-Happy New Year 2025!

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy/Mui Mui

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Gameplay Overview

Notable normals: Far H, cl.H, Dash Attack - Mui Mui’s Far H is a very good tool. Quick to happen, high reaching, and it picks her up off the ground, getting her over certain attacks and items while she does so. Close H comes out fast and actually goes straight up with decent vertical that fits the visual. Keeping these in mind can do a good job of putting an opponent on notice so they don’t make any sudden rash moves. Mui Mui’s Dash Attack, while not far reaching (you can whiff it from the starting position) does come out pretty quick, giving her a lot of room to continue juggles.

Normal Moves

File:SNKH MuiMui cL.png
File:SNKH MuiMui cLL.png
File:SNKH MuiMui cLLL.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
5L 30 - - - - - - - 0


5LL - - - - - - - - -


5LLL - - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH MuiMui cH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
70 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH MuiMui fL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
30 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH MuiMui fH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
70 - - - - - - - 0


File:SNKH MuiMui jL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
30 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH MuiMui jH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
50 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH MuiMui 66H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
80 - - - - - - - -

Wall-bounce on hit.

Universal Mechanics

Forward Throw
Forward Throw
File:SNKH MuiMui FT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable - - -


Back Throw
Back Throw
File:SNKH MuiMui BT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable - - -


Air Throw
Air Throw
File:SNKH MuiMui AT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable SKD - -


File:SNKH MuiMui SP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
- - - - - - - - -

Requires SP Item.

Special Moves

File:SNKH MuiMui 5S.png
File:SNKH MuiMui 4S.png
File:SNKH MuiMui 5S 5S.png
File:SNKH MuiMui 5SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
5S - - - - - - - - ½
  • This is the starter to Mui Mui’s rekka.
  • This has two different follow ups, depending on what you want to do.
4S - - - - - - - - ¼
  • Done either during the first hit of the rekka or the second, this will make Mui Mui spin backward.
  • It can make her relatively safe in most scenarios, but be careful of items, or people that have blocked you potentially Guard Cancel rolling to call you out.
5S, 5S 91 - - - - - - - ½ x2
  • These are your natural rekka followups.
  • If all three hits connect on a grounded opponent, they’ll be wallsplatted and crumpled.
  • If they’re airborne, they’ll be wallbounced.
  • This can hit an opponent twice naturally.
  • If they’re grounded the first time, such as after an L,L,L chain, they’ll be wallsplatted and crumpled, then you can do the entire rekka again and it will wallbounce.
  • If you hit it once on a juggled opponent, they’ll be wallbounced, but the second time around, only the first hit will connect.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
EX 101 - - - - - - - ??
  • This makes Mui Mui do all of the hits of her rekka series automatically.
  • It comes out a bit faster, and hits a bit harder, but otherwise, it’s just like her normal one, without the ability to opt out of the rekka.
Hien-Ryu Ken
File:SNKH MuiMui 2S.png
File:SNKH MuiMui 2SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 60 - - - SKD - - - 1
  • Mui Mui rolls forward, then comes up with a rising strike.
  • Because the roll actually does low profile stuff, it can take her under some attacks and projectiles, making it an okay tool if you wanna call out a few things, but the recovery’s bad, so you don’t want to throw it out at random.
EX 90 - - - SKD - - - ??
  • This one’s the same as her standard one, except that it gets 4 hits instead of one, becoming active as Mui Mui rolls in.
File:SNKH MuiMui 6S.png
File:SNKH MuiMui 6SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 90 - - - SKD - - - 1
  • A diagonally upward rising double kick.
  • The main thing this is likely to be good for is trying to keep people in check if they’re going to air dash in, and considering the bad recovery, you’ve honestly got a better tool for that in your Far H.
  • Probably not going to see a ton of use, outside of the fact that it has a bit of startup invul.
EX 110 - - - HKD - HKD - -
  • This one’s not far off from its original.
  • It starts up a bit faster, does three hits as opposed to two, takes you further horizontally, and knocks the enemy back at a lower trajectory.
  • The recovery is still the same, though, so you’re not going to be likely to follow up on it outside of very specific circumstances without an item behind it.
  • The startup invul on this version is better, though, so you can at least use it to counteract some stuff.
File:SNKH MuiMui 4S.png
File:SNKH MuiMui 4SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 60 - - - - - SKD - 1
  • One of the few command grabs in the game.
  • This sends the opponent back against the wall where they crumple.
  • If you’re close enough, you get to follow up with a combo.
EX 80 - - - SKD - SKD - 0
  • This one’s very much the same as the original version, but it does more damage.

Dream Finish

Higi - Chouryuha
File:SNKH MuiMui 5D1.png
File:SNKH MuiMui 5D2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
300 (7 hits) - - - HKD - - - 4
  • Mui Mui charges, then shoots a beam forward.
  • This beam will eat through quite a lot of other projectiles, but as you’d expect, is pretty easy to avoid with a jump and an air dash.
  • Best to do this when you know you can hit it.
File:SNKH MuiMui 2D1.png
File:SNKH MuiMui 2D2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
350 (12 hits) - - - HKD - - - 4
  • A diving, then rising multihit move.
  • This is another of those supers you shouldn’t use unless you just know you can hit it, as the recovery is terrible.
  • It does have some nice invul frames, at least, but if you whiff, you’re horribly open.


IAD = Instant Air Dash

cl. = Close (i.e, doing a Light or Heavy normal right next to the opponent)

far. = Far (i.e, doing a Light or Heavy farther away from the opponent)

xx = Means you cancel into the next move immediately (i.e, 2S xx 5D)

~ = Means you press the next command immediately after (i.e, cl.H~2D)

jc. = Jump Cancel

dj. = Double Jump

walk() = This means you walk in the direction in the ()'s create the distance needed for the next move. So walk(4) means walk back, walk(6) means to walk forward.

dash = This means to dash to close distance.

Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~5S,5S,5S, far.H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (471 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~2S, 66H, 5D (486 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, far.H, 2S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S,5S,5S xx 5D (516 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H, 66H, cl.H~2S, 66H, 5S,5S,5S, 2D (493 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, far.H, 2S, 5D (501 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 5D (513 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, far.H, cl.H~2S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (452 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~5S,5S,5S, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, far.H, 2D (454 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,L~4S, walk(6), far.H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 5D (464 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~5S,5S,5S, 2S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S,5S,5S, 2D (469 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~4S, far.H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, 2S, 5D (476 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,L~5S,5S,5S, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, dash, far.H, 2S, 2D (481 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, 2S, 5S,5S,5S, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H, 2D, 463 damage)

2: L,L,H, 2S, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 5S,5S,5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, 5D (476 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, dash, 5S,5S,5S, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~2S, 66H, 5D (450 damage)

2: L,L,H, 2S, 5S,5S,5S, far.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H, 5D (477 damage)


SNK Heroines - Mui Mui combos by Mikadok


External Links

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy

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Athena AsamiyaJeanneKula DiamondLeona HeidernLove HeartLuongMai ShiranuiMianMissXMui MuiNakoruruShermieSkullo ManiaSylvie Paula PaulaTerry BogardThief ArthurYuri SakazakiZarina