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Samurai Shodown VI/Mechanics

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Input Priority

  • Rage Explosion > State Of Nothingness > Secret Moves > Weapon Flipping Techniques > Special Moves > Throw Item > Break Defense > Command Moves > A > B > C > D > E > Start
  • Rera's specials have higher priority than her WFT while riding Shikuru.

Combination Inputs

  • Inputs requiring multiple buttons have varying strictness on input timing:
    • WFTs and Secret Moves can have each button input up to 2f apart, or 3f if the input is buffered.
    • Throws, all Spirit-specific A+B actions, or up to 3f apart if buffered.
    • Rage Explosion and Issen must have all buttons input on the same frame, or up to 3f from first to last input if buffered.
    • State of Nothingness cannot be buffered and must always have both buttons input on the same frame.


Jump Cancel

  • Also known as "combo jump". Upon landing from a jump, you are able to immediately cancel the landing into another jump. This applies even if an air normal was used, while most air specials have set landing recovery which cannot be cancelled. The jump cannot be buffered.



  • Rage is the meter system of Samurai Shodown. When the meter is full your character will gain a damage boost and, unless you are using I Spirit or a custom VIII Spirit which disables it, be able to perform WFTs until either your Rage runs out or you land your WFT. The Rage timer will decrease at a constant rate unless you are in hitstun or are knocked down, where it will momentarily pause until you are able to move again. The exceptions are VI and 0, which do not have a timer but will fully drain upon performing a WFT whether it hits or not. Rage is built by taking damage in most Spirits, but in VI it is built by damaging your opponent. The console-only 0 Spirit allows you to build Rage either way. Your choice of Spirit will modify various gauge and damage values.
  • The 'Rage retention' in each character section is determined by the amount of damage it will take for a character to Rage, with a higher value denoting greater Rage build. The 'Rage duration' notes how much raw time a character will stay in Rage.

Unarmed State

  • You are unarmed when you are not holding your weapon. During this state you have access to your unarmed normals, kicks, movement options, Weapon Catch and certain special moves and WFTs, whether they are exclusive to the unarmed state (e.g. Wan-Fu's Spirit Blast Crush) or can simply be performed both armed and unarmed (e.g. Tam Tam's Gaboora Gaboora).

Weapon Clash

  • If two slash attacks connect simultaneously and they are of the same strength, a Weapon Clash may initiate. This can only occur once a round. Whoever mashes the slash buttons the most will leave their opponent disarmed. There is no visible counter for button presses this time around.

Weapon Gauge

  • Below your health bar is a separate gauge which manages damage scaling. It will drain as you attack and refill as you refrain from doing so. A full gauge gives a damage bonus, orange is standard damage, while green results in a scaling damage penalty. This is how heavy slashes can deal respectable damage on their own while decent combos still experience damage scaling.


  • Opponents below 40% health take less damage, to a minimum of 80% normal damage below 10% HP.


  • If you hit the opponent who is facing the wrong way your attack will gain extra frame advantage depending on its strength.

Counter Hit

  • If you hit the opponent during certain parts of their attacks you will score a counter hit. This does not increase your attack's damage but rather its hitstun, opening up combos which otherwise aren't possible with its regular frame advantage.


  • If your jumping attack connects on a crouching opponent or if it is a counter hit, the opponent will be put into a special animation where they are held in hitstun for longer but also reel back over a greater distance. This is usually how jC, 5C combos are made possible. You can no longer score deephits by simply hitting your jump-ins deep enough.


  • Some moves do not leave the opponent standing on hit and will lead to a knockdown state. There are two primary types of knockdown:
    • Soft knockdowns allow the opponent to initiate a tech roll with E as they land, triggering either a short roll (5E) vulnerable to strikes near the end of its animation or long roll (4E) that travels further and is fully strike invulnerable, but takes longer to recover and is throw punishable. Most such hits cause soft knockdown.
    • Hard knockdowns do not allow the opponent to tech roll. This offers more consistent setups on wakeup, or sometimes the possibility of a guaranteed pursuit. WFTs inflict hard knockdown, as do some specials and Secret Moves.
  • Moves that trip leave the opponent facedown, while those that launch have them land face up. This does not determine knockdown type, but does slightly alter time from landing to wakeup on no tech or hard knockdown.

Offense and Defense

Neutral Frame

  • Invulnerable recovery states have one vulnerable frame immediately before the defender becomes actionable. The defender must (if possible) block any opposing attacks on this frame.

Tech Chasing

  • Tech rolls are punishable during recovery. Short rolls are fully immune to throws, but are vulnerable to strikes at the end of their animation. Long rolls, work the opposite way while traveling further and taking longer to recover. Some characters can punish all techs after certain knockdowns (often throws), especially in the corner. Others have tools which cover either option, such as Jubei's 236C, which catches short rolls and meaties the recovery of a long roll for free chip damage. Some characters are limited in their ability to tech chase due to their lacking mobility or ill-suited attacks, such as Gaira, whose combos and specials generally give him hard knockdowns to compensate.

Proximity Guard

  • Attacks within a certain range (about the distance where the camera begins to pan out or less) trigger a pre-block animation for the duration of the attack if the other character holds back or downback. This prevents the defender from walking further back, which can either keep them in range of an attack or potentially keep them closer for a whiff punish if spaced outside the attack's range.
  • Proximity guard in Samurai Shodown VI has some additional properties not found elsewhere in the franchise:
    • Proximity guard animations have minimum 10f duration if not interrupted by another action. The defender will still block during this period even if now holding down (from downback) or no direction (from back).
    • Switching from downback to back and then releasing back causes the defender to enter a 10f exit animation from standing pre-block, during which they can block again but cannot re-initiate the above extended proximity guard behavior.
    • Crouching pre-block does not have an exit animation. Transitioning from stand to crouch pre-block allows extended proximity guard for the full 10f after switching to crouch, provided the standing pre-block animation did not last at least 10f and thus exhaust extended proximity guard. Switching from crouch, to stand, then back to crouching pre-block will result in pre-block ending immediately upon transitioning to any non-blocking input.
    • Extended proximity guard can be reset by transitioning to a non-blocking action (walking, pressing down-forward, stand to crouch, or crouch to stand, along with any jump or button) from pre-block or standing pre-block's exit animation, then pressing back or downback again.

Blocking Frame Advantage

  • Blocking an attack while crouching not only causes more pushback, but for most characters causes them to be stuck in blockstun for five frames longer. The exceptions are Nakoruru, Rera while riding Shikuru, and Sankuro, who are stuck for only two frames longer instead.

Heavy Slash Frame Advantage

  • There are two different animations a character may use when hit by a heavy slash: a forward bend and a backwards bend. Normally, this makes very little difference over the course of a match. However, when put into the backwards bending animation, there are 21 characters who will take a frame longer to recover. These are Haohmaru, Hanzo, Galford, Kyoshiro, Ukyo, Jubei, Charlotte, Genjuro, Shizumaru, Basara, Gaira, Kazuki, Sogetsu, Rasetsumaru, Enja, Suija, Sankuro, Yumeji, Amakusa and Mizuki. These discrepancies are noted in each characters' frame data tables.
    • An easy way to remember all this: every character who is normally selectable in Samurai Shodown IV and their headswaps is subject to this rule, and every new addition since is exempt. The exceptions either way include the Ainu characters and Tam Tam, who don't have this quirk, and Mizuki who does.
Samurai Shodown VI



AmakusaAndrewBasaraCham ChamCharlotteEarthquakeEnjaGairaGalfordGaohGen-AnGenjuroHanzoHaohmaruIrohaJubeiKazukiKusaregedoKyoshiroMinaMizuki(Murasaki) NakoruruNicotineOcha-MaroRasetsumaruReraRimururuSankuroShizumaruSiegerSogetsuSugorokuSuijaTam TamUkyoWan-FuYoshitoraYumejiYunfeiZankuroMakai Gaoh

Console Only

ChampleKim Ung CheKurokoPak PakPoppyRasetsu GalfordShikuru Mamahaha