-Happy New Year 2025!

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy/Nakoruru

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Gameplay Overview

Notable normals: j.L, j.H - These normals are notable for Nakoruru because unlike almost everyone else in the cast, Nakoruru’s jumping L is the move that will groundbounce an airborne opponent, while her jumping H is what you’d use to keep a juggled opponent up a bit longer. Don’t get mixed up when you bring her in!

Normal Moves

File:SNKH Nakoruru cL.png
File:SNKH Nakoruru cLL.png
File:SNKH Nakoruru cLLL.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
5L 30 - - - - - - - 0


5LL - - - - - - - - -


5LLL - - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Nakoruru cH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
70 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Nakoruru fL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
30 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Nakoruru fH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
70 - - - - - - - 0


File:SNKH Nakoruru jL.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
30 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Nakoruru jH.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
50 - - - - - - - -


File:SNKH Nakoruru 66H.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
80 - - - - - - - -

Wall-bounce on hit.

Universal Mechanics

Forward Throw
Forward Throw
File:SNKH Nakoruru FT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable - - -


Back Throw
Back Throw
File:SNKH Nakoruru BT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable - - -


Air Throw
Air Throw
File:SNKH Nakoruru AT.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
100 - - - - Unblockable SKD - -


File:SNKH Nakoruru SP.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
- - - - - - - - -

Requires SP Item.

Special Moves

Amube Yatoro
File:SNKH Nakoruru 5S.png
File:SNKH Nakoruru 5SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 40 - - - - - - -
  • Nakoruru sends out a bird projectile that goes straight ahead.
  • A decently sized projectile with good speed.
EX 40 - - - - - - - 0
  • This version’s faster than the norm, both in movement, and in how quickly it comes out.
  • This one’s also got some extra oomph to it, as it’ll eat weaker projectiles and keep right on going, despite it being one hit like the normal bird.
Rera Mutsube
File:SNKH Nakoruru 2S.png
File:SNKH Nakoruru 2SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 90 - - - SKD - - - 1
  • Nakoruru goes up with a rising strike that is oddly accompanied with a massive bird graphic.
  • Not much to say here.
  • It pretty much serves as an anti-air special move.
  • The usual applies in that you don’t want to whiff this or have it blocked, because you’ll be left open, and as such, you can’t do much with it outside of use it to follow up on a couple juggles.
EX 140 - - - SKD - - - -
  • The EX version of this move is much better.
  • 3 hits, and it recovers quickly enough that you can actually follow up on it in most given situations you can hit it in.
  • This actually has some brief startup invincibility to it.
Annu Mutsube
File:SNKH Nakoruru 6S.png
File:SNKH Nakoruru 6SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 80 - - - SKD - SKD - 1
  • Nakoruru slides along the ground toward her opponent blade first.
  • Contrary to what the move looks like, you can actually connect with it multiple times in a combo, and provided you’re not just doing it recklessly (meaning you’re using proper spacing, or at LEAST covering yourself with an item), it actually has pretty good recovery.
EX 120 - - - HKD - HKD - -
  • This one’s 3 hits, as opposed to the normal version’s one.
  • Due to how Nako keeps forward momentum, though, if you’re close enough to hit it at all, you’ll only have so many way you can follow up on it if it hits, compared to the normal version.
Kamui Rimuse
File:SNKH Nakoruru 4S.png
File:SNKH Nakoruru 4SEX.png
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
Normal 80 - - - - - SKD - 1
  • This move’s a weird one.
  • Despite the way it visually looks when Nako spins to strike you with the cloth, the area it affects is smaller than it looks.
  • You have to be fairly close for it to hit, and you won’t recover all that quickly, either.
  • It CAN reflect projectiles, though, and if it hits the opponent, it sends them into the wall, into a crumple stun.
  • Probably the move that’ll get the least use, but it’s there.
EX 100 - - - SKD - SKD - 0
  • The EX variant of this comes out a bit faster, and recovers a bit faster, but doesn’t seem to have any added properties beyond those and heightened damage.

Dream Finish

Irusuka Yatoro Rimuse
File:SNKH Nakoruru 5D1.png
File:SNKH Nakoruru 5D2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
300 - - - HKD - - - 4
  • Nakoruru sends the bird down toward her enemy diagonally.
  • This will eat most other projectiles, and it’s decently fast to boot.
Inapu - Ikashima - Wanpe - Chuie
File:SNKH Nakoruru 2D1.png
File:SNKH Nakoruru 2D2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Hit Tag Cancel Block Tag Cancel Spirit Gauge Cost
350 - - - HKD - - - 4
  • Nako assaults the enemy with a flurry of sword strikes.
  • There’s some startup invul to this one.
  • If the first strike connects, the entire move goes in, making this very much like your typical ranbu super.


IAD = Instant Air Dash cl. = Close (i.e, doing a Light or Heavy normal right next to the opponent)

far. = Far (i.e, doing a Light or Heavy farther away from the opponent)

xx = Means you cancel into the next move immediately (i.e, 2S xx 5D)

~ = Means you press the next command immediately after (i.e, cl.H~2D)

jc. = Jump Cancel

dj. = Double Jump

walk() = This means you walk in the direction in the ()'s create the distance needed for the next move. So walk(4) means walk back, walk(6) means to walk forward.

dash = This means to dash to close distance.

Mid-screen, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, walk(6), far.H~5S, 66H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, cl.H, 2D (488 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 6S, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 2D (493 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx 2D (496 damage)

Mid-screen, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, 6S, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 2S xx 5D (511 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, 66H, far.H~5S, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx 2D (515 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,H, walk(6), far.H~5S, 6S, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx 2D (524 damage)

Opponent in corner, 1000 health

1: j.H, L,cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S xx 2D (469 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,H, walk(4), cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S xx 2D (482 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,L~6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S xx 2D (501 damage)

Opponent in corner, 500 health

1: j.H, L,L,H, walk(4), cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S, 5S, 2S xx 5D (508 damage)

2: j.H, L,L,L~4S, far.H~5S, 6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, 6S xx 2D (526 damage)

3: j.H, L,L,L~6S, cl.H, jc.H, 66H, IAD.L, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S, 5S, 2S xx 5D (527 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 1000 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S, cl.H, 2D (447 damage)

2: L,L,H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc.L, 66H, 2D (456 damage)

Corner-to-Corner, 500 health

1: L,L,H, IAD.L, 66H, dash, IAD.H, 66H, walk(4), far.H~6S, cl.H, 6S xx 2D (463 damage)

2: L,L,H, IAD.H, 66H, IAD, far.H~6S, cl.H, jc.L, 5S, 6S xx 2D (464 damage)


SNK Heroines - Nakoruru combos by Mikadok


External Links

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy

ControlsCustomizationItemsPatch NotesSystem


Athena AsamiyaJeanneKula DiamondLeona HeidernLove HeartLuongMai ShiranuiMianMissXMui MuiNakoruruShermieSkullo ManiaSylvie Paula PaulaTerry BogardThief ArthurYuri SakazakiZarina