-Happy New Year 2025!

Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves/Vox Reaper

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(*) = Brake

REV Blows

Rasai Jin - (S.P.G. active)

Shouen Raku - (S.P.G. active, in air)

Special Moves

Kokuen-Ryuu - + /

Kyou Chou Jin - + / (*)

Messhou Hisetsu - (In air or during Kyou Chou Jin) + /

Gou Dangai - + (*) / (*)

Gou Retsu Shou - + /

Ignition / Redline Gears

Shougeki Raku - + /

Majin Engetsu Rin - + / (*)

Hidden Gear

Seigai Shuu - + [REV Button]

Gameplay Overview

Pros Cons
  • Placeholder: Placeholder
  • Placeholder: Placeholder

Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

      FAQControlsSystemMovementOffenseDefensePatch Notes
