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The King of Fighters '94/Athena Asamiya/Combos

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The King of Fighters '94


  • cr.B x1-4, ABC cancel, cr.D

Athena's best combo. Literally. She at least gets a knockdown from it and can confirm into it off of lights, but that's all she gets.

  • cr.B x1-2, ABC cancel, 5CD

Another Athena combo but for 5CD instead.

  • (j.X,) cl.C, 4632147BC or cr.B, ABC cancel, cl.C, 4632147BC

Super confirm combo. Not as hard as it may seem despite the super input, but not something you can hitconfirm without a jump-in. With a jump-in, it requires Athena backhit the cl.C. Also technically possible to cancel the first hit of cl.D into super, but realistically too high of an execution requirement for real matches.


The King of Fighters '94

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