...meaning everyone was legal..but that also led to the games premature doom early...

So with the SvC Revival, trying to add some structure back to things to encourage more diversity...

I feel like the system itself really killed the scene overall... I mean who would wanna get hit with Terry's Maximum combo which was an infinite I believe... Had this system been polished up, and had more options, I think it would've been way better. For instance, had Maximum Mode should've been more like KoF Max Mode, where you had to use a meter to activate it, instead of building meter past lvl 2, and not ever having a legitmate lvl 3 bar--which could've lead to level 3 supers. Dashing required a meter. This should never have been... I mean its the same for NGBC, and though I love that game, this type of dashing costing a meter is outlandish imo. It kept characters from truly being strong I felt, as some would've been great with better defensive options rather than wasting a meter to avoid getting caught with something. I guess maybe that was to help the shotos with their barrage of hadokens that were bound to get thrown out. It wouldn't have made the game less offensive, which is what I feel they were going for. It would've been more options.

Graphically speaking, it was pretty good for its time. It was more darker and grittier than CvS2, which was bright, vivid, and more "feastival-like". I did like SvC's lighting on many of their stages, as the lighting affected the characters as well...

I'm surprised there was no linking for the SF characters at all... The only thing that was "Capcom" was the fact that they threw out projectiles. Many of those Capcom characters got SNK buffs...

I'm on FightCade!!!