-Happy New Year 2025!
Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves/Mai Shiranui
(*) = Brake
Command Moves
Sankaku-Tobi - (Near Wall) (Midair Only)
Command Combo - (close) >
/ (S.P.G. active)
REV Blows
Homura Niren - (S.P.G. active)
Yumihari no Mai - (S.P.G. active, in air)
Special Moves
Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi - +
(*) /
Musasabi no Mai (Move) - ~
Air Musasabi no Mai - (In Air) +
Ignition / Redline Gears
Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi - +
Hidden Gear
Ouran no Mai: Akasuzumi - + [REV Button]
Gameplay Overview
Placeholder | |
Pros | Cons |
If there's several enders, priority will be hard knockdown then damage unless explicitly said otherwise. Some example alt enders (usually for corner carry or frame advantage) 236B vs 214C from lights. 236B or 214C vs 236D > brake > 623B. 236236B/D vs 236236A/C (Only sometimes, 236236P will work on more situations and 236236K will have to sacrifice damage. In the corner 236236P is always superior)
No resources
Combo | Damage | Notes |
2B > 2A/f.A> 214C | 157/152 | 2A is less damage and smaller than f.A but is -1 on block instead of -2 and cancellable into f.A/B. |
2B > c.B > 623D > brake 236D > brake > 623B | 196 | c.B is +3 making it your best light for pressure up close. |
2B > c.A > autocombo | 197 | 2B c.A doesn't often work but it's still worth mentioning for a jumpin or a c.A punish. Sometimes c.C autocombo will whiff 2nd hit netting you 170 damage. While 2D ender is the best damage 6D will reset you at +2. |
c.D > 5/6 feint > c.C > 623D > brake > 236D > brake > 623B | 254 | c.D is decent as a meaty due to being a very fast multihit, but it's fairly slow so go into c.C straight away for tight punishes or a jumpin. Better than route below with REV, otherwise not as great. |
c.D > 214D > 2A > 214C | 289 | Common string if you can't confirm c.D. Frametraps, leaves you +3 on block and combos on hit. Weaker to REV guard and very reactable making ib punishes easier. |
f.C/2C > 214C | 174 | Up close you can go into the above route which is not uncommon either, but sometimes you have to make do with what you get, or spend REV. |
f.C > 5/6 feint > 2A > 214C | 192 | Decent when resetting pressure with f.C instead of frametrapping |
623D > brake > 236D > brake > 623B | 149 | Despite being the same combo as most others I wanted to add it regardless to remind people they can brake their AA |
CH 3D > c.C/2P > combo | Important CH confirm to be aware of |
Super confirms
Combo | Damage | Notes |
2B > 2A/f.A > 236236B/D | 269/274 323/328 | You can buffer A/B buttons as you chain them to have a very lenient cancel window into super |
2B > c.B > 623D > brake 236D > brake > 236236A | 332/380 | |
c.D > 5/6 feint > c.C > 623D > brake > 236D > brake > 236236A | 390/438 | |
c.D > 214D > 2A > f.B > 236236B/D | 422/470 | c.D forces standing so f.B becomes 100% consistent after 2A |
f.C/2C > 236236B | 296/353 | Confirmable but hard. Worth adding 220/280 dmg to your button as well as HKD/Corner carry |
f.C > 5/6 feint > 2A > 214C | 331/382 | Better damage than above and way easier to confirm |
REV Extensions
For an EX chain ender just remember that:
1st EX: 25% (17% for REV Blow) 2st EX: +15% (7% for REV Blow) 3rd+ EX: +10% (2% for REV Blow)
Meaning REV Blow is usually always worth it.
Since REV combos are so varied and it'll be a pain to do 200000 combos to get the dmg from every starter I'll just add the extensions themselves.
c.C > 3D > REV blow: not great but very low cost at only 17% total and easy to confirm into 3D as well. Never go into 3D unless it hits but if you do at least you can sort of mix people up with REV Blow/no cancel (very bad mix)
Any 623B or slower ender -> 623KK: fast, hard knockdown and sets up left right midscreen, the damage is the same as 214C so it's not that great on slower enders, but it's there. 25% spent.
214PP > 214KK > delay 236D > 623D brake: Delay is optional for more damage as it'll make 236D hit twice. Net 29%.
623D brake 214PP > 214KK > 236D > brake > 214C: worse version of the above. Builds REV earlier which might help not overheating and works from antiair 623D and lights, but otherwise do the above one. Net 32%.
214PP > 214KK > 236B > 623D > brake > 236D > brake > 623B/623KK: Strong damage and refund at 22% net loss from 0 (55% with EX ender). If 214PP hit an airborne opponent, 236B will require a delay.
214PP > 214KK > delay (623D > brake >) 214C > 623B: Alt version of the above. Higher damage but strict delay and doesn't allow for EX ender. Net 27% (24%) loss.
Grounded 214KK > 236KK > j214PP > 623D > brake > 214C > 623B: Like the above but autotimed. 35% net loss.
Grounded 214KK > 236KK > j214PP > 623D > brake > 214PP > 214KK > delay 214C > 623B: Combines everything we've learnt into one combo. Usually better to end in super to kill but we can't always have one. 75% Net loss
214PP > 236KK > 421[KK] (will come out as 623KK) (> CD): Very dumb sideswap combo for not all that much damage and 50% (52%) heat build. There's other options but they lack the strong HKD or waste too much. Brake 623KK into 214C for a spaced corner KD if you started from cornered to get a 236A that will catch no wakeup/backroll and leave you + and point blank on forward roll (43%)