-Happy New Year 2025!

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy/Mai Shiranui

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Gameplay Overview

Notable normal: cl.H, Dash Attack - Mai’s close Heavy makes her kick her leg straight up. If she’s in range to use this, it’s great for stuffing jumping and air dashing attempts, especially given how fast the attack is. It’s her jump cancellable Heavy, too, so you can follow up easily if you nail it.

Mai’s Dash Attack MIGHT be the fastest one in the game. It’s certainly fast enough, with good range, too. It’s going to help her pump out quite a bit of damage. Keep it in mind, but don’t get predictable with it.


File:SNKH Mai cL.png
File:SNKH Mai cLL.png
File:SNKH Mai cLLL.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
5L 30 - - - - - - - 0


5LL - - - - - - - - -


5LLL - - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Mai cH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
70 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Mai fL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
30 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Mai fH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
70 - - - - - - - 0


File:SNKH Mai jL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
30 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Mai jH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
50 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Mai 66H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
80 - - - - - - - -

Wall-bounce on hit.

Universal Mechanics

Forward Throw
Forward Throw
File:SNKH Mai FT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable - - -


Back Throw
Back Throw
File:SNKH Mai BT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable - - -


Air Throw
Air Throw
File:SNKH Mai AT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable SKD - -


File:SNKH Mai SP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
- - - - - - - - -

Requires SP Item.

Special Moves

File:SNKH Mai 5S.png
File:SNKH Mai 5SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 60 - - - - - - -
  • Mai tosses her fan. That’s about the extent of the explanation, really.
  • Small, moves at a decent speed, hits once. A decent way to help her control a little space.
EX 40 each? - - - - - - - 0
  • Mai tosses her fan.
  • This one moves a bit slower, and if it makes contact with the opponent at all, be it a hit or if it’s blocked, the fan goes up into the air and comes down.
  • It can help Mai keep her opponent from moving too wildly, and is very good for corner nonsense.
File:SNKH Mai 4S.png
File:SNKH Mai 4SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 65 - - - SKD - - - 1
  • Mai spins, smacking the opponent with a flame attack that pops them into the air.
  • Good for juggle situations, and you can easily follow up with a few things, depending on your position.
EX 103 - - - SKD - - - -
  • This version of the move hits three times if you’re close enough, and still pops the opponent up.
  • The options afterward still apply here, too, so it’s a good move.
Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi
File:SNKH Mai 6S.png
File:SNKH Mai 6SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 86 - - - SKD - SKD - 1
  • This move is usually what you want to use to end combos, as you’re not really going to be able to follow up on it, and if it’s blocked, you’re going to be very unsafe.
EX 114 - - - HKD - HKD - -
  • This version of the move is much better, by and large.
  • It’s five hits, and since the fifth happens late in the descent during the elbow, it’s much more safe, and if it hits, you can follow up with other stuff.
Musasabi no Mai
File:SNKH Mai jS.png
File:SNKH Mai jSEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 70 - - - - - SKD - 1
  • Mai dives down at her opponent, fan in mouth.
  • This can be one of Mai’s best moves.
  • If used low to the ground, it recovers very quickly, and this move is one of the few that can be hit multiple times in a combo, giving you a lot of room to extend on them.
  • Be careful using it higher up, because you’ll be left open.
EX 124 - - - SKD - SKD - 0
  • This version can hit 3 times, and has the same properties as the normal version, with the added bonus of faster startup.

Dream Finish

Chou Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi
File:SNKH Love 5D1.png
File:SNKH Love 5D2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
350 - - - HKD - - - 4
  • This move is a souped up version of her normal Shinobi-Bachi.
  • 6 hits on the ground, 7 hits in the air.
  • As with any other super, despite its solid startup invul, be careful tossing this out at random, or else you’ll be punished.
Kagerou no Mai
File:SNKH Love 2D1.png
File:SNKH Love 2D2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
350 - - - HKD - - - 4
  • Mai focuses, and a flame sprouts up high, launching the opponent into the air.
  • This move has very little horizontal range, but due to its nature, serves well as an anti-air attack.
  • It also has some startup invul to it.


IAD = Instant Air Dash cl. = Close (i.e, doing a Light or Heavy normal right next to the opponent)

far. = Far (i.e, doing a Light or Heavy farther away from the opponent)

xx = Means you cancel into the next move immediately (i.e, 2S xx 5D)

~ = Means you press the next command immediately after (i.e, cl.H~2D)

jc. = Jump Cancel

dj. = Double Jump

walk() = This means you walk in the direction in the ()'s create the distance needed for the next move. So walk(4) means walk back, walk(6) means to walk forward.

dash = This means to dash to close distance.

Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~j.S, 66H, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 5D (502 damage)

2: j.H, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 5D (528 damage)

3: j.H, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, j.S, 66H, 4S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (566 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~j.S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 6S xx j.D (538 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~j.S, 66H, cl.H, jc.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, 4S, 66H, j.S, 66H, 5D (560 damage)

3: j.H, cl.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, 4S, 66H, j.S, 66H, 5S xx 2D (601 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~j.S, 66H, 4S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H, 66H, 5D (521 damage)

2: j.H, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 2D (528 damage)

3: j.H, cl,H, jc.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 2D (555 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~j.S, 66H, 4S, 66H, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, 66H, 5D (561 damage)

2: j.H, 4S, 66H, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, jc.S, 66H, 2D (604 damage)

3: j.H, 4S, 66H, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, IAD.H~j.S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, 66H, 6S, j.D (613 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,L~j.S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 4S, 66H, 2D (469 damage)

2; L,cl.H~4S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx j.D (480 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,L~j.S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, 5S, cl.H, jc.L~j.S, 66H, 6S, j.D (532 damage)

2: L,L,L~j.S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L~j.S, 66H, cl.H, 66H, 4S, 66H, j.S, 66H, 6S xx j.D (566 damage)


SNK Heroines - Mai combos by Mikadok


External Links

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy

ControlsCustomizationItemsPatch NotesSystem


Athena AsamiyaJeanneKula DiamondLeona HeidernLove HeartLuongMai ShiranuiMianMissXMui MuiNakoruruShermieSkullo ManiaSylvie Paula PaulaTerry BogardThief ArthurYuri SakazakiZarina