-Happy New Year 2025!

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy/Terry Bogard

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Gameplay Overview

Notable Normals: Far H, Dash Attack - Terry’s far H, as is the standard for her in other appearances, is a solid normal for anti air and poking purposes. Good to check people at a distance.

Normal Moves

File:SNKH Terry cL.png
File:SNKH Terry cLL.png
File:SNKH Terry cLLL.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
5L 30 - - - - - - - 0


5LL - - - - - - - - -


5LLL - - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Terry cH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
70 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Terry fL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
30 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Terry fH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
70 - - - - - - - 0


File:SNKH Terry jL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
30 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Terry jH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
50 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Terry 66H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
80 - - - - - - - -
  • Her Dash Attack, while not as fast as others, isn’t terribly slow, either (faster than Luong’s, but still slower than some others), and reaches out pretty far. This is good for potentially catching a few errant moves, or following up for juggle stuffs.

Universal Mechanics

Forward Throw
Forward Throw
File:SNKH Terry FT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable - - -


Back Throw
Back Throw
File:SNKH Terry BT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable - - -


Air Throw
Air Throw
File:SNKH Terry AT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable SKD - -


File:SNKH Terry SP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
- - - - - - - - -

Requires SP Item.

Special Moves

Power Wave
File:SNKH Terry 5S.png
File:SNKH Terry 5SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 40 - - - - - - -
  • One of the original ground projectiles, this functions exactly as anyone familiar with Terry would expect it to, traveling along the ground for a single hit.
  • As stated in earlier characters’ rundowns, because of the way the projectile works, you can hop over it while doing moves that make you count as being airborne, like Athena’s Far H.\
  • Still, good for a little space control on occasion, so long as you aren’t reckless.
EX 102 - - - - - - - 0
  • The EX Power Wave has slower startup, and is three hits as a tradeoff.
  • Pretty good for locking people down when you can get some offense going.
Rising Tackle
File:SNKH Terry 2S.png
File:SNKH Terry 2SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 120 - - - SKD - - - 1
  • Terry rises while doing an inverted spinning lariat, giving physics the middle finger in the process.
  • This can hit for a max of 5 hits, but is very punishable if it’s blocked or if it whiffs.
  • Notable that it does exactly what an anti-air should, though, giving you invul on startup.
EX 170 - - - SKD - - - -
  • The EX Rising Tackle is a faster, harder hitting, and a slightly higher rising version of the normal Rising Tackle, with the same startup invulnerability to it.
Burning Knuckle
File:SNKH Terry 6S.png
File:SNKH Terry 6SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 100 - - - SKD - SKD - 1
  • Terry rushes forward, fist first, to punch her opponent in the face.
  • This is the equivalent of Terry’s Light Punch Burning Knuckle in standard KOF games.
  • Not much range forward, but recovery’s okay if it’s ranged properly.
EX 120 - - - HKD - HKD - -
  • The EX Burning Knuckle sends the opponent into the wall where they crumple if this hits.
  • The startup is faster, but the recovery on this version is terrible if it’s blocked, so be cautious.
Crack Shoot
File:SNKH Terry 4S.png
File:SNKH Terry 4SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 3 hits = 110 - - - - - SKD - 1
  • The usual vaulting axe kick that Terry’s always had.
  • As usual, it can take you over low angled moves.
  • By standard, the Crack Shoot CAN hit for three hits, if you can catch it high enough during a juggle or if someone’s airborne, but normally, it will likely hit twice.
  • Regardless, though, if the last hit connects, the opponent gets groundbounced, so you can follow up with more.
EX 800 - - - SKD - SKD - 0
  • The EX Crack Shoot has faster startup and a smaller jump arc while keeping the ability to groundbounce people.
  • It does less damage as an additional tradeoff.

Dream Finish

Power Geyser
File:SNKH Terry 5D1.png
File:SNKH Terry 5D2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
350 - - - HKD - - - 4
  • Terry charges up before punching the ground, making a Geyser of energy (and random Neo Geo arcade machines!) that knocks the enemy up into the air.
  • Unlike the SP item Geyser, this does NOT OTG.
  • Still good for anti-air stuff, though.
Buster Wolf
File:SNKH Terry 2D1.png
File:SNKH Terry 2D2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
350 - - - HKD - - - 4
  • Terry’s Buster Wolf is the usual classic, with Terry doing a Burning Knuckle with the OTHER arm before blowing you away with a burst of energy forward.
  • This has a solid measure of invul to it, but is very punishable if blocked or if it whiffs, so don’t be reckless.


IAD = Instant Air Dash

cl. = Close (i.e, doing a Light or Heavy normal right next to the opponent)

far. = Far (i.e, doing a Light or Heavy farther away from the opponent)

xx = Means you cancel into the next move immediately (i.e, 2S xx 5D)

~ = Means you press the next command immediately after (i.e, cl.H~2D)

jc. = Jump Cancel

dj. = Double Jump

walk() = This means you walk in the direction in the ()'s create the distance needed for the next move. So walk(4) means walk back, walk(6) means to walk forward.

dash = This means to dash to close distance.

Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (455 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~5S, 66H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2D (488 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~4S. cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (510 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, 5S, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 2S xx 5D (484 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, 4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, 6S xx 2D (488 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, far.H~4S. cl.H, jc, IAD.L. 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, 6S, xx 2D (518 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (455 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (468 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,L~4S, 5S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (462 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, far.H~4S, 5S, 6S xx 2D (496 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, cl.H~4S, 2D (457 damage)

2: L,L,H, dash, far.H~4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (488 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, 66H, dash, far.H~5S, 4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 6S xx 2D (497 damage)

2: L,L,H, 66H, dash, far.H~4S, cl.H, jc, IAD.L, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, 5S, 6S xx 2D (510 damage)


SNK Heroines - Terry combos by Mikadok


External Links

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy

ControlsCustomizationItemsPatch NotesSystem


Athena AsamiyaJeanneKula DiamondLeona HeidernLove HeartLuongMai ShiranuiMianMissXMui MuiNakoruruShermieSkullo ManiaSylvie Paula PaulaTerry BogardThief ArthurYuri SakazakiZarina