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Messages - hiltzy85

Andy Bogard / Re: Andy Bogard (Console)
April 12, 2012, 07:06:26 PM
is there any data on how much frame advantage hitting j.C/j.D is worth?  It can't be very much...
Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui (Console)
March 09, 2012, 07:45:13 PM
Yeah, pretty much if you're going to use Mai, don't both using HD unless you're going to take the time to learn the timing on her 41236+HK (HDC) 214+HP loop-style combos in the corner.  They really aren't difficult once you get the hang of it.  Try out her trials 9 and 10, I believe they are good examples that loop.

By the way, is there any sort of consensus on her "ideal" 2 meter HD combo?  The best I can get is 822 in the corner, which is j.C, cr.C [HD] s.D, hcf+D (2 hits) [HDC] qcb+C (air), hcf+D (2 hits) [HDC] qcb+C, hcf+B [HDC] qcb+A, hcf+D (2 hits) [HDC] qcb+C, hcf+D (3 hits) [HDC] qcf hcb+AC.  I think this one is pretty common, and I can't figure out any way to make it better...
I wonder what they're going to do with all the pirated/hacker games that already have all the DLC characters unlocked.  Apparently people have been running into them online, including megaman on xbox live.  Is this something that they can easily fix with a day 1 patch that shuts down all that stuff, or are we just going to have to live with a bunch of people having these characters for months before everybody else?
where are the other made up characters from street fighter the movie: the game?  Like Khyber
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on March 05, 2012, 05:34:16 PM
The game won't bomb because all this info came out too late.

Also, what if the majority of the so-called DLC characters are available day 1, or a short time after release, for free?  I wouldn't be surprised if they're locked just so that people who got the game early feel angry and ripped off (which of course, they do).  People who don't even have the game yet feel ripped off...how have you been ripped off?  You haven't bought the game!  It never ceases to amaze me that everybody seems to ignore the fact that the game STILL HASN'T BEEN RELEASED.  Nobody is supposed to be playing it right now
I guess the reason Steve has so few target combos and a projectile was to try and differentiate him from Dudley after all...It's unfortunate that Steve pretty much seems to be a Shoto with worse specials and normals and pretty much the same links as Ryu in SFIV
General Discussion / Re: Dear SNK...
March 02, 2012, 06:29:36 PM
How are there no tournaments for KOFXIII?  It's still one of the big games at EVO...I would hardly say that makes it a dead game that nobody wants to learn
I saw some of the matches between sabin/combofiend and ricky and ryan hart.  Some of those were pretty good matches
I haven't been watching any of the steam, but has there actually been any good gameplay at any point?  The stuff I saw early on was pretty tame.  Have the players actually learned anything about the game yet?  Or is the show still just them doing trials for 5 hours a day
honestly, how is Aris even allowed in public?
Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui (Console)
February 28, 2012, 05:57:21 AM
Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on February 28, 2012, 03:57:36 AM

HD, s.D, hcf+D *2 hits*, DC, air qcb+C, hcf+D *2 hits*, DC, qcb+C, hcf+B *1 hit*, DC, qcb+A, hcf+D *2 hits*, DC, qcb+C, hcf+D *2 hits*, DC, Neomax...

I'm pretty sure that this combo is pretty close to the max damage you can get with her for 2 stocks...I think if you start it with j.C, cr.C [HD], it does a bit over 800
Pro-Gear / Re: Fightpads?
February 27, 2012, 07:09:54 PM
I agree that it's a pretty good pad (PS2), but I just don't like the feel of the dpad on it.  I get blisters from it a lot faster than I do with other pads.  To be fair, it might just be because my callus developed in a different spot on my thumb from using a madcatz fightpad for so long
General Discussion / Re: Dear SNK...
February 27, 2012, 06:59:47 PM
I agree.  It's a lot easier to learn character match ups when you are able to do 1v1 matches between the characters.  This is definitely something I wish I knew more about, and having 1v1, best of 5 matches online would help that a lot.  This would more or less be online practice mode, for all intents and purposes, if you could set gauges to max at the start of the match like you can in offline versus mode.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIII Framedata
February 27, 2012, 06:56:15 PM
I think there are a couple errors in the Iori frame data table...The original japanese website had dp+C listed at 14 frames start up (which I believe is correct, it is much slower than dp+A), and the table has it listed at 4.  Also, there are no frames on block listed for shougetsu+A in the table, whereas the japanese site has the second hit at -8
doing trials (5 with each character) DOES give you an icon in customize, it just isn't the chibi icons.  It seems as though the DLC characters don't get one of these icons (although they obviously do have chibi icons).  the DLC character's trials DO count towards the 200 trials achievement, though